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Created February 4, 2009 08:20
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type 'a range_atom =
RChar of 'a
| RRange of 'a * 'a
and 'a range = 'a range_atom list
type 'a regex_atom =
Sub of 'a regex
| Or of 'a regex * 'a regex
| Char of 'a
| Opt of 'a regex_atom
| Star of 'a regex_atom
| Plus of 'a regex_atom
| Range of 'a range
| Any
| Start
| End
and 'a regex = 'a regex_atom list
type 'a nfa =
Node of 'a * 'a nfa
| RangeNode of 'a range * 'a nfa
| AnyNode of 'a nfa
| StartNode of 'a nfa
| EndNode of 'a nfa
| Split of 'a nfa * 'a nfa
| LoopSplit of 'a nfa * 'a nfa
| Finish
exception No_closing_paren of int
exception No_opening_paren of int
exception No_closing_range of int
exception No_preceding_expression of int
exception Unknown_character of int
exception Unknown_range_character of int
exception Bad_range of int
let rec nfa_append a b = match a with
| Finish -> b
| Node (v,t) -> Node (v, (nfa_append t b))
| RangeNode (v,t) -> RangeNode (v, (nfa_append t b))
| AnyNode t -> AnyNode (nfa_append t b)
| StartNode t -> StartNode (nfa_append t b)
| EndNode t -> EndNode (nfa_append t b)
| Split (t,u) -> Split (nfa_append t b, nfa_append u b)
| LoopSplit (t,u) -> LoopSplit (t, nfa_append u b)
let rec nfa_of_regex r =
match r with
| [] -> Finish
| Char c :: t -> Node (c, nfa_of_regex t)
| Or (a,b) :: t ->
let tnfa = nfa_of_regex t in
Split (nfa_append (nfa_of_regex a) tnfa, nfa_append (nfa_of_regex b) tnfa)
| Sub a :: t -> nfa_append (nfa_of_regex a) (nfa_of_regex t)
| Opt a :: t ->
let tnfa = nfa_of_regex t in
Split (nfa_append (nfa_of_regex [a]) tnfa, tnfa)
| Star a :: t -> LoopSplit (nfa_of_regex [a], nfa_of_regex t)
| Plus a :: t -> LoopSplit (nfa_of_regex [a], nfa_of_regex (a::t))
| Range a :: t -> RangeNode (a, nfa_of_regex t)
| Any :: t -> AnyNode (nfa_of_regex t)
| Start :: t -> StartNode (nfa_of_regex t)
| End :: t -> EndNode (nfa_of_regex t)
let range_match r c =
List.exists (function
| RChar a -> a = c
| RRange (a,b) -> a <= c && c <= b
) r
let nfa_match state c =
match state with
| Node (a,_) -> a = c
| RangeNode (r,_) -> range_match r c
| AnyNode _ | Finish -> true
| StartNode _ | EndNode _ -> false
| _ -> failwith "nfa_match: tried to match Split or LoopSplit, not supported"
let advance_state state =
match state with
| Node (_,t) | RangeNode (_,t) | AnyNode t | StartNode t | EndNode t -> t
| Finish -> Finish
| _ -> failwith "advance_state: can't advance Split or LoopSplit"
let uniq l =
let h = Hashtbl.create 16 in
List.filter (fun (j,i) ->
if Hashtbl.mem h i then false
else (Hashtbl.replace h i true; true)
) l
let rec expand_states states =
let s = List.fold_left (fun l (j,i) ->
match i with
| LoopSplit (a,b) ->
(expand_states [(j,nfa_append a i)] @ expand_states [(j,b)] @ l)
| Split (a,b) ->
(expand_states [(j,a)] @ expand_states [(j,b)] @ l)
| _ -> (j,i)::l
) [] states in
uniq s
(* FIXME Implement greedy patterns
"fo+" ~= "fooooo" should match the whole string, not just the beginning "fo"
let execute_nfa nfa getter =
let is_finish (_,i) = match i with Finish -> true | _ -> false in
let is_start (_,i) = match i with StartNode _ -> true | _ -> false in
let is_end (_,i) = match i with EndNode _ -> true | _ -> false in
