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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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FANTOM5 Timecourse Visualization
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Exploring FANTOM5 Phase 2 Time Course Data

Visualization of FANTOM5 Phase 2 Time Course samples. Based on a work at Live version hosted on FANTOM5 SSTAR.


FANTOM5 data by RIKEN is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

How to cite

Please cite the following paper for using data obtained from the FANTOM5 site: Lizio M, et al. Gateways to the FANTOM5 promoter level mammalian expression atlas. Genome Biol 16: 22 (2015). 10.1186/s13059-014-0560-6

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return 'N'+v;
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xUnit = 'hrs';
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xUnit = 'days';
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if (v%2 !== 0) { return ''; }
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Sample Name Time Desc Time Time Unit Donor CNhs Time Course Time Course Id Species Series
13367-143G1 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 000hr 0 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13739 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13368-143G2 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 000hr 0 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13740 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13369-143G3 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 000hr 0 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13741 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
3567-170H1 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 002hr 120 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11464 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3639-171H1 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 002hr 120 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11539 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3714-172B2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 002hr 120 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11638 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3577-170I2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 002hr 120 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11474 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3649-171I2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 002hr 120 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11552 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3724-172C3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 002hr 120 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11644 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3597-170B5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 002hr 120 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11494 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3744-172E5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 002hr 120 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11655 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3587-170A4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 002hr 120 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11484 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3659-171A4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 002hr 120 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11562 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3734-172D4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 002hr 120 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11650 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3568-170I1 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 004hr 240 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11465 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3640-171I1 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 004hr 240 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11540 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3715-172C2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 004hr 240 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11639 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3578-170A3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 004hr 240 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11475 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3650-171A3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 004hr 240 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11553 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3725-172D3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 004hr 240 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11645 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3598-170C5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 004hr 240 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11495 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3745-172F5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 004hr 240 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14259 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3588-170B4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 004hr 240 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11485 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3660-171B4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 004hr 240 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11563 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3735-172E4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 004hr 240 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11651 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3705-172B1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 004hr 240 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11633 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
13370-143G4 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 004hr 240 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13742 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13371-143G5 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 004hr 240 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13743 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13372-143G6 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 004hr 240 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13744 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
3569-170A2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 006hr 360 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11466 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3641-171A2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 006hr 360 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11541 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3716-172D2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 006hr 360 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11640 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3579-170B3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 006hr 360 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11476 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3651-171B3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 006hr 360 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11554 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3726-172E3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 006hr 360 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11646 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3599-170D5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 006hr 360 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11496 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3671-171D5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 006hr 360 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11574 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3746-172G5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 006hr 360 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14260 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3589-170C4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 006hr 360 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11486 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3661-171C4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 006hr 360 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11564 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3736-172F4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 006hr 360 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11652 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3706-172C1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 006hr 360 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11634 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
13373-143G7 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 008hr 480 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13745 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13374-143G8 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 008hr 480 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13746 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13375-143G9 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 008hr 480 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13747 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13541-145H4 293SLAM rinderpest infection 00hr 0 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14406 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13542-145H5 293SLAM rinderpest infection 00hr 0 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14407 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13543-145H6 293SLAM rinderpest infection 00hr 0 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14408 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13553-145I7 COBL-a rinderpest infection 00hr 0 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14419 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13554-145I8 COBL-a rinderpest infection 00hr 0 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14420 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13555-145I9 COBL-a rinderpest infection 00hr 0 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14421 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
12642-134G5 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13339 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12740-135I4 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13358 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12652-134H6 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep1 (LK31) CNhs13349 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12750-136A5 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep2 (LK32) CNhs13369 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12848-137C4 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep3 (LK33) CNhs13577 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
13625-146H7 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14463 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13626-146H8 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14464 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13627-146H9 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14465 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13063-139I3 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12449 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13129-140G6 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12668 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13195-141E9 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 00hr00min 0 mins biol rep3 CNhs14547 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12260-130A1 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 1) CNhs11936 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12382-131E6 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 1) CNhs13157 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12504-133A2 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 1 ) CNhs13276 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
13316-143A4 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to mock influenza infection 00hr00min 0 mins donor2 (150_120:MI_0h) CNhs13645 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13322-143B1 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to mock influenza infection 00hr00min 0 mins donor3 (536_119:MI_0h) CNhs13649 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13310-142I7 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to mock influenza infection 00hr00min 0 mins donor4 (227_121:MI_0h) CNhs13638 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13305-142I2 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to udorn influenza infection 00hr00min 0 mins donor1 (868_121:Ud_0h) CNhs13554 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13317-143A5 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to udorn influenza infection 00hr00min 0 mins donor2 (150_120:Ud_0h) CNhs13646 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13323-143B2 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to udorn influenza infection 00hr00min 0 mins donor3 (536_119:Ud_0h) CNhs13650 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13311-142I8 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to udorn influenza infection 00hr00min 0 mins donor4 (227_121:Ud_0h) CNhs13639 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
12698-135D7 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 00hr00min 0 mins donor1 (t1 Subject1) CNhs11941 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12796-136F6 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 00hr00min 0 mins donor2 (t1 Subject2) CNhs13379 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12894-137H5 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 00hr00min 0 mins donor3 (t1 Subject3) CNhs13174 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13229-141I7 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13337 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13230-141I8 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13420 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13231-141I9 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13421 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
12662-134I7 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T0) CNhs11918 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12760-136B6 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T0) CNhs12859 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12858-137D5 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T0) CNhs12952 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12972-138H2 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11058 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
12988-138I9 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12980 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13004-139B7 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13687 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
12643-134G6 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13340 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12741-135I5 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13359 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12839-137B4 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13568 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12653-134H7 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep1 (LK34) CNhs13350 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12751-136A6 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep2 (LK35) CNhs13370 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12849-137C5 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep3 (LK36) CNhs13578 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
13628-146I1 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14466 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13629-146I2 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14467 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13630-146I3 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14468 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13064-139I4 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12644 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13130-140G7 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12669 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13196-141F1 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12771 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12261-130A2 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 2) CNhs13100 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12383-131E7 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 2) CNhs13158 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12505-133A3 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 2) CNhs13277 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12797-136F7 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 00hr15min 15 mins donor2 (t2 Subject2) CNhs13380 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12895-137H6 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 00hr15min 15 mins donor3 (t2 Subject3) CNhs13175 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13032-139E8 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12420 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13098-140D2 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12476 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13164-141B5 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12704 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13048-139G6 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12435 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13114-140E9 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12652 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13180-141D3 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12754 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
12308-130F4 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep1 (015mA1) CNhs13114 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12430-132A9 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep2 (015mA2) CNhs13243 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12552-133F5 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep3 (015mA3) CNhs13292 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
13232-142A1 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13422 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13233-142A2 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13423 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13234-142A3 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13424 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
12323-130H1 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep1 (015mB1) CNhs13130 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12445-132C6 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep2 (015mB2) CNhs13259 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12567-133H2 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep3 (015mB3) CNhs13308 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12663-134I8 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T1) CNhs12381 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12761-136B7 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T1) CNhs12860 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12859-137D6 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T1) CNhs12877 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12644-134G7 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13341 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12742-135I6 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13360 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12840-137B5 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13569 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12654-134H8 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep1 (LK37) CNhs13351 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12752-136A7 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep2 (LK38) CNhs13371 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12850-137C6 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep3 (LK39) CNhs13579 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
13631-146I4 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14469 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13632-146I5 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14470 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13633-146I6 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14471 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13065-139I5 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12645 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13197-141F2 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12772 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12262-130A3 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 3) CNhs13101 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12384-131E8 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 3) CNhs13159 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12506-133A4 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 3) CNhs13278 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12798-136F8 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 00hr30min 30 mins donor2 (t3 Subject2) CNhs13381 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12896-137H7 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 00hr30min 30 mins donor3 (t3 Subject3) CNhs13176 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13033-139E9 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12421 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13099-140D3 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12477 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13165-141B6 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12738 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13049-139G7 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12436 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13115-140F1 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12653 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13181-141D4 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12755 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
12309-130F5 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep1 (030mA1) CNhs13115 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12431-132B1 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep2 (030mA2) CNhs13244 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12553-133F6 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep3 (030mA3) CNhs13293 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
13235-142A4 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13425 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13236-142A5 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13426 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
12324-130H2 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep1 (030mB1) CNhs13131 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12446-132C7 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep2 (030mB2) CNhs13260 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12568-133H3 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep3 (030mB3) CNhs13309 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12664-134I9 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T2) CNhs12382 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12762-136B8 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T2) CNhs12861 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12860-137D7 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T2) CNhs12954 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12973-138H3 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12231 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
