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Created May 19, 2024 15:40
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Generates json file
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <random>
using namespace std;
int generate_a_random_number(mt19937 rng, int init_num, int last_num)
uniform_int_distribution<int> d(init_num,last_num);
return d(rng);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
string probel = " ";
string tire = "-";
string dvoet = ": ";
string tab = " ";
string modelA[] = { "Horizon", "Mega", "Rushing", "Stylish", "PRO-MX", "Hyper", "Fast", "Furious", "Cool", "Fantastic", "Never-Ending", "Inevitable", "Instant", "Durable", "Mysterious", "Special", "Secret", "Amazing", "Absolute", "OMEGA" };
string modelB[] = { "Rush", "Dawn", "Race", "Turbo", "Speed", "Bike", "Thug", "Dragon", "Tiger", "Wind", "Evil", "Mutant", "Bro", "Bicycle", "Rage", "Delivery", "Duck", "Goose", "Transport", "Power" };
string modelC[] = { "RX", "TR", "BB", "R", "GRA", "SDI", "DR", "B", "RED", "LO", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "S", "SR", "SSR", "UR" };
int number_of_items = 64;
string filename = "database";
string directory = argv[0];
if (argc > 2)
filename = (string)argv[1];
number_of_items = (uintptr_t)argv[2];
filename = directory + filename + ".json";
ofstream output(filename, ios::trunc);
seed_seq seq{time(0)};
vector<std::uint32_t> seeds(number_of_items*20);
seq.generate(seeds.begin(), seeds.end());
output << "{\n" + tab;
output << "\"items\": [\n";
for(int i = 0; i < number_of_items; i++)
output << tab + tab + "{\n";
output << tab + tab + tab;
output << "\"id\": ";
output << to_string(i) << ",\n";
int a = seeds[i] % 20;
int b = seeds[i+1] % 20;
int c = seeds[i+2] % 20;
output << tab + tab + tab;
output << "\"model\": \"";
int d = seeds[i+3] % 99;
output << modelA[a] + probel + modelB[b] + probel + modelC[c] + to_string(d);
output << "\",\n";
int typ = seeds[i+4] % 5;
output << tab + tab + tab;
output << "\"ttype\": ";
output << to_string(typ) << ",\n";
int wheeln = seeds[i+5] % 4 + 1;
output << tab + tab + tab;
output << "\"number_of_wheels\": ";
output << to_string(wheeln) << ",\n";
int wheels = seeds[i+6] % 20 + 1;
output << tab + tab + tab;
output << "\"wheel_size\": ";
output << to_string(wheels) << ",\n";
int seatn = 1;
if (typ == 3)
seatn = seeds[i+7] % 5 + 1;
} else if (typ == 4)
seatn = 0;
output << tab + tab + tab;
output << "\"number_of_seats\": ";
output << to_string(seatn) << ",\n";
int price = (seeds[i+8] % 20 + 1) * 50;
output << tab + tab + tab;
output << "\"price_to_rent\": ";
output << to_string(price) << ",\n";
int is_rent = seeds[i+9] % 2;
string is_rented = is_rent == 0 ? "false" : "true";
output << tab + tab + tab;
output << "\"is_rented\": ";
output << is_rented << "\n";
output << tab + tab << "}";
if (i != number_of_items-1) {
output << ",";
output << "\n";
output << tab << "]\n}";
return 0;
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