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Created April 9, 2021 12:12
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pub fn main() {
// Read puzzle input
// For each line (each 10 character sequence, and a newline)
// Process the 10 character sequence, ignore the newline
.map(|b| b[..10]
// Transform 10 character sequence in binary representation matching the value the
// sequence represents.
// You can transform the character sequence directly into binary with these rules:
// B, R = 1
// F, L = 0
// For example:
// FBFBBFFRLR = 0101100101 = 357 = 44 * 8 + 5
// The B/R/F/L characters are represented as binary value in value, see ASCII,
// that's what I'm using here. I'm just processing each as 8-bit number.
// B/R and F/L have a common bit at the 3rd position (from the right). For B/R
// the 3rd bit is 0, for F/L the the third bit is 1.
// I invert the binary representation (using `!b`, where `b` is the current
// character) so B/R gets a 1-bit as 3rd character, F/L gets a 0-bit.
// I extract this bit and shift it to the first position to convert B/R to 1, and
// F/L to 0, which is what `(!b & 4) >> 2` is for.
// With `fold` I loop through the chararacters in the sequence one by one, and
// collect the result in `id`, after which it is returned. The `(id << 1)`
// expression shifts the value one position to the left to make space at the first
// position for the next character.
// We end up with a 10-bit number, representing our final value.
.fold(0, |id, b| (id << 1) | (!b & 4) as usize >> 2))
// The puzzle asks for the highest seat ID, so we take just the highest number here.
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