let rec aux start states getter i =
let states = if i = 0
then (fun (i,s) -> i, advance_state s) (List.filter is_start (expand_states [i,start]))
else states in
let states = expand_states ((i, start)::states) in
if List.exists is_finish states
then Some (fst (List.find is_finish states), i)
match getter i with
| Some c ->
let states = List.filter (fun (_,s) -> nfa_match s c) states in
let states = (fun (i,s) -> i, advance_state s) states in
aux start states getter (i+1)
| None ->
let states = (fun (i,s) -> i, advance_state s) (List.filter is_end states) in
if List.exists is_finish states
then Some (fst (List.find is_finish states), i)
else None in
aux nfa [] getter 0
let rec parse_range res r i =
if i >= String.length r
then raise (No_closing_range i)
else match r.[i] with
| ']' -> (List.rev res, i)
| '-' ->
if r.[i+1] = ']'
then parse_range (RChar '-' :: res) r (i+1)
else (match res with
| [] | RRange _ :: _ -> parse_range (RChar '-' :: res) r (i+1)
| RChar h :: t ->
let i = if r.[i+1] == '\\' then i + 1 else i in
parse_range (RRange (h, r.[i+1]) :: t) r (i+2))
| '\\' -> parse_range (RChar r.[i+1] :: res) r (i+2)
| c -> parse_range (RChar c :: res) r (i+1)
let rec parse_regex_sub res r i =
if i >= String.length r
then raise (No_closing_paren i)
else match r.[i] with
| ')' -> (List.rev res, i)
| '(' ->
let sub, i = parse_regex_sub [] r (i+1) in
parse_regex_sub (Sub sub :: res) r (i+1)
| '[' ->
let sub, i = parse_range [] r (i+1) in
parse_regex_sub (Range sub :: res) r (i+1)
| '|' ->
let sub, i = parse_regex_sub [] r (i+1) in
([Or (List.rev res, sub)], i)
| '?' -> (match res with
| [] -> raise (No_preceding_expression i)
| h::t -> parse_regex_sub (Opt h :: t) r (i+1))
| '*' -> (match res with
| [] -> raise (No_preceding_expression i)
| h::t -> parse_regex_sub (Star h :: t) r (i+1))
| '+' -> (match res with
| [] -> raise (No_preceding_expression i)
| h::t -> parse_regex_sub (Plus h :: t) r (i+1))
| '.' -> parse_regex_sub (Any :: res) r (i+1)
| '^' -> parse_regex_sub (Start :: res) r (i+1)
| '$' -> parse_regex_sub (End :: res) r (i+1)
| '\\' -> parse_regex_sub (Char r.[i+1] :: res) r (i+2)
| c -> parse_regex_sub (Char c :: res) r (i+1)
let parse_regex r =
let sub, i = parse_regex_sub [] (r^")") 0 in
if i < String.length r
then raise (No_opening_paren (i-1))
else sub
let int_of_substring s i =
let rec aux s i =
if i >= String.length s then (String.length s - 1)
else match s.[i] with
| '-' | '0'..'9' | 'a'..'f' | 'A'..'F' | 'x' | 'o' -> aux s (i+1)
| _ -> (i-1) in
let e = aux s i in
let f = int_of_string (String.sub s i (e-i+1)) in
let e = if e <> String.length s - 1 && s.[e+1] = ';' then e+2 else e+1 in
let rec int_range res r i =
if i >= String.length r
then raise (No_closing_range i)
else match r.[i] with
| ']' -> (List.rev res, i)
| '.' ->
if r.[i+1] <> '.' then raise (Unknown_range_character (i+1));
(match res with
| [] | RRange _ :: _ -> raise (Bad_range i)
| RChar h :: t ->
let v, i = int_of_substring r (i+2) in
int_range (RRange (h, v) :: t) r i)
| '-' | '0'..'9' ->
let v, i = int_of_substring r i in
int_range (RChar v :: res) r i
| ';' | ' ' -> int_range res r (i+1)
| _ -> raise (Unknown_range_character i)
let rec int_regex_sub res r i =
if i >= String.length r
