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Created February 3, 2023 04:54
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Playing around with specs in malli
(ns us.chouser.malli-play
(:require [malli.core :as m]
[malli.error :as me])
(:import (clojure.lang ExceptionInfo)))
;; {:deps {metosin/malli {:mvn/version "0.10.1"}}}
;; No refinement chaining yet
;; No clear separation of constraint violation from runtime error
(defn var-sym [v]
(symbol (str (ns-name (.ns v)))
(str (.sym v))))
(defn check
"Return inst if valid, otherwise throw"
(let [{:keys [typevar schema]} (deref (:type inst))]
(if (m/validate schema inst)
(let [e (m/explain schema inst)
h (me/humanize e)]
(throw (ex-info (format "Invalid %s: %s" (var-sym typevar) (pr-str h))
{:explain e
:humanized h}))))))
(defn refine-to [inst to-var]
(let [{:keys [refines-to]} (deref (:type inst))]
(if-let [f (refines-to to-var)]
(f inst)
(throw (ex-info (format "No refinement defined from %s to %s"
(var-sym (:type inst)) (var-sym to-var))
{:from (var-sym (:type inst))
:to (var-sym to-var)})))))
(defn spec-schema [{:keys [fields constraints refines-to]}]
(->> fields
(into [:map {:closed true}
[:type [:fn {:error/message "must be a var"} var?]]]))]
(->> constraints
(map (fn [[msg f]]
[:fn {:error/message [:failed-constraint msg]}
(->> refines-to
(remove (comp :extrinsic meta val))
(map (fn [[to-var f]]
[:fn {:error/fn (fn [{:keys [value] :as a} b]
[:failed-refinement to-var
(try (check (f value))
(catch ExceptionInfo ex
(:humanized (ex-data ex))))])}
(fn [from-inst]
(check (f from-inst)))])))))))
(defmacro defspec [typesym spec]
`(def ~typesym
(let [spec# ~(assoc spec :typevar (list 'var typesym))]
(assoc spec# :schema (spec-schema spec#)))))
(defspec State
{:fields [[:balance decimal?]
[:beverageCount int?]
[:snackCount int?]]
:constraints [["balance not negative" #(>= (:balance %) 0.00M)]
["counts below capacity" #(and (<= (:beverageCount %) 20)
(<= (:snackCount %) 20))]
["counts not negative" #(and (>= (:beverageCount %) 0)
(>= (:snackCount %) 0))]]})
(check {:type #'State
:balance 2.00M
:beverageCount 10
:snackCount 5})
(defspec InitialState
{:fields [[:balance decimal?]
[:beverageCount int?]
[:snackCount int?]]
:constraints [["initial state" #(and (= (:balance %) 0.00M)
(= (:beverageCount %) 0)
(= (:snackCount %) 0))]]
:refines-to {#'State ^:instrinsic #(assoc % :type #'State)}})
(check {:type #'InitialState
:balance 0.00M
:beverageCount 0
:snackCount 0})
(refine-to {:type #'InitialState
:balance 0.00M
:beverageCount 0
:snackCount 0}
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