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Created September 19, 2014 07:38
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Implementation of Langton's Ant - WLHN Sept '14
object Langton extends App {
// TODO - make infinite vectors...
type Grid = Vector[Vector[Boolean]]
case class Ant(pos: (Int, Int), direction: Symbol) {
// If current position is white (false), move right 1 square
// If position is black (true), move left
def move(grid: Grid): Ant = {
(grid(pos._1)(pos._2), direction) match {
case (true, 'N) => Ant((pos._1 - 1, pos._2), 'W)
case (true, 'W) => Ant((pos._1, pos._2 + 1), 'S)
case (true, 'E) => Ant((pos._1, pos._2 - 1), 'N)
case (true, 'S) => Ant((pos._1 + 1, pos._2), 'E)
case (false, 'N) => Ant((pos._1 + 1, pos._2), 'E)
case (false, 'W) => Ant((pos._1, pos._2 - 1), 'N)
case (false, 'E) => Ant((pos._1, pos._2 + 1), 'S)
case (false, 'S) => Ant((pos._1 - 1, pos._2), 'W)
// Flip a single point on the grid
def changeGrid(grid: Grid, pos: (Int, Int)): Grid = {
// Should probably map this but its good enough...
(for (x <- 0 until grid.length) yield {
if (x != pos._1) grid(x)
else {
(for (y <- 0 until grid(x).length) yield {
if (y != pos._2) grid(x)(y)
else !grid(x)(y)
// move the ant, change the grid based on the old position
def step(ant: Ant, grid: Grid): (Ant, Grid) = (ant.move(grid), changeGrid(grid, ant.pos))
// Vector[Vector[Boolean]] -> pretty
def display(grid: Grid, ant: Ant): Unit = {
val printable = (for (x <- 0 until grid.length) yield {
if (x != ant.pos._1) grid(x).map(c => if (c) "xx" else "__")
else {
(for (y <- 0 until grid(x).length) yield {
if (y != ant.pos._2) {if (grid(x)(y)) "xx" else "__"}
else "**"
for (x <- printable) {
for (y <- x) Console.print(y)
// Take one step, print it, sleep, and do it again
def play (ant: Ant, grid: Grid, steps: Int): (Ant, Grid) = {
if (steps != 0) {
val (a, b) = step(ant, grid)
display(b, a)
Thread.sleep(100) //So we can see movement flickering in the console...
play(a, b, steps - 1)
} else {
(ant, grid)
// Create a 40x40 grid, and start off with all cells white
val grid: Grid = {
(for (x <- 0 to 39) yield {
(for (y <- 0 to 39) yield false).toVector
// Put the ant in the middle, pointing North
val ant = Ant((20, 20), 'N)
// Go 3000 steps
val (a,b) = play(ant, grid, 3000)
display(b, a)
Output after 100 iterations:
Output after 3000 iterations:
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