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Created January 1, 2010 15:43
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Rubygem.find(:all, :limit => 110, :order => "downloads desc").map { |r| [, r.downloads] }
[["activesupport", 181125],
["activerecord", 166425],
["actionpack", 163345],
["rails", 162465],
["actionmailer", 159202],
["activeresource", 154231],
["rack", 130291],
["rake", 122795],
["mysql", 64275],
["json_pure", 59987],
["fxruby", 57358],
["fastthread", 55535],
["nokogiri", 50733],
["rubygems-update", 50014],
["haml", 47781],
["sqlite3-ruby", 43831],
["net-ssh", 42777],
["rubyforge", 38823],
["passenger", 37257],
["json", 36711],
["rspec", 36666],
["hoe", 35465],
["six-updater-web", 34283],
["six-updater", 33962],
["hpricot", 33522],
["ffi", 31305],
["builder", 29694],
["capistrano", 29009],
["daemons", 28920],
["mongrel", 27530],
["highline", 26582],
["gemcutter", 26351],
["net-sftp", 26206],
["gem_plugin", 25590],
["eventmachine", 25155],
["cucumber", 25051],
["rubyfca", 23560],
["rmagick", 23308],
["will_paginate", 22699],
["net-scp", 22664],
["treetop", 22583],
["cgi_multipart_eof_fix", 22417],
["RedCloth", 21061],
["mime-types", 20093],
["ZenTest", 19276],
["six-rsync", 19121],
["polyglot", 18707],
["extlib", 18417],
["authlogic", 18358],
["diff-lcs", 18338],
["addressable", 17213],
["fastercsv", 16545],
["sinatra", 16398],
["webrat", 16347],
["rspec-rails", 16256],
["net-ssh-gateway", 16142],
["erubis", 14616],
["term-ansicolor", 14381],
["thor", 14320],
["xml-simple", 14203],
["ruby-debug-base", 14095],
["linecache", 13942],
["rcov", 13397],
["abstract", 13216],
["columnize", 12658],
["ruby-openid", 12600],
["libxml-ruby", 12553],
["right_aws", 12144],
["memcache-client", 12117],
["rest-client", 11904],
["right_http_connection", 11896],
["six-launcher", 11879],
["RubyInline", 11821],
["thin", 11682],
["httparty", 11582],
["rvm", 11129],
["formtastic", 10659],
["sexp_processor", 10447],
["mocha", 10406],
["pg", 10352],
["fcgi", 10329],
["dm-core", 10310],
["god", 10124],
["bundler", 10082],
["chronic", 10037],
["ruby-debug", 9910],
["sequel", 9874],
["paperclip", 9817],
["oauth", 9815],
["ruby-debug-ide", 9779],
["ruby-hmac", 9751],
["ruby_parser", 9679],
["uuidtools", 9378],
["crack", 9278],
["twitter", 8901],
["launchy", 8771],
["win32-process", 8737],
["mechanize", 8598],
["heroku", 8591],
["searchlogic", 8445],
["ruby2ruby", 8417],
["camellia", 8138],
["win32-api", 8126],
["dm-validations", 7809],
["amqp", 7785],
["rack-test", 7759],
["ParseTree", 7750],
["configuration", 7681],
["git", 7666],
["test-unit", 7533]]
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