12989-139A1 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12981 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13005-139B8 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13688 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
12645-134G8 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13343 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12743-135I7 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13361 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12841-137B6 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13571 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12655-134H9 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep1 (LK40) CNhs13352 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12753-136A8 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep2 (LK41) CNhs13372 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12851-137C7 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep3 (LK42) CNhs13580 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
13634-146I7 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14472 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13635-146I8 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14473 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13636-146I9 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14474 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13066-139I6 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12646 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13132-140G9 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12671 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13198-141F3 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12773 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12263-130A4 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 4) CNhs13102 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12385-131E9 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 4) CNhs13160 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12507-133A5 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 4) CNhs13279 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12799-136F9 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 00hr45min 45 mins donor2 (t4 Subject2) CNhs13382 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12897-137H8 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 00hr45min 45 mins donor3 (t4 Subject3) CNhs13177 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13034-139F1 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12422 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13100-140D4 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12478 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13166-141B7 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12739 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13050-139G8 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12437 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13116-140F2 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12654 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13182-141D5 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12756 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13238-142A7 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13428 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13239-142A8 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13429 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13240-142A9 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13430 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
12665-135A1 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T3) CNhs12383 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12763-136B9 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T3) CNhs12862 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12861-137D8 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T3) CNhs12878 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
3570-170B2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 012hr 720 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11467 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3642-171B2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 012hr 720 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11542 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3717-172E2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 012hr 720 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11641 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3652-171C3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 012hr 720 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11555 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3727-172F3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 012hr 720 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11647 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3600-170E5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 012hr 720 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11497 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3672-171E5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 012hr 720 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11575 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3747-172H5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 012hr 720 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14261 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3590-170D4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 012hr 720 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11487 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3662-171D4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 012hr 720 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11565 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3737-172G4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 012hr 720 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11653 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3707-172D1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 012hr 720 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11635 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
13376-143H1 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 012hr 720 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13696 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13377-143H2 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 012hr 720 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13748 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13378-143H3 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 012hr 720 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13749 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13379-143H4 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 016hr 960 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13750 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13380-143H5 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 016hr 960 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13751 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13381-143H6 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 016hr 960 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13752 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
12646-134G9 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 01hr 60 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12741 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12842-137B7 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 01hr 60 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13683 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12656-134I1 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 01hr 60 mins biol_rep1 (LK43) CNhs13353 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12754-136A9 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 01hr 60 mins biol_rep2 (LK44) CNhs13373 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12310-130F6 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 01hr 60 mins biol_rep1 (001hA1) CNhs13116 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12432-132B2 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 01hr 60 mins biol_rep2 (001hA2) CNhs13245 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12554-133F7 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 01hr 60 mins biol_rep3 (001hA3) CNhs13295 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12325-130H3 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 01hr 60 mins biol_rep1 (001hB1) CNhs13132 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12447-132C8 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 01hr 60 mins biol_rep2 (001hB2) CNhs13261 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12569-133H4 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 01hr 60 mins biol_rep3 (001hB3) CNhs13310 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12974-138H4 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 01hr 60 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12232 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
12990-139A2 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 01hr 60 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12982 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13006-139B9 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 01hr 60 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13689 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13637-147A1 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14475 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13638-147A2 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14476 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13639-147A3 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14477 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13067-139I7 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12647 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13133-140H1 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12672 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13199-141F4 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12774 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12264-130A5 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 5) CNhs13103 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12386-131F1 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 5) CNhs13161 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12508-133A6 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 5) CNhs13280 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12800-136G1 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 01hr00min 60 mins donor2 (t5 Subject2) CNhs13383 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12898-137H9 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 01hr00min 60 mins donor3 (t5 Subject3) CNhs13178 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13035-139F2 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12423 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13101-140D5 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12479 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13167-141B8 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12705 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13051-139G9 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12438 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13117-140F3 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12655 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13183-141D6 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12757 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13241-142B1 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13431 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13242-142B2 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13432 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13243-142B3 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13433 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
12666-135A2 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T4) CNhs12384 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12764-136C1 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T4) CNhs12863 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12862-137D9 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T4) CNhs12955 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
13640-147A4 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14478 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13641-147A5 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14479 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13642-147A6 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14480 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13068-139I8 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12648 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13134-140H2 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12673 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13200-141F5 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12775 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12265-130A6 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 6) CNhs13104 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12387-131F2 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 6) CNhs13162 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12509-133A7 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 6) CNhs13281 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12801-136G2 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 01hr20min 80 mins donor2 (t6 Subject2) CNhs13384 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12899-137I1 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 01hr20min 80 mins donor3 (t6 Subject3) CNhs13179 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13036-139F3 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12424 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13102-140D6 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12480 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13168-141B9 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12742 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13052-139H1 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12439 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13118-140F4 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12656 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13184-141D7 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12758 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
12667-135A3 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T5) CNhs12386 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12765-136C2 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T5) CNhs12864 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12863-137E1 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T5) CNhs12879 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
13643-147A7 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14482 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13644-147A8 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14483 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13645-147A9 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14484 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13069-139I9 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12649 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13135-140H3 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12674 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13201-141F6 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12776 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12266-130A7 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 7) CNhs13105 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12388-131F3 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 7) CNhs13163 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12510-133A8 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 7) CNhs13282 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
13037-139F4 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12425 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13103-140D7 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12482 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13169-141C1 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12743 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13053-139H2 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12440 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13119-140F5 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12657 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13185-141D8 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12759 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13247-142B7 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13600 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13248-142B8 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13601 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13249-142B9 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13602 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
12668-135A4 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T6) CNhs12387 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12766-136C3 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T6) CNhs12866 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12864-137E2 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T6) CNhs12880 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
13382-143H7 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 020hr 1200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13697 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13383-143H8 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 020hr 1200 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13753 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13384-143H9 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 020hr 1200 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13754 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
3571-170C2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11468 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3643-171C2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11543 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3718-172F2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11642 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3968-173E4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14343 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3581-170D3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11478 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3653-171D3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11556 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3728-172G3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11648 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3601-170F5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11498 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3673-171F5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11576 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3748-172I5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14262 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3971-173H4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14346 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3591-170E4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11488 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3663-171E4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11566 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3738-172H4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11654 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3970-173G4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14345 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3967-173D4 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14342 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3561-170B1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11458 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3633-171B1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11533 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3708-172E1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11636 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
13385-143I1 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13755 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13386-143I2 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13756 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13387-143I3 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13757 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
