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Last active May 10, 2023 13:10
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Using BugSnag As A Server-Side Logging Service In ColdFusion
output = false
hint = "I report server-side errors to the BugSnag API."
* I initialize the BugSnag API client.
public void function init( required string apiKey ) {
variables.apiKey = arguments.apiKey;
variables.payloadVersion = 5;
variables.notifier = {
name: "BugSnag ColdFusion (Custom)",
version: "0.0.1",
url: ""
// ---
// ---
* I notify the BugSnag API about the given events.
public void function notify(
required array events,
numeric timeoutInSeconds = 5
) {
result = "local.apiResponse",
method = "post",
url = "",
getAsBinary = "yes",
timeout = timeoutInSeconds
) {
type = "header",
name = "Bugsnag-Api-Key",
value = apiKey
type = "header",
name = "Bugsnag-Payload-Version",
value = payloadVersion
type = "header",
name = "Bugsnag-Sent-At",
value = dateTimeFormat( now(), "iso" )
type = "header",
name = "Content-Type",
value = "application/json"
type = "body",
value = serializeJson({
apiKey: apiKey,
payloadVersion: payloadVersion,
notifier: notifier,
events: events
if ( isFailureResponse( apiResponse ) ) {
// Even though we are asking the request to return a Binary value, the type
// is only guaranteed if the request comes back properly. If something goes
// terribly wrong (such as a "Connection Failure"), the fileContent will still
// be returned as a simple string.
var fileContent = isBinary( apiResponse.fileContent )
? charsetEncode( apiResponse.fileContent, "utf-8" )
: apiResponse.fileContent
type = "BugSnagApiClient.ApiFailure",
message = "BugSnag notify API failure.",
detail = "Returned with status code: #apiResponse.statusCode#",
extendedInfo = fileContent
// ---
// ---
* I determine if the given API response has a failure / non-2xx status code.
private boolean function isFailureResponse( required struct apiResponse ) {
return( ! apiResponse.statusCode.reFind( "2\d\d" ) );
accessors = true
output = false
hint = "I provide logging methods for errors and arbitrary data."
// Define properties for dependency-injection.
property bugSnagApiClient;
property config;
property requestMetadata;
// ---
// ---
* I report the given item using a CRITICAL log-level.
public void function critical(
required string message,
any data = {}
) {
logData( "Critical", message, data );
* I report the given item using a DEBUG log-level.
public void function debug(
required string message,
any data = {}
) {
logData( "Debug", message, data );
* I report the given item using an ERROR log-level.
public void function error(
required string message,
any data = {}
) {
logData( "Error", message, data );
* I report the given item using an INFO log-level.
public void function info(
required string message,
any data = {}
) {
logData( "Info", message, data );
* I log the given data as a pseudo-exception (ie, we're shoehorning general log data
* into a bug log tracking system).
public void function logData(
required string level,
required string message,
required any data = {}
) {
// NOTE: Normally, the errorClass represents an "error type". However, in this
// case, since we don't have an error to log, we're going to use the message as
// the grouping value. This makes sense since these are developer-provided
// messages and will likely be unique in nature.
exceptions: [
errorClass: message,
message: "#level# log entry",
stacktrace: buildStacktraceForNonError(),
type: "coldfusion"
request: buildRequest(),
context: buildContext(),
severity: buildSeverity( level ),
app: buildApp(),
metaData: buildMetaData( data )
* I report the given EXCEPTION object using an ERROR log-level.
public void function logException(
required any error,
string message = "",
any data = {}
) {
// Adobe ColdFusion doesn't treat the error like a Struct (when validating call
// signatures). Let's make a shallow copy of the error so that we can use proper
// typing in subsequent method calls.
error = structCopy( error );
switch ( error.type ) {
// The following errors are high-volume and don't represent much value. Let's
// ignore these for now (since they aren't something that I can act upon).
case "BenNadel.Partial.Go.NotFound":
case "BenNadel.Partial.BlogPost.NotFound":
case "Nope":
// Swallow error for now.
exceptions: [
errorClass: error.type,
message: buildExceptionMessage( message, error ),
stacktrace: buildStacktrace( error ),
type: "coldfusion"
request: buildRequest(),
context: buildContext(),
severity: buildSeverity( "error" ),
app: buildApp(),
metaData: buildMetaData( data, error )
* I report the given item using a WARNING log-level.
public void function warning(
required string message,
any data = {}
) {
logData( "Warning", message, data );
// ---
// ---
* I build the event app data.
private struct function buildApp() {
releaseStage: config.bugsnag.server.releaseStage
* I build the event context data.
private string function buildContext() {
return( requestMetadata.getEvent().toList( "." ) );
* I build the log message for the given exception.
private string function buildExceptionMessage(
required string message,
required struct error
) {
if ( message.len() ) {
return( message );
} else {
return( error.message );
* I build the event meta-data.
private struct function buildMetaData(
any data = {},
struct error = {}
) {
urlScope: url,
formScope: form,
data: data,
error: error
* I build the event request data.
private struct function buildRequest() {
clientIp: requestMetadata.getIpAddress(),
headers: requestMetadata.getHeaders(
exclude = [ "cookie" ]
httpMethod: requestMetadata.getMethod(),
url: requestMetadata.getUrl(),
referer: requestMetadata.getReferer()
* I build the event severity data.
