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Forked from anonymous/citystate.clj
Last active January 13, 2016 16:04
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(ns n01se.citystate)
(defn vitality
"Vitality of city."
(defn owner
"Owning city. None is returned if no owner exists."
(defn freedom
"Amount of freedom granted to city by owner."
(condp = (owner city)
city 0.0 ;; TODO
None 1.0 ;; No owner means maximum freedom.
(freedom (owner city))))
(defn contacts
"All influencing cities, including self."
(defn peers
"All influencing cities except the owner."
(disj (contacts city)
(owner city)))
(defn distance
"Distance between two cities.
If city and source are the same, distance is 1.0."
[city source]
(condp = source
city 1.0
None 1.0
3.0 ;; TODO))
(defn efficiency-floor
"Efficiency of city based on distance to owner."
(/ 1.0 (distance city (owner city))))
(defn efficiency
"Efficiency percentage of city."
(+ (efficiency-floor city)
(* (1.0 - (efficiency-floor city))
(freedom city)
(defn weighted-avg
"Returns a number between the numbers a and b.
If factor is 0, returns a; if factor is 1, returns b"
[factor a b]
(+ (* factor (- b a)) a))
(defn efficiency-wa
"Efficiency percentage of city."
(weighted-avg (freedom (owner city))
(/ 1.0 (distance city (owner city)))
(defn efficiency-let
"Efficiency percentage of city."
(let [low (/ 1.0 (distance city (owner city)))]
(+ low (* (freedom (owner city))
(- 1.0 low)))))
(defn influence
"Influence on city from source."
[city source]
(* (/ (vitality source)
(distance city source))
(if (= source (owner city))
1.0 ;; owners always get full influence
(freedom city))))
(defn total-influence
"Influence on city from all contacts."
(apply + (map #(influence city %) (contacts city))))
(defn new-owner
"new owner of city. It is possible for the new owner be the same
as the old owner or there be no new owner."
(some (fn [contact]
(when (> (/ (influence city contact)
(total-influence city))
(contacts city)))
(defn new-owner-let
"new owner of city. It is possible for the new owner be the same
as the old owner or there be no new owner."
(let [owner-inf [(owner city) (influence city (owner city))]
peers-inf (map (fn [peer]
[peer (* (freedom (owner city))
(influence city peer))])
(peers city))
total-inf (apply + (last owner-inf) (map last peers-inf))]
(some (fn [[city inf]]
(when (> (/ inf total-inf) 0.5)
(cons owner-inf
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