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Last active May 3, 2024 08:17
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Some notes on decrypting GrowthBook feature flags

Decrypting GrowthBook feature flags

Gotta love somewhat pointless features like “encrypt the feature flags response so people can’t see it”:

In something that needs to be able to access it from a frontend web app by definition:

  • In Chrome DevTools, Network tab, look for a request like this:
  • In Chrome DevTools search panel, search across the sites loaded code for the SDK slug (eg. sdk-xABCD1234EFG)
  • Find code like this:
    • let el = {
        apiHost: "",
        clientKey: "sdk-xABCD1234EFG",
        decryptionKey: "/a1bcdEFghIjKlMnopqrSt==",
        enableDevMode: !(0,
        subscribeToChanges: !0,
        trackingCallback: (e,t)=>{
          ea.L9)("View Experiment", {
            experiment: e,
            result: t
    • a.useEffect)(()=>{
  • Then you could extract the decryptionKey and manually decrypt things outside of the running site; or just set some more debug breakpoints and let the site do it for you...
  • Searching the code for setEncryptedFeatures:
    • setFeatures(e) {
        this._ctx.features = e,
        this.ready = !0,
      async setEncryptedFeatures(e, t, r) {
        let i = await P(e, t || this._ctx.decryptionKey, r);
      setExperiments(e) {
        this._ctx.experiments = e,
        this.ready = !0,
      async setEncryptedExperiments(e, t, r) {
        let i = await P(e, t || this._ctx.decryptionKey, r);
      async decryptPayload(e, t, r) {
        return e.encryptedFeatures && (e.features = JSON.parse(await P(e.encryptedFeatures, t || this._ctx.decryptionKey, r)),
        delete e.encryptedFeatures),
        e.encryptedExperiments && (e.experiments = JSON.parse(await P(e.encryptedExperiments, t || this._ctx.decryptionKey, r)),
        delete e.encryptedExperiments),
  • If we set a breakpoint within setFeatures and setExperiments we would be able to see the content after it's decrypted.
  • At that point, we could also store a reference to this / this._ctx / similar to access the rest of the stored data/settings/etc, and read/manipulate it as we like.
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