* NOTE: On the BugSnag side, the "level" information is a limited enum. As such, we
* have to shoe-horn some of our internal level-usage into their finite set.
private string function buildSeverity( required string level ) {
switch ( level ) {
case "fatal":
case "critical":
case "error":
return( "error" );
case "warning":
return( "warning" );
return( "info" );
* I build the stacktrace for the given error.
private array function buildStacktrace( required struct error ) {
var tagContext = ( error.tagContext ?: [] );
var stacktrace = tagContext
( item ) => {
return( item.template.reFindNoCase( "\.(cfm|cfc)$" ) );
( item ) => {
file: item.template,
lineNumber: item.line
return( stacktrace );
* I build the stacktrace to be used for non-exception logging.
private array function buildStacktraceForNonError() {
var stacktrace = callstackGet()
( item ) => {
return( ! item.template.findNoCase( "LoggerForBugSnag" ) );
( item ) => {
file: item.template,
lineNumber: item.lineNumber
return( stacktrace );
* I notify the BugSnag API about the given event using an async thread. Any errors
* caught within the thread will be written to the error log.
private void function sendToBugSnag( required struct notifyEvent ) {
if ( ! config.isLive ) {
sendToConsole( notifyEvent );
name = "loggerForBugSnag.sendToBugSnag.#createUuid()#"
notifyEvent = notifyEvent
try {
bugSnagApiClient.notify([ notifyEvent ]);
} catch ( any error ) {
type = "error",
log = "Application",
text = "[#error.type#]: #error.message#"
if ( ! config.isLive ) {
sendToConsole( error );
* I write the given data to the standard output.
private void function sendToConsole( required any data ) {
cfdump( var = data, output = "console" );
output = false
hint = "I provide utility methods for accessing metadata about the current request."
* I return the request event parts.
public array function getEvent() {
return( request.event ?: [] );
* I get the HTTP headers.
public struct function getHeaders( array exclude = [] ) {
var headers = getHttpRequestData( false )
for ( var key in exclude ) {
headers.delete( key );
return( headers );
* I get the HTTP host.
public string function getHost() {
return( cgi.server_name );
* I return the most trusted IP address reported for the current request.
public string function getIpAddress() {
var headers = getHeaders();
// Try to get the IP address being injected by Cloudflare. This is the most
// "trusted" value since it's not being provided by the user.
if ( isHeaderPopulated( headers, "CF-Connecting-IP" ) ) {
var ipValue = headers[ "CF-Connecting-IP" ].trim().lcase();
// Fallback to any proxy IP. This is a user-provided value and should be used
// with caution.
} else if ( isHeaderPopulated( headers, "X-Forwarded-For" ) ) {
var ipValue = headers[ "X-Forwarded-For" ].listFirst().trim().lcase();
// If not, defer to the standard CGI variable.
} else {
var ipValue = cgi.remote_addr.trim().lcase();
// Check to make sure the IP address only has valid characters. Since this is
// user-provided data (for all intents and purposes), we should validate it.
if ( ipValue.reFind( "[^0-9a-f.:]" ) ) {
type = "InvalidIpAddressFormat",
message = "The reported IP address is invalid.",
detail = "IP address: #ipValue#"
return( ipValue );
* I get the HTTP method.
public string function getMethod() {
return( cgi.request_method.ucase() );
* I return the HTTP protocol.
public string function getProtocol() {
return( ( cgi.https == "on" ) ? "https" : "http" );
* I return the HTTP referer.
public string function getReferer() {
return( cgi.http_referer );
* I return the HTTP scheme.
public string function getScheme() {
return( getProtocol() & "://" );
* I get the executed script.
public string function getScriptName() {
if ( cgi.path_info.len() ) {
return( cgi.path_info );
} else {
return( cgi.script_name );
* I return the HTTP URL.
public string function getUrl() {
var resource = ( getScheme() & getHost() & getScriptName() );
if ( cgi.query_string.len() ) {
return( resource & "?" & cgi.query_string )
return( resource );
* I return the client's user-agent.
public string function getUserAgent() {
return( cgi.http_user_agent );
// ---
// ---
* I determine if the given header value is populated with a non-empty, simple value.
private boolean function isHeaderPopulated(
required struct headers,
required string key
) {
headers.keyExists( key ) &&
isSimpleValue( headers[ key ] ) &&
headers[ key ].trim().len()
// Override the context event data.
request.event = [ "scribble", "bugsnag", "test" ];
// Override the URL scope to make it more interesting.
url.too = "legit"; = "quit";
// Override the FORM scope to make it more interesting. = "bar";
"Demo logging for blog post",
hello: "world"
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