then raise (No_closing_paren i)
else match r.[i] with
| ')' -> (List.rev res, i)
| '(' ->
let sub, i = int_regex_sub [] r (i+1) in
int_regex_sub (Sub sub :: res) r (i+1)
| '[' ->
let sub, i = int_range [] r (i+1) in
int_regex_sub (Range sub :: res) r (i+1)
| '|' ->
let sub, i = int_regex_sub [] r (i+1) in
([Or (List.rev res, sub)], i)
| '?' -> (match res with
| [] -> raise (No_preceding_expression i)
| h::t -> int_regex_sub (Opt h :: t) r (i+1))
| '*' -> (match res with
| [] -> raise (No_preceding_expression i)
| h::t -> int_regex_sub (Star h :: t) r (i+1))
| '+' -> (match res with
| [] -> raise (No_preceding_expression i)
| h::t -> int_regex_sub (Plus h :: t) r (i+1))
| '_' -> int_regex_sub (Any :: res) r (i+1)
| '^' -> int_regex_sub (Start :: res) r (i+1)
| '$' -> int_regex_sub (End :: res) r (i+1)
| '0'..'9' | '-' ->
let v, i = int_of_substring r i in
int_regex_sub (Char v :: res) r i
| ';' | ' ' -> int_regex_sub res r (i+1)
| c -> raise (Unknown_character i)
let int_regex r =
let sub, i = int_regex_sub [] (r^")") 0 in
if i < String.length r
then raise (No_opening_paren (i-1))
else sub
let float_of_substring s i =
let exponent s i =
let rec aux s i =
if i >= String.length s then (String.length s - 1)
else match s.[i] with
| '0'..'9' -> aux s (i+1)
| _ -> i-1 in
aux s (match s.[i] with '-' | '+' -> i+1 | _ -> i) in
let rec decimal s i =
if i >= String.length s then (String.length s - 1)
else match s.[i] with
| '0'..'9' -> decimal s (i+1)
| 'e' | 'E' -> exponent s (i+1)
| _ -> i-1 in
let rec aux s i =
if i >= String.length s then (String.length s - 1)
else match s.[i] with
| '0'..'9' -> aux s (i+1)
| '.' -> if s.[i+1] = '.' then i-1 else decimal s (i+1)
| 'e' | 'E' -> exponent s (i+1)
| _ -> i-1 in
let aux' s i = aux s (match s.[i] with '-' | '+' -> i+1 | _ -> i) in
let e = aux' s i in
let f = float_of_string (String.sub s i (e-i+1)) in
let e = if e <> String.length s - 1 && s.[e+1] = ';' then e+2 else e+1 in
let rec float_range res r i =
if i >= String.length r
then raise (No_closing_range i)
else match r.[i] with
| ']' -> (List.rev res, i)
| '.' ->
if r.[i+1] <> '.' then raise (Unknown_range_character (i+1));
(match res with
| [] | RRange _ :: _ -> raise (Bad_range i)
| RChar h :: t ->
let v, i = float_of_substring r (i+2) in
float_range (RRange (h, v) :: t) r i)
| '-' | '0'..'9' ->
let v, i = float_of_substring r i in
float_range (RChar v :: res) r i
| ';' | ' ' -> float_range res r (i+1)
| _ -> raise (Unknown_range_character i)
let rec float_regex_sub res r i =
if i >= String.length r
then raise (No_closing_paren i)
else match r.[i] with
| ')' -> (List.rev res, i)
| '(' ->
let sub, i = float_regex_sub [] r (i+1) in
float_regex_sub (Sub sub :: res) r (i+1)
| '[' ->
let sub, i = float_range [] r (i+1) in
float_regex_sub (Range sub :: res) r (i+1)
| '|' ->
let sub, i = float_regex_sub [] r (i+1) in
([Or (List.rev res, sub)], i)
| '?' -> (match res with
| [] -> raise (No_preceding_expression i)
| h::t -> float_regex_sub (Opt h :: t) r (i+1))
| '*' -> (match res with
| [] -> raise (No_preceding_expression i)
| h::t -> float_regex_sub (Star h :: t) r (i+1))
| '+' -> (match res with
| [] -> raise (No_preceding_expression i)
| h::t -> float_regex_sub (Plus h :: t) r (i+1))
