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Created August 3, 2014 10:47
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Sudoku Solver
object Solver extends App{
case class Puzzle (values: Vector[Vector[Option[Int]]]) {
def printState {
for (row <- values) {
println((for (cell <- row) yield {
cell match {
case None => "_"
case Some(i) => i
def getPuzzle(): Puzzle = {
val puzStr = """???45???2
Puzzle((for (l<-puzStr.lines) yield {
(for (c <- l) yield {
c match {
case '?' => None
case i => Some(i.asDigit)
// Take each None, check what it could possibly be,
// and if only one solution, replace it with a Some
def stepOnlyChoice(state: Puzzle): Puzzle = {
var x = -1
Puzzle((for (line <- state.values) yield {
x += 1
var y = -1
(for (v <- line) yield {
y += 1
v match {
case Some(_) => v //Don't care, already solved
case None => solveOnlyChoice(x, y, state)
def getCellOptions(x: Int, y: Int, state: Puzzle): Set[Int] = {
val possible = (1 to 9).toSet
// Get everything in X row
val xRow = state.values(x).collect{case Some(c) => c}.toSet
// Get everything in Y col
val yCol = (for (r <- state.values) yield r(y)).collect{case Some(c) => c}.toSet
// Get everything in 3x3 square
val xGrid = ((x / 3) * 3) + 1
val yGrid = ((y / 3) * 3) + 1
val grid = (for (gx <- (xGrid -1 to xGrid +1); gy<- (yGrid -1 to yGrid +1)) yield {
}).collect{case Some(c) => c}.toSet
possible diff (xRow ++ yCol ++ grid)
def solveOnlyChoice(x: Int, y: Int, state: Puzzle): Option[Int] = {
val left = getCellOptions(x, y, state)
if (left.size == 1) Some(left.head)
else None
def getAllOptions(state:Puzzle): Vector[Vector[Set[Int]]] = {
var x = -1
(for (line <- state.values) yield {
x += 1
var y = -1
(for (v <- line) yield {
y += 1
v match {
case Some(v) => Set(v)
case None => getCellOptions(x, y, state)
def stepOnlyCell(state: Puzzle): Puzzle = {
val allOptions = getAllOptions(state)
// Add up all the sets for cells that relate to a given cell,
// then remove that superset from the cell itself - answer
// should be empty set or an answer
var x = -1
Puzzle((for (line <- state.values) yield {
x += 1
var y = -1
(for (v <- line) yield {
y += 1
v match {
case Some(_) => v //Don't care, already solved
case None => solveOnlyCell(x, y, allOptions)
def solveOnlyCell(x: Int, y: Int, opts: Vector[Vector[Set[Int]]]): Option[Int] = {
val possible = opts(x)(y)
val dx = (0 to 8).filterNot(_ == x)
val dy = (0 to 8).filterNot(_ == y)
// Get everything in X row
val xRow = (for (ny <- dy) yield opts(x)(ny))
.foldLeft(Set[Int]())((acc, x) => acc ++ x)
// Get everything in Y col except self
val yCol = (for (r <- (for (nx <- dx) yield opts(nx))) yield r(y))
.foldLeft(Set[Int]())((acc, x) => acc ++ x)
// Get everything in 3x3 square except self...
val xGrid = ((x / 3) * 3) + 1
val yGrid = ((y / 3) * 3) + 1
val grid = (for (
gx <- (xGrid -1 to xGrid +1);
gy<- (yGrid -1 to yGrid +1);
if ((gx != x) || (gy != y))) yield {
}).foldLeft(Set[Int]())((acc, x) => acc ++ x)
// OK, do I have one option remaining for the 3x3, row, or col?
val setGrid = possible diff grid
val setRow = possible diff xRow
val setCol = possible diff yCol
if (setGrid.size == 1) Some(setGrid.head)
else if (setRow.size == 1) Some(setRow.head)
else if (setCol.size == 1) Some(setCol.head)
else None
def run(state: Puzzle): Puzzle = {
val newState = stepOnlyCell(stepOnlyChoice(state))
// Are we as done as we can be? (NB. can't just check
// for absence of None, as it might be unsolvable)
if (newState == state) state
else run(newState)
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