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Created July 23, 2014 11:32
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West London Hack Night - Voronoi
object Voronoi extends App {
case class Point(x: Int, y: Int)
val pubs: List[Point] = List(Point(1,4), Point(2,1), Point(4,3))
def findDist(start: Point, pub: Point): Int = {
Math.abs(start.x - pub.x) + Math.abs(start.y - pub.y)
def getClosestForPoint(point: Point, pubList: List[Point]): List[Point] = {
pubList.groupBy(x => findDist(point, x)).toList.sortBy(x => x._1).head._2
def findClosestForGrid(pubList: List[Point]): List[(Point, List[Point])] = {
(for (x <- 0 to 4; y <- 1 to 5) yield {
(Point(x,y), getClosestForPoint(Point(x,y), pubList))
val allClosest = findClosestForGrid(pubs).filter(x => x._2.length > 1)
//for (x <- allClosest) println(x)
def neighbours(p: Point): Seq[Point] = {
for(dx <- -1 to 1; dy <- -1 to 1 if dx != 0 || dy != 0) yield Point(p.x +dx, p.y+dy)
val indecisionPoints = allClosest map (x => x._1)
// for (i <- indecisionPoints) println(i)
val segments = indecisionPoints map (x => (x, neighbours(x) filter (p => indecisionPoints.contains(p))))
for (l <- segments) println(l)
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