3572-170D2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 028hr 1680 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11469 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3644-171D2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 028hr 1680 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11547 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3719-172G2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 028hr 1680 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11643 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3582-170E3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 028hr 1680 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11479 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3654-171E3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 028hr 1680 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11557 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3729-172H3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 028hr 1680 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11649 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3602-170G5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 028hr 1680 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11502 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3674-171G5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 028hr 1680 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11577 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3749-172A6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 028hr 1680 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14263 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3592-170F4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 028hr 1680 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11489 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3664-171F4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 028hr 1680 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11567 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3739-172I4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 028hr 1680 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14254 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3562-170C1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 028hr 1680 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11459 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3634-171C1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 028hr 1680 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11534 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3709-172F1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 028hr 1680 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11637 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3612-170H6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 028hr(004h after stimulation) 1680 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11512 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3684-171H6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 028hr(004h after stimulation) 1680 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11587 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3977-173E5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 028hr(004h after stimulation) 1680 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14352 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3617-170D7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 028hr(004h after stimulation) 1680 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11517 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3982-173A6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 028hr(004h after stimulation) 1680 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14357 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3627-170E8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb 028hr(004h after stimulation) 1680 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11527 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3699-171E8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb 028hr(004h after stimulation) 1680 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11627 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3992-173B7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb 028hr(004h after stimulation) 1680 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14367 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3622-170I7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 028hr(004h after stimulation) 1680 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11522 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3694-171I7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 028hr(004h after stimulation) 1680 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11622 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3987-173F6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 028hr(004h after stimulation) 1680 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14362 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3972-173I4 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb 028hr(004h after stimulation) 1680 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14347 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3607-170C6 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb 028hr(004h after stimulation) 1680 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11507 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3679-171C6 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb 028hr(004h after stimulation) 1680 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11582 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3689-171D7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 028hr(004h after stimulaton) 1680 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11617 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
12647-134H1 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 02hr 120 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13344 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12745-135I9 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 02hr 120 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13363 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12843-137B8 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 02hr 120 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13572 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12755-136B1 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 02hr 120 mins biol_rep2 (LK47) CNhs13374 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12853-137C9 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 02hr 120 mins biol_rep3 (LK48) CNhs13582 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12311-130F7 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 02hr 120 mins biol_rep1 (002hA1) CNhs13117 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12433-132B3 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 02hr 120 mins biol_rep2 (002hA2) CNhs13247 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12555-133F8 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 02hr 120 mins biol_rep3 (002hA3) CNhs13296 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12326-130H4 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 02hr 120 mins biol_rep1 (002hB1) CNhs13133 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12448-132C9 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 02hr 120 mins biol_rep2 (002hB2) CNhs13262 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12570-133H5 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 02hr 120 mins biol_rep3 (002hB3) CNhs13311 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12975-138H5 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 02hr 120 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12233 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13007-139C1 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 02hr 120 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13690 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13646-147B1 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14485 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13647-147B2 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14486 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13648-147B3 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14487 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13070-140A1 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12650 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13136-140H4 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12675 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13202-141F7 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 02hr00min 120 mins biol rep3 CNhs14548 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12267-130A8 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 8) CNhs13106 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12389-131F4 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 8) CNhs13164 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12511-133A9 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 8) CNhs13283 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
13306-142I3 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to udorn influenza infection 02hr00min 120 mins donor1 (868_121:Ud_2h) CNhs13555 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13324-143B3 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to udorn influenza infection 02hr00min 120 mins donor3 (536_119:Ud_2h) CNhs13651 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13312-142I9 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to udorn influenza infection 02hr00min 120 mins donor4 (227_121:Ud_2h) CNhs13640 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
12803-136G4 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 02hr00min 120 mins donor2 (t8 Subject2) CNhs13386 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12901-137I3 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 02hr00min 120 mins donor3 (t8 Subject3) CNhs13181 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13038-139F5 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12426 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13104-140D8 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12483 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13170-141C2 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12744 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13054-139H3 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12441 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13120-140F6 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12658 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13186-141D9 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12760 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13250-142C1 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13603 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13251-142C2 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13604 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
12669-135A5 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T7) CNhs12388 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12767-136C4 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T7) CNhs12867 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12865-137E3 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T7) CNhs12881 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
13649-147B4 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14488 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13650-147B5 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14489 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13651-147B6 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14490 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13071-140A2 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12651 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13137-140H5 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12676 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13203-141F8 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12778 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12268-130A9 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 9) CNhs13107 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12390-131F5 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 9) CNhs13165 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12512-133B1 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 9) CNhs13284 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12706-135E6 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 02hr30min 150 mins donor1 (t9 Subject1) CNhs13152 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12804-136G5 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 02hr30min 150 mins donor2 (t9 Subject2) CNhs13387 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12902-137I4 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 02hr30min 150 mins donor3 (t9 Subject3) CNhs13182 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13039-139F6 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12427 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13105-140D9 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12484 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13171-141C3 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12746 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13055-139H4 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12442 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13121-140F7 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12659 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13187-141E1 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12761 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13253-142C4 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13606 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13255-142C6 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13608 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
12670-135A6 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T8) CNhs12389 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12768-136C5 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T8) CNhs12868 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12866-137E4 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T8) CNhs12882 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
13388-143I4 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 030hr 1800 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13758 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13389-143I5 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 030hr 1800 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13759 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13390-143I6 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 030hr 1800 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13760 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
3573-170E2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11470 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3645-171E2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11548 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3720-172H2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14302 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3583-170F3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11480 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3655-171F3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11558 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3730-172I3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14306 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3603-170H5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11503 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3750-172B6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14264 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3593-170G4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11490 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3665-171G4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11568 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3740-172A5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14255 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3563-170D1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11460 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3635-171D1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11535 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3710-172G1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14298 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
13391-143I7 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13762 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13392-143I8 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13763 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13393-143I9 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13764 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
3613-170I6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 036hr(012h after stimulation) 2160 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11513 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3685-171I6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 036hr(012h after stimulation) 2160 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11588 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3978-173F5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 036hr(012h after stimulation) 2160 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14353 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3618-170E7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 036hr(012h after stimulation) 2160 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11518 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3690-171E7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 036hr(012h after stimulation) 2160 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11618 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3628-170F8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb 036hr(012h after stimulation) 2160 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11528 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3700-171F8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb 036hr(012h after stimulation) 2160 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11628 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3993-173C7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb 036hr(012h after stimulation) 2160 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14368 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3623-170A8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 036hr(012h after stimulation) 2160 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11523 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3695-171A8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 036hr(012h after stimulation) 2160 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11623 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3988-173G6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 036hr(012h after stimulation) 2160 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14363 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3973-173A5 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb 036hr(012h after stimulation) 2160 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14348 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3608-170D6 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb 036hr(012h after stimulation) 2160 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11508 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3680-171D6 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb 036hr(012h after stimulation) 2160 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11583 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
12648-134H2 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 03hr 180 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13345 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12746-136A1 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 03hr 180 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13364 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12844-137B9 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 03hr 180 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13573 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12658-134I3 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 03hr 180 mins biol_rep1 (LK49) CNhs13355 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12756-136B2 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 03hr 180 mins biol_rep2 (LK50) CNhs13375 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12312-130F8 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 03hr 180 mins biol_rep1 (003hA1) CNhs13118 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12434-132B4 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 03hr 180 mins biol_rep2 (003hA2) CNhs13248 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12556-133F9 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 03hr 180 mins biol_rep3 (003hA3) CNhs13297 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12327-130H5 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 03hr 180 mins biol_rep1 (003hB1) CNhs13134 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12449-132D1 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 03hr 180 mins biol_rep2 (003hB2) CNhs13263 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12571-133H6 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 03hr 180 mins biol_rep3 (003hB3) CNhs13312 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12671-135A7 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 03hr 180 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T9) CNhs12390 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12769-136C6 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 03hr 180 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T9) CNhs12869 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12867-137E5 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 03hr 180 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T9) CNhs12883 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
13652-147B7 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14491 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13653-147B8 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14492 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13654-147B9 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14493 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13072-140A3 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12450 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13138-140H6 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12677 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13204-141F9 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12779 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12269-130B1 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 10) CNhs13108 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12391-131F6 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 10) CNhs13166 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12513-133B2 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 10) CNhs13285 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12707-135E7 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 03hr00min 180 mins donor1 (t10 Subject1) CNhs12924 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12805-136G6 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 03hr00min 180 mins donor2 (t10 Subject2) CNhs13388 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12903-137I5 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 03hr00min 180 mins donor3 (t10 Subject3) CNhs13183 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13040-139F7 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12428 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13106-140E1 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12485 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13172-141C4 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12747 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13056-139H5 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12443 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13122-140F8 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12660 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13188-141E2 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12762 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13256-142C7 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13609 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13258-142C9 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13611 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13655-147C1 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 03hr30min 210 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14494 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13656-147C2 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 03hr30min 210 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14495 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13657-147C3 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 03hr30min 210 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14496 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13073-140A4 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 03hr30min 210 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12451 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13139-140H7 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 03hr30min 210 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12678 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13205-141G1 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 03hr30min 210 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12780 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12270-130B2 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 03hr30min 210 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 11) CNhs13109 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12392-131F7 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 03hr30min 210 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 11) CNhs13168 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12514-133B3 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 03hr30min 210 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 11) CNhs13286 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12806-136G7 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 03hr30min 210 mins donor2 (t11 Subject2) CNhs13389 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12904-137I6 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 03hr30min 210 mins donor3 (t11 Subject3) CNhs13184 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13041-139F8 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 03hr30min 210 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12429 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13107-140E2 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 03hr30min 210 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12486 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13173-141C5 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 03hr30min 210 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12748 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13057-139H6 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 03hr30min 210 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12444 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13123-140F9 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 03hr30min 210 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12662 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13189-141E3 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 03hr30min 210 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12763 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13394-144A1 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 042hr 2520 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13765 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13395-144A2 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 042hr 2520 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13766 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13396-144A3 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 042hr 2520 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13767 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
