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Created April 1, 2010 18:34
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(ns joy.proxytest)
;;== evilbase
:name joy.proxytest.evilbase
:prefix "evilbase-"
:post-init ctor
:methods [[tragedy [] void]]
:impl-ns joy.proxytest)
(defn evilbase-ctor [this]
(println "evilctor before tragedy")
(.tragedy this)
(println "evilctor after tragedy"))
(defn evilbase-tragedy [this]
(println "this should never happen"))
;;== tryit using a proxy
(defn tryit []
(let [p (proxy [joy.proxytest.evilbase] []
(tragedy [] (println "my own tragedy")))]
; We wish that "my own tragedy" were printed above instead of
; "should never happen", but the ctor called .tragedy too early.
; Our proxy has caught up now:
(.tragedy p)))
;;== try it in another gen-class
:name joy.proxytest.hope
:prefix "hope-"
:extends joy.proxytest.evilbase
:impl-ns joy.proxytest)
(defn hope-tragedy [this]
(println "gen-class gives us the power"))
(defn tryit2 []
;;-- proxy does not behave as desired
; user=> (joy.proxytest/tryit)
; evilctor before tragedy
; this should never happen
; evilctor after tragedy
; my own tragedy
; nil
;;-- gen-class however gives us the power
; user=> (joy.proxytest/tryit2)
; evilctor before tragedy
; gen-class gives us the power
; evilctor after tragedy
; #<hope joy.proxytest.hope@5c061cd2>
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