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Last active March 27, 2017 10:19


Personal guide based on this.


$mod = Alt

Opening applications

  • $mod+Enter : open terminal
  • $mod+d : open lunch applications menu

Managing Containers

  • $mod+(j|k|h|l) : move focus between opened windows (as vi)
  • $mod+v : press it to split the next opening windows vertically
  • $mod+h : press it to split the next opening windows horizontally
  • $mod+e : switch container layout to splith/splitv mode
  • $mod+s : switch container layout to staking mode
  • $mod+w : switch container layout to tabbing mode
  • $mod+f : display windows in fullscreen
  • $mod+Shift+q : closing window

Managing Workspace

  • $mod+num : switching between workspace ( where num is one number )
  • $mod+Shift+num : moving windows to workspace ( where num is one number )


  • $mod+Shift+e : exit without killing X server

Restarting i3

Restarting i3 to apply changes in ~/.config/i3/config

i3-msg restart

or using

  • $mod+Shift+r : restart i3 inplace or just reload configuration file with
  • $mod+Shift+c : reload i3 configuration file without restart i3

Using Network Manager

First solution:

exec --no-startup-id nm-applet

but this might not work. I used this:

sudo apt-get install wicd wicd-client wicd-gtk 
sudo systemctl start wicd
sudo systemctl enable wicd
wicd-client &

wicd authentication WPA2 with MSCHAPv2 (eduroam)

From here you can find the template to place in /etc/wicd/encryption/templates. Edit /etc/wicd/encryption/templates/active by adding the new template's name and restart wicd-client.

If this still not work then ( from here ) do this below:

sudo apt-get remove --yes network-manager
sudo dpkg --purge network-manager-pptp-gnome network-manager-pptp network-manager
sudo shutdown -r now

ubuntu 16.10 dns problem

If ping works and ping not, try to check if systemd-resolved.service is running.

sudo systemctl status systemd-resolved

now stop and disable it:

sudo systemctl stop systemd-resolved
sudo systemctl disable systemd-resolved




Usa xrandr command to get the list of available monitors. In my case, my primary monitor is eDP1 but will probably change for you.

To connect an external monitor just run:

xrandr --output HDMI1 --auto --right-of eDP1

this will connect an external monitor connected to your HDMI1 port, right of your primary monitor and with automatic resolution. To set a custom resolution use the following instead of --auto

--mode 1440x900

To turn off some monitor use this command:

xrandr --output HDMI1 --off


/usr/bin/i3-sensible-terminal is a script that checks if some terminals are installed and execute the first available.

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