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defmodule SomeTest do
use ExUnit.Case
def some_function(%{arg1: "thing", arg3: _}) do
def some_function(%{arg1: "thing", arg2: _}) do
def some_function(_) do
Ball / something.html
Created April 2, 2015 13:56
Deletion Prompt for Jon
<script src=""></script>
<script type="application/javascript">
var org_name = $(this).parents("tr")
Ball / padding-names.clj
Created January 24, 2014 02:43
some prefixing logic for some files I'm downloading in a personal project.
(defn zero-pad [n number-string]
(concat (reverse number-string) (repeat \0))
(take n)
(apply str)))
(defn prefix [file-name]
(str "ns" (clojure.string/replace file-name #"^\d+" #(pad 3 %))))
Ball / MainWindow.cs
Created August 16, 2013 13:39
Cross-Threading binding updates with WPF for RPH. I have no idea if this is best practice, but it seems to work.
namespace MyApplication {
public partial class MainWindow
private readonly ViewModel _vm;
private bool _close;
public MainWindow()
Ball / TypeDrivenBowlingKata.fs
Created November 21, 2012 13:55
Type Driven Bowling Kata
type Frame = StandardFrame of int * int
| SpareFrame of int * int
| StrikeFrame
type Game = Frame list
let score game =
let nextRoll frames =
match frames with
| [] -> 0
| StandardFrame(a,_)::_ -> a
Ball / fizzbuzz.fs
Created November 20, 2012 19:53
FizzBuzz in types
type Fizzable = Plain of int
| Fizzy
| Buzzy
| FizzyBuzzy
let toFizzable n :Fizzable =
match n with
| _ when (n % 3) = 0 && n % 5 = 0 -> FizzyBuzzy
| _ when n % 3 = 0 -> Fizzy
| _ when 0 = n % 5 -> Buzzy
Ball / stack_monad.fs
Created November 19, 2012 20:58
Learning Monads - Stack from the javascript example
// Adapted from
type StackResult = {value: int; stack: int list}
let push element stack =
{value= element; stack = element :: stack}
let pop stack =
{value= (List.head stack); stack = (List.tail stack)}
let bind operation continuation stack =
let r = operation stack
Ball / gist:3986836
Created October 31, 2012 12:40
Defer / disposable in ruby
def using(object, message, *args)
yield if block_given?
object.send(message, *args)
obj = SomthingToClose.connect
Ball / network_sockets.hs
Created October 5, 2011 14:00
A networked based socket server
-- Socket based network library
import Network.Socket
-- System io calls. Posix based
import System.IO