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Created October 2, 2018 16:56
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Demonstrate incompatibility of Haskell packages cryptonite and blake2
# The Haskell packages cryptonite and blake2 both include a version
# of the C sources of the blake2 reference implementation. Linking
# both packages into the same Haskell binary can result in a broken
# binary that produces unsound results.
TDIR=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp/}$(basename $0).XXXXXXXXXXXX")
trap "{ rm -rf "$TDIR"; }" EXIT
cat > "$HSFILE" << EOF
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Crypto.Hash.BLAKE2.BLAKE2b
main = print $ hash 64 mempty "abc"
# compile Main.hs
ghc "$HSFILE" -o "$MAIN"
rm -f "$MAIN"
# from here on only linking happens
function get-id { ghc-pkg field $1 id | cut -d ' ' -f 2 ; }
ghc "$HSFILE" -o "$MAIN"
echo ghc ./Tmp.hs -o "$MAIN"
rm -f "$MAIN"
ghc -package-id `get-id blake2` "$HSFILE" -o "$MAIN"
echo ghc -package-id `get-id blake2` "$HSFILE" -o "$MAIN"
rm -f "$MAIN"
ghc -package-id `get-id cryptonite` "$HSFILE" -o "$MAIN"
echo ghc -package-id `get-id cryptonite` "$HSFILE" -o "$MAIN"
rm -f "$MAIN"
ghc -package-id `get-id blake2` -package-id `get-id cryptonite` "$HSFILE" -o "$MAIN"
echo ghc -package-id `get-id blake2` -package-id `get-id cryptonite` "$HSFILE" -o "$MAIN"
rm -f "$MAIN"
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