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Created October 11, 2009 19:28
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Tkinter activation workaround
#!/usr/bin/env python
## This script demonstrates a workaround for the Tkinter (Tcl/Tk?) activation
## bug under OS X. More on that here:
## - Nick Fisher
from easygui import msgbox
from Tkinter import Tk
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from re import search
## Force the Tk subsystem to initalize so it can be manipulated
## A blunt way around the chicken/egg problem with trying to bring a UI to the
## foreground when it doesn't exsist yet.
t = Tk()
# Hope that the destroy is fast enough not to be seen (is for me)
## Find the path for; A little less fragile than hardcodeing...
# Find the script's process command
find_cmd_str = 'ps -o command | grep "%s"'%__file__
find_results = Popen(find_cmd_str, shell=True, stdout=PIPE)
# Pull out the interpreter app path
py_path = search('(.*Python\.app)', find_results).groups()[0]
## Use 'open' to bring to the foreground...
## If there is more than one instance of the same with a running UI
## then there is trouble. There is no way (I can find) to tell 'open' which
## to activate.
# Use the OSX command 'open' to bring to the foreground
## Start using Tkinter/EasyGUI/Grun with the interface in the Foreground
msgbox('Hello world!')
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allfro commented Mar 26, 2012

Popen(['osascript', '-e', 'tell application "Python" to activate'])
is a more durable approach. Your approach doesn't work for Snow Leopard +

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