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Created April 29, 2010 21:39
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  • Save Gozala/384296 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Gozala/384296 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Mutates noun to the adjective
* Adds dependency resolver
* Adds suggestion history cache
* Adds delay support for suggestions
CmdUtils.CreateAdjective = function CreateAdjective (noun) {
* Checks all the dependencies and returns true if all of them are
* satisfied
* @returns {boolean}
noun.__defineGetter__('reliable', function relible(){
for each (var dependency in this.dependencies)
if (!dependency.reliable) return false
return true;
* Delay which will happen before parser will satrt parseing input
* If input will change before suggestions will be canceled
* @type Integer number of miliseconds
noun.delay = noun.delay || 0;
* Length length
noun.memory = noun.memory || 10;
* This property is used to store timer id for the delayed suggestions
* @type {string}
noun._timerId = null;
* Saving original suggest in order to be able to use it after mutation
noun._suggest = noun.suggest;
* returns suggestions
noun.suggest = function suggest() {
if (this.reliable) {
var args = arguments;
if (this.delay == 0)
return noun._suggest.apply(this, args);
// If mutate
this._timerId = Utils.setTimeout(function(){
noun._suggest.apply(noun, args);
}, this.delay);
// Workaround for async suggestions bug
return [{
text: 'BUG 484615',
summary: 'Workaround for bug 484615',
html: '<a href="">BUG 484615</a>',
data: {
summary: "Ubiquity Asynchronous Noun Suggestions are not working",
internals: {
cf_blocking_fennec: "---",
priority: "--",
bug_id: 484615,
_multi_selects: [],
bug_file_loc: "",
cclist_accessible: 1,
rep_platform: "x86",
product_id: 40,
creation_ts: "2009.03.21 17:46",
assigned_to: 298253,
short_desc: "Ubiquity Asynchronous Noun Suggestions are not working",
qa_contact: 247525,
everconfirmed: 0,
status_whiteboard: "",
bug_severity: "major",
bug_status: "UNCONFIRMED",
delta_ts: "2009-03-21 17:46:06",
version: "unspecified",
reporter_id: 295373,
component_id: 757,
resolution: "",
reporter_accessible: 1,
target_milestone: "--",
alias: {},
op_sys: "Mac OS X"
id: 484615,
last_change_time: new Date(1240328766122),
creation_time: new Date(1240328760122),
alias: ""
return [];
* Saving original default in order to be able to use it after mutation
noun._default = noun.default;
* Proxy function for noun default that is enabled only in case if noun
* has default
* Used to prevent any actions if object is not reliable
* @returns {Array}
noun.default = !noun.default ? noun.default : function() {
if (this.reliable) {
return this._default.apply(this, arguments);
return [];
* If true suggestion data will be cached.
noun.cache = noun.cache || false;
* History of suggestion
noun.history = function history(limit, callback, self) {
self = self || arguments.callee.caller;
limit = limit || this.memory;
var suggestions = [];
try {
suggestions = Utils.decodeJson(Application.prefs.getValue(
'ubiquity.adjectives.' + this._name + '.history', '[]'
)).slice(0, limit);
} catch(e) {}
if (this.cache) {
if (callback)
suggestions.forEach(function(suggestion) {, suggestion);
} else {
if (callback)
suggestions.forEach(function(suggestion) {
this.suggest(suggestion.text, suggestion.html,
function(data) {, data);
}, this);
return {
return this._suggest(suggestion.text, suggestion.html)[0];
}, this);
return suggestions;
* Adds suggestion to the history
noun.addHistory = function addHistory(suggestion) {
if (suggestion && suggestion.text) {
try {
var suggestions = Utils.decodeJson(Application.prefs.getValue(
'ubiquity.adjectives.' + this._name + '.history', '[]'
return (element.text != suggestion.text);
}).slice(0, this.memory - 1);
'ubiquity.adjectives.' + this._name + '.history',
} catch (e) {
* Removes suggestion from history
noun.removeHistory = function removeHistory(suggestion) {
if (suggestion) {
try {
var suggestions = Utils.decodeJson(Application.prefs.getValue(
'ubiquity.adjectives.' + this._name + '.history', '[]'
)).filter(function(element) {
return (element.text != suggestion.text);
'ubiquity.adjectives.' + this._name + '.history',
} catch(e) {
return noun;
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