3574-170F2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11471 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3646-171F2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11549 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3721-172I2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14303 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3584-170G3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11481 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3656-171G3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11559 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3731-172A4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14307 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3604-170I5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11504 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3676-171I5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11579 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3751-172C6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14265 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3594-170H4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11491 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3666-171H4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11569 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3741-172B5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14256 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3564-170E1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11461 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3636-171E1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11536 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3711-172H1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14299 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
13397-144A4 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13768 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13398-144A5 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13769 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13399-144A6 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13770 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
3614-170A7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 048hr(024h after stimulation) 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11514 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3686-171A7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 048hr(024h after stimulation) 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11614 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3979-173G5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 048hr(024h after stimulation) 2880 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14354 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3619-170F7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 048hr(024h after stimulation) 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11519 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3691-171F7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 048hr(024h after stimulation) 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11619 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3629-170G8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb 048hr(024h after stimulation) 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11529 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3701-171G8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb 048hr(024h after stimulation) 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11629 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3994-173D7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb 048hr(024h after stimulation) 2880 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14369 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3624-170B8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 048hr(024h after stimulation) 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11524 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3696-171B8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 048hr(024h after stimulation) 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11624 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3989-173H6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 048hr(024h after stimulation) 2880 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14364 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3974-173B5 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb 048hr(024h after stimulation) 2880 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14349 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3609-170E6 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb 048hr(024h after stimulation) 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11509 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3681-171E6 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb 048hr(024h after stimulation) 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11584 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
12659-134I4 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 04hr 240 mins biol_rep1 (LK52) CNhs13682 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12757-136B3 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 04hr 240 mins biol_rep2 (LK53) CNhs13376 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12855-137D2 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 04hr 240 mins biol_rep3 (LK54) CNhs13584 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
13074-140A5 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 04hr 240 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12452 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13140-140H8 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 04hr 240 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12679 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13206-141G2 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 04hr 240 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12781 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12271-130B3 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 04hr 240 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 12) CNhs13110 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12393-131F8 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 04hr 240 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 12) CNhs13169 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12515-133B4 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 04hr 240 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 12) CNhs13287 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12807-136G8 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 04hr 240 mins donor2 (t12 Subject2) CNhs13391 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12905-137I7 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 04hr 240 mins donor3 (t12 Subject3) CNhs13185 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13042-139F9 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 04hr 240 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12430 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13108-140E3 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 04hr 240 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12487 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13174-141C6 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 04hr 240 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12749 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13058-139H7 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 04hr 240 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12445 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13124-140G1 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 04hr 240 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12663 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13190-141E4 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 04hr 240 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12764 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
12672-135A8 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 04hr 240 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T10) CNhs12391 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12770-136C7 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 04hr 240 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T10) CNhs12870 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12868-137E6 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 04hr 240 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T10) CNhs12884 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12976-138H6 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 04hr 240 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12234 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
12992-139A4 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 04hr 240 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12985 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13008-139C2 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 04hr 240 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13691 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13658-147C4 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 04hr00min 240 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14497 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13659-147C5 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 04hr00min 240 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14498 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13660-147C6 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 04hr00min 240 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14499 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13400-144A7 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 054hr 3240 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13771 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13401-144A8 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 054hr 3240 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13772 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13402-144A9 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 054hr 3240 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13773 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
12650-134H4 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 05hr 300 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13347 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12748-136A3 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 05hr 300 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13367 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12846-137C2 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 05hr 300 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13575 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12660-134I5 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 05hr 300 mins biol_rep1 (LK55) CNhs13356 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12758-136B4 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 05hr 300 mins biol_rep2 (LK56) CNhs13377 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12272-130B4 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 05hr 300 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 13) CNhs13111 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12394-131F9 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 05hr 300 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 13) CNhs13170 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12516-133B5 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 05hr 300 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 13) CNhs13288 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12710-135F1 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 05hr 300 mins donor1 (t13 Subject1) CNhs13155 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12808-136G9 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 05hr 300 mins donor2 (t13 Subject2) CNhs13392 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12906-137I8 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 05hr 300 mins donor3 (t13 Subject3) CNhs13186 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13043-139G1 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 05hr 300 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12431 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13109-140E4 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 05hr 300 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12488 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13175-141C7 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 05hr 300 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12750 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13059-139H8 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 05hr 300 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12446 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13125-140G2 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 05hr 300 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12664 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13191-141E5 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 05hr 300 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12765 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13661-147C7 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 05hr00min 300 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14500 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13662-147C8 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 05hr00min 300 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14501 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13663-147C9 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 05hr00min 300 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14518 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13403-144B1 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 060hr 3600 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13774 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13404-144B2 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 060hr 3600 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13775 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13405-144B3 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 060hr 3600 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13776 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13406-144B4 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 066hr 3960 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13777 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13407-144B5 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 066hr 3960 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13778 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13408-144B6 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 066hr 3960 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13779 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
12651-134H5 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 06hr 360 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13348 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12749-136A4 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 06hr 360 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13368 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12847-137C3 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 06hr 360 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13576 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12661-134I6 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 06hr 360 mins biol_rep1 (LK58) CNhs13357 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12759-136B5 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 06hr 360 mins biol_rep2 (LK59) CNhs13378 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12857-137D4 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 06hr 360 mins biol_rep3 (LK60) CNhs13586 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
13075-140A6 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 06hr 360 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12453 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13141-140H9 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 06hr 360 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12680 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13207-141G3 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 06hr 360 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12782 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12273-130B5 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 06hr 360 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 14) CNhs13112 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12395-131G1 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 06hr 360 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 14) CNhs13171 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12517-133B6 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 06hr 360 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 14) CNhs13289 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
13044-139G2 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 06hr 360 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12432 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13110-140E5 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 06hr 360 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12489 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13176-141C8 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 06hr 360 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12751 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13060-139H9 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 06hr 360 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12447 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13126-140G3 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 06hr 360 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12665 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13192-141E6 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 06hr 360 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12766 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
12313-130F9 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 06hr 360 mins biol_rep1 (006hA1) CNhs13120 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12435-132B5 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 06hr 360 mins biol_rep2 (006hA2) CNhs13249 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12557-133G1 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 06hr 360 mins biol_rep3 (006hA3) CNhs13298 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12328-130H6 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 06hr 360 mins biol_rep1 (006hB1) CNhs13135 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12450-132D2 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 06hr 360 mins biol_rep2 (006hB2) CNhs13264 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12572-133H7 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 06hr 360 mins biol_rep3 (006hB3) CNhs13313 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
13544-145H7 293SLAM rinderpest infection 06hr 360 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14410 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13545-145H8 293SLAM rinderpest infection 06hr 360 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14411 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13546-145H9 293SLAM rinderpest infection 06hr 360 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14412 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13556-146A1 COBL-a rinderpest infection 06hr 360 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14422 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13557-146A2 COBL-a rinderpest infection 06hr 360 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14423 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13558-146A3 COBL-a rinderpest infection 06hr 360 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14424 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13568-146B4 COBL-a rinderpest(-C) infection 06hr 360 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14435 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13569-146B5 COBL-a rinderpest(-C) infection 06hr 360 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14436 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13570-146B6 COBL-a rinderpest(-C) infection 06hr 360 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14437 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
12977-138H7 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 06hr 360 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12235 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
12993-139A5 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 06hr 360 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12986 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13009-139C3 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 06hr 360 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13587 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13664-147D1 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 06hr00min 360 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14519 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13666-147D3 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 06hr00min 360 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14522 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
