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Created December 28, 2018 19:41
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Read vertex positions with Model I/O
// known-good: Swift 4.2, macOS
import Foundation
import ModelIO
private func LogDebug(_ s:Any) -> Void { print(s) }
private func LogInfo(_ s:Any) -> Void { print(s) }
private func LogError(_ s:Any) -> Void { print(s) }
struct POINT3D {
var x:Float
var y:Float
var z:Float
Reads a 3D model and returns an array of its vertex position coordinates
If the model loads into Model I/O with a transform associated with the mesh,
this function will return not the vertex positions as loaded, but as loaded
and transformed.
Does not preserve the vertex order used in the file.
Returns nil if the model does not load into the required format
- precondition: Requires that the model file be in a format that loads into ModelIO with
- one `MDLMesh`
- where that mesh contains one vertex buffer of vertex info items
- where every item starts with three Float32 values for the vertex position coordinates
private func loadPointCloud(modelFile:URL) -> [POINT3D]?
let asset = MDLAsset(url: modelFile)
let meshes = asset.childObjects(of: MDLMesh.self) as? [MDLMesh],
meshes.count == 1,
let firstMesh = meshes.first
else {
LogError("Could not load the 3D model file \(modelFile.lastPathComponent) because, when loaded into Model I/O, it does not contain exactly one top-level mesh. An MDLMesh object represents one or more 'vertex buffers,' buffers of per-vertex data such as position coordinates, normal vectors, texture coordinates, etc.." )
return nil
var additionalMeshCount:Int = 0
var shouldStop:ObjCBool = false
firstMesh.enumerateChildObjects(of: MDLMesh.self,
root: firstMesh,
using: { (obj:MDLObject, _:UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) in
additionalMeshCount = additionalMeshCount + 1
LogDebug("Found additional descendent mesh: \(obj)")
stopPointer: &shouldStop)
guard additionalMeshCount == 0 else {
LogError("Could not load this 3D model. Instead of containing one top-level mesh, it contains a mesh and a child mesh")
return nil
// ensure there's one vertex buffer
let buffers = firstMesh.vertexBuffers
guard buffers.count == 1,
let firstBuffer = buffers.first
else {
LogError("Could not load the 3D model file \(modelFile.lastPathComponent) because this model loads as a single MDLMesh which does not contain exactly one vertex buffer. That may be because this 3D model file loaded into memory as structure of distinct vertex buffer arrays, where each vertex buffer contains its own kind of data -- e.g., one containing positions, the other containing normals, etc.. This tool is not setup to process that configuration. You might want to try specifying the desired in-memory representation or modifying to the desired in-memory representation by specifying an MDLVertexDescriptor at load time or mutating it on the mesh object at runtime.")
return nil
// ensure it describes vertex position coordinates as expected
let attsUnfiltered = firstMesh.vertexDescriptor.attributes as? [MDLVertexAttribute],
// w/o this filtering, there's a surplus of invalid attributes. I don't know why.
let atts = Optional.some(attsUnfiltered)?.filter({$0.format != MDLVertexFormat.invalid}),
atts.count > 0,
atts[0].bufferIndex == 0,
atts[0].name == MDLVertexAttributePosition,
atts[0].offset == 0,
atts[0].format == MDLVertexFormat.float3,
let layoutsUnfiltered = firstMesh.vertexDescriptor.layouts as? [MDLVertexBufferLayout],
// w/o this filtering, there's sometimes a surplus of empty layouts. I don't know why.
let layouts = Optional.some(layoutsUnfiltered)?.filter({$0.stride != 0}),
layouts.count == 1,
let stride = layouts.first?.stride
else {
LogError("Could not load the 3D Model file \(modelFile.lastPathComponent) because it does not load into Model I/O in a format where in its single vertexBuffer each buffer item is a structure whose the first component is an array of three Float32 values representing position coordinates.")
return nil
// CPU-accessible reference to the memory in the the vertexBuffer
let buffermap:MDLMeshBufferMap =
let rawBasePtr:UnsafeMutableRawPointer = buffermap.bytes
// temporary function for returning a 3D point given its index in the vertex buffer
func getPosition(_ i:Int) -> POINT3D {
return rawBasePtr.load(fromByteOffset: stride * i, as: POINT3D.self)
We stride manually, instead of using an UnsafeBufferPointer, so we can
determine the stride at runtime.
var positions = (0..<firstMesh.vertexCount).map(getPosition)
// if the mesh has a transform, transform every position
// (essentially a matrix mult of m * (3xn matrix with n column vectors)
if let matrix = firstMesh.transform?.matrix
LogInfo("Found a transform matrix associated with this mesh: \(matrix). Applying it.")
// transform all the vertex positions
for i in 0..<positions.count {
let old = positions[i]
let oldfloat4 = float4.init(old.x, old.y, old.z, 1)
let newfloat4 = matrix * oldfloat4
let newP = POINT3D.init(x: newfloat4.x / newfloat4.w,
y: newfloat4.y / newfloat4.w,
z: newfloat4.z / newfloat4.w)
positions[i] = newP
return positions
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