| '_' -> float_regex_sub (Any :: res) r (i+1)
| '^' -> float_regex_sub (Start :: res) r (i+1)
| '$' -> float_regex_sub (End :: res) r (i+1)
| '0'..'9' | '-' ->
let v, i = float_of_substring r i in
float_regex_sub (Char v :: res) r i
| ';' | ' ' -> float_regex_sub res r (i+1)
| c -> raise (Unknown_character i)
let float_regex r =
let sub, i = float_regex_sub [] (r^")") 0 in
if i < String.length r
then raise (No_opening_paren (i-1))
else sub
let string_of_range r =
let esc buf c =
(match c with | ']' | '-' -> Buffer.add_char buf '\\' | _ -> ());
Buffer.add_char buf c in
let rec aux buf = function
| [] -> ()
| h::t ->
begin match h with
| RRange (a,b) ->
esc buf a;
Buffer.add_char buf '-';
esc buf b
| RChar a ->
esc buf a
aux buf t in
let buf = Buffer.create 16 in
aux buf r;
Buffer.contents buf
let special_char = function
| '|' | '(' | ')' | '?' | '*' | '+' | '.' | '[' | '^' | '$' | '\\' -> true
| c -> false
let unescape s =
let rec aux buf s l i =
if i > l then failwith "unescape"
else if i = l then Buffer.contents buf
else begin
let i = if s.[i] = '\\' then i + 1 else i in
if i = l then failwith "unescape: trailing backslash";
Buffer.add_char buf s.[i];
aux buf s l (i+1)
end in
let l = String.length s in
aux (Buffer.create l) s l 0
let escape s =
let buf = Buffer.create (String.length s) in
String.iter (fun c ->
if special_char c then Buffer.add_char buf '\\';
Buffer.add_char buf c) s;
Buffer.contents buf
let string_of_regex r =
let rec aux buf = function
| [] -> ()
| h :: t ->
begin match h with
| Or (a,b) ->
aux buf a;
Buffer.add_char buf '|';
aux buf b
| Sub s ->
Buffer.add_char buf '(';
aux buf s;
Buffer.add_char buf ')'
| Opt s ->
aux buf [s];
Buffer.add_char buf '?'
| Star s ->
aux buf [s];
Buffer.add_char buf '*'
| Plus s ->
aux buf [s];
Buffer.add_char buf '+'
| Any -> Buffer.add_char buf '.'
| Start -> Buffer.add_char buf '^'
| End -> Buffer.add_char buf '$'
| Range r ->
Buffer.add_char buf '[';
Buffer.add_string buf (string_of_range r);
Buffer.add_char buf ']'
| Char c ->
if special_char c then Buffer.add_char buf '\\';
Buffer.add_char buf c
aux buf t in
let buf = Buffer.create 16 in
aux buf r;
Buffer.contents buf
let string_getter s =
let l = String.length s in
fun i -> if i >= l then None else Some s.[i]
let pat_match pat s =
execute_nfa (nfa_of_regex (parse_regex pat)) (string_getter s)
let array_getter a =
let l = Array.length a in
fun i -> if i >= l then None else Some a.(i)
let int_match pat a =
execute_nfa (nfa_of_regex (int_regex pat)) (array_getter a)
let float_match pat a =
execute_nfa (nfa_of_regex (float_regex pat)) (array_getter a)
let sinit f len =
let s = String.create len in
for i = 0 to len-1 do s.[i] <- f i done;
let assert_bool b = if b then () else failwith "assert_bool"
let assert_equal a b = assert_bool (a = b)
let () =
let s = sinit char_of_int 256 in
let ss = [
escape s
] in
List.iter (fun s -> assert_equal s (string_of_regex (parse_regex s))) ss;
List.iter (fun s -> assert_equal s (unescape (escape s))) ss;
assert_equal s (unescape (escape s))
let () =
let ss = [
] in
List.iter (fun s -> ignore (int_regex s)) ss
let () =
let ss = [
] in
List.iter (fun s -> ignore (float_regex s)) ss
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