3647-171G2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11550 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3722-172A3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14304 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3585-170H3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11482 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3732-172B4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14308 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3605-170A6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11505 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3677-171A6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11580 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3752-172D6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14266 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3595-170I4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11492 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3667-171I4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11570 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3742-172C5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14257 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3565-170F1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11462 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3637-171F1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11537 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3712-172I1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14300 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
13409-144B7 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13780 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13410-144B8 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13781 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13411-144B9 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13782 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
3615-170B7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 072hr(048h after stimulation) 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11515 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3687-171B7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 072hr(048h after stimulation) 4320 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11615 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3980-173H5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 072hr(048h after stimulation) 4320 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14355 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3620-170G7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 072hr(048h after stimulation) 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11520 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3692-171G7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 072hr(048h after stimulation) 4320 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11620 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3985-173D6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 072hr(048h after stimulation) 4320 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14360 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3630-170H8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb 072hr(048h after stimulation) 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11530 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3702-171H8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb 072hr(048h after stimulation) 4320 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11630 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3995-173E7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb 072hr(048h after stimulation) 4320 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14370 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3625-170C8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 072hr(048h after stimulation) 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11525 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3697-171C8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 072hr(048h after stimulation) 4320 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11625 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3990-173I6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 072hr(048h after stimulation) 4320 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14365 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3975-173C5 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb 072hr(048h after stimulation) 4320 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14350 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3610-170F6 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb 072hr(048h after stimulation) 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11510 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
12274-130B6 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 07hr 420 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 15) CNhs13113 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12396-131G2 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 07hr 420 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 15) CNhs13172 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12518-133B7 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 07hr 420 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 15) CNhs13290 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
13045-139G3 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 07hr 420 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12434 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13111-140E6 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 07hr 420 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12490 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13177-141C9 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 07hr 420 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12752 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13061-139I1 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 07hr 420 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12448 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13127-140G4 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 07hr 420 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12666 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13193-141E7 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 07hr 420 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12767 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13667-147D4 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 07hr00min 420 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14523 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13668-147D5 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 07hr00min 420 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14524 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13669-147D6 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 07hr00min 420 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14525 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13307-142I4 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to udorn influenza infection 07hr00min 420 mins donor1 (868_121:Ud_7h) CNhs13556 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13319-143A7 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to udorn influenza infection 07hr00min 420 mins donor2 (150_120:Ud_7h) CNhs13559 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13325-143B4 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to udorn influenza infection 07hr00min 420 mins donor3 (536_119:Ud_7h) CNhs13561 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13313-143A1 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to udorn influenza infection 07hr00min 420 mins donor4 (227_121:Ud_7h) CNhs13641 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13412-144C1 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 084hr 5040 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13783 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13413-144C2 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 084hr 5040 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13784 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13414-144C3 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 084hr 5040 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13786 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
12275-130B7 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 08hr 480 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 16) CNhs11937 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12397-131G3 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 08hr 480 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 16) CNhs13173 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12519-133B8 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 08hr 480 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 16) CNhs13291 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12713-135F4 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 08hr 480 mins donor1 (t16 Subject1) CNhs12927 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12811-136H3 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 08hr 480 mins donor2 (t16 Subject2) CNhs13395 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12909-138A2 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 08hr 480 mins donor3 (t16 Subject3) CNhs13326 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13112-140E7 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 08hr 480 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12491 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13178-141D1 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 08hr 480 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12753 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13046-139G4 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 08hr 480 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12565 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13062-139I2 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 08hr 480 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12740 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13128-140G5 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 08hr 480 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12667 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13194-141E8 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 08hr 480 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12768 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
12673-135A9 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 08hr 480 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T11) CNhs12392 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12771-136C8 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 08hr 480 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T11) CNhs12871 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12869-137E7 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 08hr 480 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T11) CNhs12885 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12978-138H8 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 08hr 480 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12236 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
12994-139A6 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 08hr 480 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12987 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13010-139C4 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 08hr 480 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13588 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13670-147D7 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 08hr00min 480 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14526 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13671-147D8 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 08hr00min 480 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14527 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13672-147D9 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 08hr00min 480 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14528 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13415-144C4 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 096hr 5760 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13787 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13416-144C5 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 096hr 5760 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13788 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13417-144C6 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 096hr 5760 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13789 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
12812-136H4 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 10hr 600 mins donor2 (t17 Subject2) CNhs13396 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12910-138A3 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 10hr 600 mins donor3 (t17 Subject3) CNhs13327 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12979-138H9 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 10hr 600 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12237 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
12995-139A7 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 10hr 600 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12988 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13011-139C5 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 10hr 600 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13589 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
3576-170H2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11473 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3648-171H2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11551 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3723-172B3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14305 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3586-170I3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11483 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3658-171I3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11561 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3733-172C4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14309 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3606-170B6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11506 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3678-171B6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11581 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3753-172E6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14267 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3596-170A5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11493 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3668-171A5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11571 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3743-172D5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14258 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3566-170G1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11463 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3638-171G1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11538 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3713-172A2 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14301 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
13418-144C7 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13790 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13419-144C8 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13791 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13420-144C9 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13792 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
3616-170C7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 120hr(096h after stimulation) 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11516 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3688-171C7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 120hr(096h after stimulation) 7200 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11616 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3981-173I5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 120hr(096h after stimulation) 7200 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14356 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3621-170H7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 120hr(096h after stimulation) 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11521 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3693-171H7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 120hr(096h after stimulation) 7200 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11621 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3986-173E6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 120hr(096h after stimulation) 7200 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14361 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3631-170I8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb 120hr(096h after stimulation) 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11531 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3703-171I8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb 120hr(096h after stimulation) 7200 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11631 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3996-173F7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb 120hr(096h after stimulation) 7200 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14371 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3626-170D8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 120hr(096h after stimulation) 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11526 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3991-173A7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 120hr(096h after stimulation) 7200 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14366 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3976-173D5 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb 120hr(096h after stimulation) 7200 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14351 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3611-170G6 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb 120hr(096h after stimulation) 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11511 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3683-171G6 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb 120hr(096h after stimulation) 7200 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11586 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3698-171D8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 120hr(096h after stimulaton) 7200 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11626 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
13076-140A7 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 12hr 720 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12454 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13142-140I1 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 12hr 720 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14546 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13208-141G4 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 12hr 720 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12783 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12715-135F6 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 12hr 720 mins donor1 (t18 Subject1) CNhs12813 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12813-136H5 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 12hr 720 mins donor2 (t18 Subject2) CNhs13397 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12911-138A4 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 12hr 720 mins donor3 (t18 Subject3) CNhs13328 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12314-130G1 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 12hr 720 mins biol_rep1 (012hA1) CNhs13121 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12436-132B6 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 12hr 720 mins biol_rep2 (012hA2) CNhs13250 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12558-133G2 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 12hr 720 mins biol_rep3 (012hA3) CNhs13299 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12329-130H7 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 12hr 720 mins biol_rep1 (012hB1) CNhs13136 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12451-132D3 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 12hr 720 mins biol_rep2 (012hB2) CNhs13265 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12573-133H8 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 12hr 720 mins biol_rep3 (012hB3) CNhs13314 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
13547-145I1 293SLAM rinderpest infection 12hr 720 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14413 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13548-145I2 293SLAM rinderpest infection 12hr 720 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14414 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13549-145I3 293SLAM rinderpest infection 12hr 720 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14415 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13559-146A4 COBL-a rinderpest infection 12hr 720 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14425 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13560-146A5 COBL-a rinderpest infection 12hr 720 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14426 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13561-146A6 COBL-a rinderpest infection 12hr 720 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14427 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13571-146B7 COBL-a rinderpest(-C) infection 12hr 720 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14438 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13572-146B8 COBL-a rinderpest(-C) infection 12hr 720 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14439 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13573-146B9 COBL-a rinderpest(-C) infection 12hr 720 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14440 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
12980-138I1 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 12hr 720 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12238 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
12996-139A8 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 12hr 720 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12989 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13012-139C6 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 12hr 720 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13590 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13674-147E2 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 12hr00min 720 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14530 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13675-147E3 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 12hr00min 720 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14531 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
