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Created March 19, 2015 21:50
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object scratch {
type SentenceAnagram = Set[String]
type SolutionSpace = Set[SentenceAnagram]
type CharacterCounts = Map[Char, Int]
def frequencyCount(word: String): CharacterCounts = {
val grouped: Map[Char, String] = word.toLowerCase.replaceAll("[^a-z]", "").groupBy(c => c) Tuple2[Char, String]) => (pair._1, pair._2.length))
val start = "West London Hack Night"
val testCount = frequencyCount(start)
val dictionary ="/usr/share/dict/words") => x.toLowerCase)
val foo = dictionary.filter(x => frequencyCount(x).forall(p => testCount.getOrElse(p._1, 0) >= p._2))
def findAnagram(unmatched: CharacterCounts, matched: SentenceAnagram, dict: List[String]): SolutionSpace = {
dict match {
case Nil => Set()
case h :: t => {
val testing = frequencyCount(h)
if (testing == unmatched) {
Set(matched + h) ++ findAnagram(unmatched, matched, t)
} else {
val isSubset: Boolean = testing.forall(p => unmatched.getOrElse(p._1, 0) >= p._2)
if (isSubset) {
val newUnmatched: CharacterCounts = => (m._1, m._2 - testing.getOrElse(m._1, 0)))
findAnagram(newUnmatched, matched + h, t) ++ findAnagram(unmatched, matched, t)
} else {
findAnagram(unmatched, matched, dict.tail)
findAnagram(testCount, Set(), foo)
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