12716-135F7 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 14hr 840 mins donor1 (t19 Subject1) CNhs12929 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12814-136H6 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 14hr 840 mins donor2 (t19 Subject2) CNhs13398 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12912-138A5 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 14hr 840 mins donor3 (t19 Subject3) CNhs13329 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12815-136H7 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 16hr 960 mins donor2 (t20 Subject2) CNhs13399 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12913-138A6 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 16hr 960 mins donor3 (t20 Subject3) CNhs13330 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13676-147E4 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 16hr00min 960 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14532 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13677-147E5 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 16hr00min 960 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14533 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13678-147E6 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 16hr00min 960 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14534 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
12718-135F9 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 18hr 1080 mins donor1 (t21 Subject1) CNhs12814 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12816-136H8 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 18hr 1080 mins donor2 (t21 Subject2) CNhs13400 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12914-138A7 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 18hr 1080 mins donor3 (t21 Subject3) CNhs13331 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12315-130G2 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 18hr 1080 mins biol_rep1 (018hA1) CNhs13122 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12437-132B7 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 18hr 1080 mins biol_rep2 (018hA2) CNhs13251 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12559-133G3 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 18hr 1080 mins biol_rep3 (018hA3) CNhs13300 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12330-130H8 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 18hr 1080 mins biol_rep1 (018hB1) CNhs13137 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12452-132D4 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 18hr 1080 mins biol_rep2 (018hB2) CNhs13266 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12574-133H9 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 18hr 1080 mins biol_rep3 (018hB3) CNhs13315 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12719-135G1 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 20hr 1200 mins donor1 (t22 Subject1) CNhs12931 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12817-136H9 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 20hr 1200 mins donor2 (t22 Subject2) CNhs13401 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12915-138A8 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 20hr 1200 mins donor3 (t22 Subject3) CNhs13332 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12720-135G2 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 22hr 1320 mins donor1 (t23 Subject1) CNhs12815 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12818-136I1 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 22hr 1320 mins donor2 (t23 Subject2) CNhs13402 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12916-138A9 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 22hr 1320 mins donor3 (t23 Subject3) CNhs13333 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13077-140A8 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12455 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13143-140I2 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12682 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13209-141G5 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12784 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12721-135G3 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 24hr 1440 mins donor1 (t24 Subject1) CNhs12932 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12819-136I2 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 24hr 1440 mins donor2 (t24 Subject2) CNhs13403 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12917-138B1 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 24hr 1440 mins donor3 (t24 Subject3) CNhs13334 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12316-130G3 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep1 (024hA1) CNhs13123 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12438-132B8 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep2 (024hA2) CNhs13252 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12560-133G4 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep3 (024hA3) CNhs13301 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12331-130H9 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep1 (024hB1) CNhs13138 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12453-132D5 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep2 (024hB2) CNhs13267 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12575-133I1 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep3 (024hB3) CNhs13316 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
13550-145I4 293SLAM rinderpest infection 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14416 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13551-145I5 293SLAM rinderpest infection 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14417 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13552-145I6 293SLAM rinderpest infection 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14418 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13562-146A7 COBL-a rinderpest infection 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14428 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13563-146A8 COBL-a rinderpest infection 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14429 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13564-146A9 COBL-a rinderpest infection 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14430 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13574-146C1 COBL-a rinderpest(-C) infection 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14441 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13575-146C2 COBL-a rinderpest(-C) infection 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14442 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13576-146C3 COBL-a rinderpest(-C) infection 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14443 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
12674-135B1 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T12) CNhs12393 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12772-136C9 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T12) CNhs12872 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12870-137E8 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T12) CNhs12886 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12981-138I2 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12239 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
12997-139A9 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12990 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13679-147E7 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 24hr00min 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14535 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13681-147E9 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 24hr00min 1440 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14537 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13309-142I6 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to mock influenza infection 24hr00min 1440 mins donor1 (868_121:MI_24h) CNhs13693 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13321-143A9 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to mock influenza infection 24hr00min 1440 mins donor2 (150_120:MI_24h) CNhs13648 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13327-143B6 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to mock influenza infection 24hr00min 1440 mins donor3 (536_119:MI_24h) CNhs13652 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13315-143A3 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to mock influenza infection 24hr00min 1440 mins donor4 (227_121:MI_24h) CNhs13644 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13308-142I5 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to udorn influenza infection 24hr00min 1440 mins donor1 (868_121:Ud_24h) CNhs13557 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13320-143A8 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to udorn influenza infection 24hr00min 1440 mins donor2 (150_120:Ud_24h) CNhs13560 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13326-143B5 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to udorn influenza infection 24hr00min 1440 mins donor3 (536_119:Ud_24h) CNhs13562 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
12722-135G4 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 36hr 2160 mins donor1 (t25 Subject1) CNhs12933 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12820-136I3 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 36hr 2160 mins donor2 (t25 Subject2) CNhs13404 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12918-138B2 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 36hr 2160 mins donor3 (t25 Subject3) CNhs13335 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12439-132B9 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 36hr 2160 mins biol_rep2 (036hA2) CNhs13253 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12561-133G5 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 36hr 2160 mins biol_rep3 (036hA3) CNhs13302 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12332-130I1 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 36hr 2160 mins biol_rep1 (036hB1) CNhs13139 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12454-132D6 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 36hr 2160 mins biol_rep2 (036hB2) CNhs13268 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12576-133I2 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 36hr 2160 mins biol_rep3 (036hB3) CNhs13317 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
13682-147F1 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 42hr00min 2520 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14538 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13683-147F2 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 42hr00min 2520 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14539 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13684-147F3 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 42hr00min 2520 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14540 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13078-140A9 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 48hr 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12456 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13144-140I3 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 48hr 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12683 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13210-141G6 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 48hr 2880 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12785 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12723-135G5 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 48hr 2880 mins donor1 (t26 Subject1) CNhs11942 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12821-136I4 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 48hr 2880 mins donor2 (t26 Subject2) CNhs13405 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13565-146B1 COBL-a rinderpest infection 48hr 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14431 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13566-146B2 COBL-a rinderpest infection 48hr 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14432 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13567-146B3 COBL-a rinderpest infection 48hr 2880 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14434 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13577-146C4 COBL-a rinderpest(-C) infection 48hr 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14444 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13578-146C5 COBL-a rinderpest(-C) infection 48hr 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14445 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13579-146C6 COBL-a rinderpest(-C) infection 48hr 2880 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14446 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13685-147F4 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 60hr00min 3600 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14541 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13686-147F5 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 60hr00min 3600 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14542 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13687-147F6 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 60hr00min 3600 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14543 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
12627-134E8 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day00 0 mins biol_rep1 (H9EB-1 d0) CNhs12822 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12725-135G7 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day00 0 mins biol_rep2 (H9EB-2 d0) CNhs12825 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12823-136I6 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day00 0 mins biol_rep3 (H9EB-3 d0) CNhs12908 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13364-143F7 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day00 0 mins biol_rep1 (UH-1) CNhs13694 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13365-143F8 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day00 0 mins biol_rep2 (UH-2) CNhs13695 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13366-143F9 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day00 0 mins biol_rep3 (UH-3) CNhs13738 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
14357-155I1 ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation day00 0 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14104 ES to neuron ES_to_neuron Mouse In vitro differentiation
14362-155I6 ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation day00 0 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14109 ES to neuron ES_to_neuron Mouse In vitro differentiation
13445-144F7 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day00 0 mins rep1 CNhs13830 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13449-144G2 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day00 0 mins rep2 CNhs13843 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13453-144G6 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day00 0 mins rep3 CNhs14056 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13457-144H1 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day00 0 mins rep1 CNhs13835 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13461-144H5 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day00 0 mins rep2 CNhs14060 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13465-144H9 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day00 0 mins rep3 CNhs14063 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13425-144D5 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C11-CRL2429 day00 0 mins rep2 CNhs13822 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13421-144D1 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C11-CRL2429 day00 0 mins rep1 CNhs14045 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13429-144D9 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C11-CRL2429 day00 0 mins rep3 CNhs14049 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13433-144E4 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C32-CRL1502 day00 0 mins rep1 CNhs13826 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13437-144E8 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C32-CRL1502 day00 0 mins rep2 CNhs13839 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13441-144F3 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C32-CRL1502 day00 0 mins rep3 CNhs14052 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13496-145C4 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day00 0 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor1 CNhs14586 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13505-145D4 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day00 0 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor2 CNhs14596 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13514-145E4 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day00 0 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor3 CNhs14605 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13469-144I4 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day00 0 mins control donor1 CNhs13847 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13478-145A4 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day00 0 mins control donor2 CNhs14567 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13487-145B4 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day00 0 mins control donor3 CNhs14577 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13297-142H3 trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation day00 0 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13526 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13283-142F7 trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation day00 0 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13481 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13290-142G5 trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation day00 0 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13519 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
12628-134E9 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day01 1440 mins biol_rep1 (H9EB-1 d1) CNhs12823 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12726-135G8 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day01 1440 mins biol_rep2 (H9EB-2 d1) CNhs12826 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12824-136I7 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day01 1440 mins biol_rep3 (H9EB-3 d1) CNhs12909 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13328-143B7 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day01 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13653 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13340-143D1 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day01 1440 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13712 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13352-143E4 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day01 1440 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13725 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
14358-155I2 ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation day01 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14105 ES to neuron ES_to_neuron Mouse In vitro differentiation
14363-155I7 ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation day01 1440 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14110 ES to neuron ES_to_neuron Mouse In vitro differentiation
13263-142D5 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction day01 1440 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13616 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13264-142D6 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction day01 1440 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13617 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13497-145C5 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day01 1440 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor1 CNhs14587 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13506-145D5 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day01 1440 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor2 CNhs14597 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13515-145E5 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day01 1440 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor3 CNhs14606 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13470-144I5 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day01 1440 mins control donor1 CNhs13848 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13488-145B5 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day01 1440 mins control donor3 CNhs14578 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13298-142H4 trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation day01 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13527 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13284-142F8 trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation day01 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13514 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13291-142G6 trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation day01 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13520 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13329-143B8 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day02 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13654 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13341-143D2 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day02 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13714 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13353-143E5 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day02 2880 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13726 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
14359-155I3 ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation day02 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14106 ES to neuron ES_to_neuron Mouse In vitro differentiation
14364-155I8 ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation day02 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14111 ES to neuron ES_to_neuron Mouse In vitro differentiation
12318-130G5 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes day02 2880 mins biol_rep1 (048hA1) CNhs13125 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12440-132C1 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes day02 2880 mins biol_rep2 (048hA2) CNhs13254 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12562-133G6 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes day02 2880 mins biol_rep3 (048hA3) CNhs13303 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
13265-142D7 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction day02 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13619 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13266-142D8 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction day02 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13620 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13267-142D9 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction day02 2880 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13621 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
12333-130I2 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes day02 2880 mins biol_rep1 (048hB1) CNhs13140 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12455-132D7 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes day02 2880 mins biol_rep2 (048hB2) CNhs13269 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12577-133I3 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes day02 2880 mins biol_rep3 (048hB3) CNhs13319 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
13498-145C6 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day02 2880 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor1 CNhs14588 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13507-145D6 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day02 2880 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor2 CNhs14598 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13516-145E6 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day02 2880 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor3 CNhs14607 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13471-144I6 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day02 2880 mins control donor1 CNhs13849 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13480-145A6 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day02 2880 mins control donor2 CNhs14570 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13489-145B6 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day02 2880 mins control donor3 CNhs14579 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
12982-138I3 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell day02 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12240 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
12998-139B1 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell day02 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12991 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13014-139C8 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell day02 2880 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13592 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13299-142H5 trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation day02 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13528 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13285-142F9 trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation day02 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13515 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13292-142G7 trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation day02 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13521 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
12629-134F1 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day03 4320 mins biol_rep1 (H9EB-1 d3) CNhs12895 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12727-135G9 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day03 4320 mins biol_rep2 (H9EB-2 d3) CNhs12827 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12825-136I8 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day03 4320 mins biol_rep3 (H9EB-3 d3) CNhs12910 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13330-143B9 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day03 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13655 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13342-143D3 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day03 4320 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13715 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13354-143E6 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day03 4320 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13727 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
14360-155I4 ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation day03 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14107 ES to neuron ES_to_neuron Mouse In vitro differentiation
14365-155I9 ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation day03 4320 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14112 ES to neuron ES_to_neuron Mouse In vitro differentiation
12319-130G6 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes day03 4320 mins biol_rep1 (072hA1) CNhs13126 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12441-132C2 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes day03 4320 mins biol_rep2 (072hA2) CNhs13255 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12563-133G7 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes day03 4320 mins biol_rep3 (072hA3) CNhs13304 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12334-130I3 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes day03 4320 mins biol_rep1 (072hB1) CNhs13141 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12456-132D8 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes day03 4320 mins biol_rep2 (072hB2) CNhs13271 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12578-133I4 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes day03 4320 mins biol_rep3 (072hB3) CNhs13320 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
13499-145C7 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day03 4320 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor1 CNhs14589 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13508-145D7 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day03 4320 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor2 CNhs14599 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13472-144I7 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day03 4320 mins control donor1 CNhs13850 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13481-145A7 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day03 4320 mins control donor2 CNhs14571 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13490-145B7 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day03 4320 mins control donor3 CNhs14580 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
12983-138I4 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell day03 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11059 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
12999-139B2 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell day03 4320 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13684 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13015-139C9 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell day03 4320 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13593 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13300-142H6 trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation day03 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13529 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13286-142G1 trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation day03 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13516 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13293-142G8 trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation day03 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13522 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13331-143C1 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day04 5760 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13656 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13343-143D4 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day04 5760 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13716 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13355-143E7 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day04 5760 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13728 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
14361-155I5 ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation day04 5760 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14108 ES to neuron ES_to_neuron Mouse In vitro differentiation
14366-156A1 ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation day04 5760 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14113 ES to neuron ES_to_neuron Mouse In vitro differentiation
12320-130G7 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes day04 5760 mins biol_rep1 (096hA1) CNhs13127 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12442-132C3 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes day04 5760 mins biol_rep2 (096hA2) CNhs13256 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12564-133G8 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes day04 5760 mins biol_rep3 (096hA3) CNhs13305 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
13268-142E1 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction day04 5760 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13622 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13270-142E3 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction day04 5760 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13624 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
12335-130I4 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes day04 5760 mins biol_rep1 (096hB1) CNhs13142 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12457-132D9 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes day04 5760 mins biol_rep2 (096hB2) CNhs13272 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12579-133I5 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes day04 5760 mins biol_rep3 (096hB3) CNhs13321 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
13500-145C8 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day04 5760 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor1 CNhs14590 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13509-145D8 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day04 5760 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor2 CNhs14600 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13518-145E8 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day04 5760 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor3 CNhs14609 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13473-144I8 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day04 5760 mins control donor1 CNhs13851 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13482-145A8 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day04 5760 mins control donor2 CNhs14572 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13491-145B8 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day04 5760 mins control donor3 CNhs14581 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13019-139D4 Adipocyte differentiation day04 5760 mins donor1 CNhs12516 Preadipocyte to adipocyte Preadipocyte_to_adipocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13022-139D7 Adipocyte differentiation day04 5760 mins donor2 CNhs13410 Preadipocyte to adipocyte Preadipocyte_to_adipocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13025-139E1 Adipocyte differentiation day04 5760 mins donor3 CNhs13413 Preadipocyte to adipocyte Preadipocyte_to_adipocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13028-139E4 Adipocyte differentiation day04 5760 mins donor4 CNhs13417 Preadipocyte to adipocyte Preadipocyte_to_adipocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12675-135B2 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification day04 5760 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T13) CNhs12394 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12773-136D1 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification day04 5760 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T13) CNhs12873 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12871-137E9 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification day04 5760 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T13) CNhs12887 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12984-138I5 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell day04 5760 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12241 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13000-139B3 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell day04 5760 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13686 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13016-139D1 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell day04 5760 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13595 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13301-142H7 trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation day04 5760 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13635 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13287-142G2 trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation day04 5760 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13517 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13294-142G9 trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation day04 5760 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13523 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13332-143C2 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day05 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13657 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13344-143D5 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day05 7200 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13717 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13356-143E8 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day05 7200 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13729 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12321-130G8 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes day05 7200 mins biol_rep1 (120hA1) CNhs13128 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12443-132C4 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes day05 7200 mins biol_rep2 (120hA2) CNhs13257 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12565-133G9 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes day05 7200 mins biol_rep3 (120hA3) CNhs13306 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12336-130I5 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes day05 7200 mins biol_rep1 (120hB1) CNhs13144 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12458-132E1 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes day05 7200 mins biol_rep2 (120hB2) CNhs13273 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12580-133I6 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes day05 7200 mins biol_rep3 (120hB3) CNhs13322 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12985-138I6 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell day05 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12242 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13001-139B4 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell day05 7200 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12992 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13017-139D2 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell day05 7200 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13596 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13302-142H8 trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation day05 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13636 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13288-142G3 trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation day05 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13518 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13295-142H1 trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation day05 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13524 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
12630-134F2 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day06 8640 mins biol_rep1 (H9EB-1 d6) CNhs12896 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12728-135H1 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day06 8640 mins biol_rep2 (H9EB-2 d6) CNhs12828 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12826-136I9 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day06 8640 mins biol_rep3 (H9EB-3 d6) CNhs12911 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13333-143C3 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day06 8640 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13658 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13345-143D6 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day06 8640 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13718 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13357-143E9 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day06 8640 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13730 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13446-144F8 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day06 8640 mins rep1 CNhs13831 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13450-144G3 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day06 8640 mins rep2 CNhs13844 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13454-144G7 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day06 8640 mins rep3 CNhs14057 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13458-144H2 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day06 8640 mins rep1 CNhs13836 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13462-144H6 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day06 8640 mins rep2 CNhs14061 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13466-144I1 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day06 8640 mins rep3 CNhs14064 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13426-144D6 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C11-CRL2429 day06 8640 mins rep2 CNhs13823 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13422-144D2 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C11-CRL2429 day06 8640 mins rep1 CNhs14046 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13430-144E1 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C11-CRL2429 day06 8640 mins rep3 CNhs14050 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13434-144E5 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C32-CRL1502 day06 8640 mins rep1 CNhs13827 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13438-144E9 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C32-CRL1502 day06 8640 mins rep2 CNhs13840 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13442-144F4 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C32-CRL1502 day06 8640 mins rep3 CNhs14053 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
12322-130G9 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes day06 8640 mins biol_rep1 (144hA1) CNhs13129 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12444-132C5 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes day06 8640 mins biol_rep2 (144hA2) CNhs13258 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12566-133H1 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes day06 8640 mins biol_rep3 (144hA3) CNhs13307 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12337-130I6 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes day06 8640 mins biol_rep1 (144hB1) CNhs11940 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12459-132E2 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes day06 8640 mins biol_rep2 (144hB2) CNhs13274 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12581-133I7 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes day06 8640 mins biol_rep3 (144hB3) CNhs13323 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
13501-145C9 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day06 8640 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor1 CNhs14591 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13519-145E9 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day06 8640 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor3 CNhs14610 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13474-144I9 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day06 8640 mins control donor1 CNhs13852 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13483-145A9 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day06 8640 mins control donor2 CNhs14573 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13492-145B9 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day06 8640 mins control donor3 CNhs14582 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
12986-138I7 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell day06 8640 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11060 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13002-139B5 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell day06 8640 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12993 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13303-142H9 trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation day06 8640 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13530 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13289-142G4 trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation day06 8640 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13482 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13296-142H2 trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation day06 8640 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13525 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13346-143D7 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day07 10080 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13719 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13358-143F1 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day07 10080 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13731 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12676-135B3 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification day07 10080 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T14) CNhs12395 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12774-136D2 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification day07 10080 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T14) CNhs12874 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12872-137F1 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification day07 10080 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T14) CNhs12888 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
13335-143C5 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day08 11520 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13660 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13347-143D8 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day08 11520 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13720 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13359-143F2 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day08 11520 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13732 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13271-142E4 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction day08 11520 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13625 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13272-142E5 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction day08 11520 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13626 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13273-142E6 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction day08 11520 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13627 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13502-145D1 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day08 11520 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor1 CNhs14592 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13511-145E1 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day08 11520 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor2 CNhs14602 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13520-145F1 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day08 11520 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor3 CNhs14611 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13475-145A1 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day08 11520 mins control donor1 CNhs13853 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13484-145B1 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day08 11520 mins control donor2 CNhs14574 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13493-145C1 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day08 11520 mins control donor3 CNhs14583 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13020-139D5 Adipocyte differentiation day08 11520 mins donor1 CNhs12517 Preadipocyte to adipocyte Preadipocyte_to_adipocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13023-139D8 Adipocyte differentiation day08 11520 mins donor2 CNhs13411 Preadipocyte to adipocyte Preadipocyte_to_adipocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13026-139E2 Adipocyte differentiation day08 11520 mins donor3 CNhs13415 Preadipocyte to adipocyte Preadipocyte_to_adipocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13029-139E5 Adipocyte differentiation day08 11520 mins donor4 CNhs13418 Preadipocyte to adipocyte Preadipocyte_to_adipocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12631-134F3 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day09 12960 mins biol_rep1 (H9EB-1 d9) CNhs12897 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12729-135H2 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day09 12960 mins biol_rep2 (H9EB-2 d9) CNhs12829 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12827-137A1 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day09 12960 mins biol_rep3 (H9EB-3 d9) CNhs12951 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13336-143C6 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day09 12960 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13661 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13348-143D9 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day09 12960 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13721 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13360-143F3 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day09 12960 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13733 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13337-143C7 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day10 14400 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13662 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13349-143E1 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day10 14400 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13722 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13361-143F4 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day10 14400 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13734 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13503-145D2 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day10 14400 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor1 CNhs14594 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13512-145E2 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day10 14400 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor2 CNhs14603 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13521-145F2 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day10 14400 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor3 CNhs14612 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13476-145A2 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day10 14400 mins control donor1 CNhs13854 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13485-145B2 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day10 14400 mins control donor2 CNhs14575 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13338-143C8 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day11 15840 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13710 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13350-143E2 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day11 15840 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13723 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13362-143F5 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day11 15840 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13735 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12632-134F4 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day12 17280 mins biol_rep1 (H9EB-1 d12) CNhs12948 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12730-135H3 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day12 17280 mins biol_rep2 (H9EB-2 d12) CNhs12830 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12828-137A2 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day12 17280 mins biol_rep3 (H9EB-3 d12) CNhs12949 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13339-143C9 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day12 17280 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13711 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13351-143E3 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day12 17280 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13724 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13363-143F6 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day12 17280 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13736 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13447-144F9 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day12 17280 mins rep1 CNhs13832 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13451-144G4 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day12 17280 mins rep2 CNhs13845 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13455-144G8 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day12 17280 mins rep3 CNhs14058 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13459-144H3 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day12 17280 mins rep1 CNhs13837 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13463-144H7 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day12 17280 mins rep2 CNhs14062 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13467-144I2 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day12 17280 mins rep3 CNhs14065 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13427-144D7 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C11-CRL2429 day12 17280 mins rep2 CNhs13824 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13423-144D3 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C11-CRL2429 day12 17280 mins rep1 CNhs14047 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13431-144E2 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C11-CRL2429 day12 17280 mins rep3 CNhs14051 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13435-144E6 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C32-CRL1502 day12 17280 mins rep1 CNhs13828 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13439-144F1 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C32-CRL1502 day12 17280 mins rep2 CNhs13841 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13443-144F5 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C32-CRL1502 day12 17280 mins rep3 CNhs14054 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13274-142E7 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction day12 17280 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13628 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13275-142E8 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction day12 17280 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13629 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13276-142E9 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction day12 17280 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13630 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13504-145D3 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day12 17280 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor1 CNhs14595 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13513-145E3 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day12 17280 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor2 CNhs14604 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13522-145F3 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day12 17280 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor3 CNhs14613 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13477-145A3 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day12 17280 mins control donor1 CNhs14566 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13486-145B3 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day12 17280 mins control donor2 CNhs14576 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13495-145C3 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day12 17280 mins control donor3 CNhs14585 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13021-139D6 Adipocyte differentiation day12 17280 mins donor1 CNhs13336 Preadipocyte to adipocyte Preadipocyte_to_adipocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13024-139D9 Adipocyte differentiation day12 17280 mins donor2 CNhs13412 Preadipocyte to adipocyte Preadipocyte_to_adipocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13027-139E3 Adipocyte differentiation day12 17280 mins donor3 CNhs13416 Preadipocyte to adipocyte Preadipocyte_to_adipocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13030-139E6 Adipocyte differentiation day12 17280 mins donor4 CNhs13419 Preadipocyte to adipocyte Preadipocyte_to_adipocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13277-142F1 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction day14 20160 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13338 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13279-142F3 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction day14 20160 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13632 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
12677-135B4 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification day14 20160 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T15) CNhs12396 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12775-136D3 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification day14 20160 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T15) CNhs12953 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12873-137F2 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification day14 20160 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T15) CNhs12890 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12633-134F5 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day15 21600 mins biol_rep1 (H9EB-1 d15) CNhs12898 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12731-135H4 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day15 21600 mins biol_rep2 (H9EB-2 d15) CNhs12831 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12829-137A3 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day15 21600 mins biol_rep3 (H9EB-3 d15) CNhs12912 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12634-134F6 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day18 25920 mins biol_rep1 (H9EB-1 d18) CNhs12899 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12732-135H5 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day18 25920 mins biol_rep2 (H9EB-2 d18) CNhs12832 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12830-137A4 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day18 25920 mins biol_rep3 (H9EB-3 d18) CNhs12914 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13448-144G1 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day18 25920 mins rep1 CNhs13833 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13452-144G5 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day18 25920 mins rep2 CNhs13846 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13456-144G9 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day18 25920 mins rep3 CNhs14059 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13460-144H4 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day18 25920 mins rep1 CNhs13838 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13464-144H8 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day18 25920 mins rep2 CNhs13922 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13468-144I3 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day18 25920 mins rep3 CNhs14066 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13428-144D8 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C11-CRL2429 day18 25920 mins rep2 CNhs13825 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13424-144D4 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C11-CRL2429 day18 25920 mins rep1 CNhs13916 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13432-144E3 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C11-CRL2429 day18 25920 mins rep3 CNhs13917 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13436-144E7 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C32-CRL1502 day18 25920 mins rep1 CNhs13829 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13440-144F2 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C32-CRL1502 day18 25920 mins rep2 CNhs13842 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13444-144F6 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C32-CRL1502 day18 25920 mins rep3 CNhs14055 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
12635-134F7 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day21 30240 mins biol_rep1 (H9EB-1 d21) CNhs12900 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12733-135H6 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day21 30240 mins biol_rep2 (H9EB-2 d21) CNhs12833 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12831-137A5 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day21 30240 mins biol_rep3 (H9EB-3 d21) CNhs12915 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12678-135B5 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification day21 30240 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T16) CNhs12397 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12776-136D4 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification day21 30240 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T16) CNhs12875 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12874-137F3 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification day21 30240 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T16) CNhs12891 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12636-134F8 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day24 34560 mins biol_rep1 (H9EB-1 d24) CNhs12901 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12734-135H7 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day24 34560 mins biol_rep2 (H9EB-2 d24) CNhs12834 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12832-137A6 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day24 34560 mins biol_rep3 (H9EB-3 d24) CNhs12916 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12637-134F9 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day27 38880 mins biol_rep1 (H9EB-1 d27) CNhs12902 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12735-135H8 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day27 38880 mins biol_rep2 (H9EB-2 d27) CNhs12835 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12833-137A7 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day27 38880 mins biol_rep3 (H9EB-3 d27) CNhs12917 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12679-135B6 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification day28 40320 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T17) CNhs11919 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12777-136D5 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification day28 40320 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T17) CNhs12876 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12875-137F4 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification day28 40320 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T17) CNhs12892 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12638-134G1 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day30 43200 mins biol_rep1 (H9EB-1 d30) CNhs12903 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12736-135H9 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day30 43200 mins biol_rep2 (H9EB-2 d30) CNhs12836 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12834-137A8 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day30 43200 mins biol_rep3 (H9EB-3 d30) CNhs12918 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12639-134G2 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day34 48960 mins biol_rep1 (H9EB-1 d34) CNhs12904 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12737-135I1 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day34 48960 mins biol_rep2 (H9EB-2 d34) CNhs12906 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12835-137A9 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day34 48960 mins biol_rep3 (H9EB-3 d34) CNhs12919 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12640-134G3 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day41 59040 mins biol_rep1 (H9EB-1 d41) CNhs12905 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12738-135I2 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day41 59040 mins biol_rep2 (H9EB-2 d41) CNhs12907 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12836-137B1 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day41 59040 mins biol_rep3 (H9EB-3 d41) CNhs12950 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
10114-102E6 cerebellum E11 -12960 days biol_rep1 (E11R1) CNhs12956 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10126-102F9 cerebellum E11 -12960 days biol_rep2 (E11R2) CNhs13002 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10138-102H3 cerebellum E11 -12960 days biol_rep3 (E11R3) CNhs13014 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10115-102E7 cerebellum E12 -11520 days biol_rep1 (E12R1) CNhs12957 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10127-102G1 cerebellum E12 -11520 days biol_rep2 (E12R2) CNhs13003 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10139-102H4 cerebellum E12 -11520 days biol_rep3 (E12R3) CNhs13015 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10116-102E8 cerebellum E13 -10080 days biol_rep1 (E13R1) CNhs12958 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10128-102G2 cerebellum E13 -10080 days biol_rep2 (E13R2) CNhs13004 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10140-102H5 cerebellum E13 -10080 days biol_rep3 (E13R3) CNhs13016 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10117-102E9 cerebellum E14 -8640 days biol_rep1 (E14R1) CNhs12960 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10129-102G3 cerebellum E14 -8640 days biol_rep2 (E14R2) CNhs13005 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10141-102H6 cerebellum E14 -8640 days biol_rep3 (E14R3) CNhs13017 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10118-102F1 cerebellum E15 -7200 days biol_rep1 (E15R1) CNhs12961 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10130-102G4 cerebellum E15 -7200 days biol_rep2 (E15R2) CNhs13006 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10142-102H7 cerebellum E15 -7200 days biol_rep3 (E15R3) CNhs13018 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10119-102F2 cerebellum E16 -5760 days biol_rep1 (E16R1) CNhs13000 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10131-102G5 cerebellum E16 -5760 days biol_rep2 (E16R2) CNhs13007 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10143-102H8 cerebellum E16 -5760 days biol_rep3 (E16R3) CNhs13019 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10120-102F3 cerebellum E17 -4320 days biol_rep1 (E17R1) CNhs12818 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10132-102G6 cerebellum E17 -4320 days biol_rep2 (E17R2) CNhs13008 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10144-102H9 cerebellum E17 -4320 days biol_rep3 (E17R3) CNhs13020 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10121-102F4 cerebellum E18 -2880 days biol_rep1 (E18R1) CNhs12962 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10133-102G7 cerebellum E18 -2880 days biol_rep2 (E18R2) CNhs13009 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10145-102I1 cerebellum E18 -2880 days biol_rep3 (E18R3) CNhs13021 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10122-102F5 cerebellum N00 0 days biol_rep1 (P0R1) CNhs12963 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10134-102G8 cerebellum N00 0 days biol_rep2 (P0R2) CNhs13010 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10146-102I2 cerebellum N00 0 days biol_rep3 (P0R3) CNhs13022 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10123-102F6 cerebellum N03 4320 days biol_rep1 (P3R1) CNhs13001 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10135-102G9 cerebellum N03 4320 days biol_rep2 (P3R2) CNhs13011 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10147-102I3 cerebellum N03 4320 days biol_rep3 (P3R3) CNhs13024 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10124-102F7 cerebellum N06 8640 days biol_rep1 (P6R1) CNhs12819 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10136-102H1 cerebellum N06 8640 days biol_rep2 (P6R2) CNhs13012 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10148-102I4 cerebellum N06 8640 days biol_rep3 (P6R3) CNhs13025 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10125-102F8 cerebellum N09 12960 days biol_rep1 (P9R1) CNhs12820 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10137-102H2 cerebellum N09 12960 days biol_rep2 (P9R2) CNhs13013 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10149-102I5 cerebellum N09 12960 days biol_rep3 (P9R3) CNhs13026 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10244-104B1 visual cortex - Mecp knockout N15 21600 days donor1 CNhs13040 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10245-104B2 visual cortex - Mecp knockout N15 21600 days donor2 CNhs13041 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10350-105D8 visual cortex - Mecp knockout N15 21600 days donor3 CNhs13821 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10235-104A1 visual cortex - wildtype N15 21600 days donor1 CNhs13031 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10236-104A2 visual cortex - wildtype N15 21600 days donor2 CNhs13032 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10237-104A3 visual cortex - wildtype N15 21600 days donor3 CNhs13033 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10349-105D7 visual cortex - wildtype N15 21600 days donor5 CNhs13820 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10246-104B3 visual cortex - Mecp knockout N30 43200 days donor1 CNhs13042 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10247-104B4 visual cortex - Mecp knockout N30 43200 days donor2 CNhs13043 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10248-104B5 visual cortex - Mecp knockout N30 43200 days donor3 CNhs13044 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10238-104A4 visual cortex - wildtype N30 43200 days donor1 CNhs13034 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10239-104A5 visual cortex - wildtype N30 43200 days donor2 CNhs13035 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10240-104A6 visual cortex - wildtype N30 43200 days donor3 CNhs13036 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10249-104B6 visual cortex - Mecp knockout N60 86400 days donor1 CNhs13045 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10250-104B7 visual cortex - Mecp knockout N60 86400 days donor2 CNhs13046 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10251-104B8 visual cortex - Mecp knockout N60 86400 days donor3 CNhs13048 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10241-104A7 visual cortex - wildtype N60 86400 days donor1 CNhs13037 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10242-104A8 visual cortex - wildtype N60 86400 days donor2 CNhs13038 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10243-104A9 visual cortex - wildtype N60 86400 days donor3 CNhs13039 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
3560-170A1 macrophage, bone marrow derived 00hr 0 mins pool1 CNhs11457 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3632-171A1 macrophage, bone marrow derived 00hr 0 mins pool2 CNhs11532 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3704-172A1 macrophage, bone marrow derived 00hr 0 mins pool3 CNhs11632 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3560-170A1 macrophage, bone marrow derived 00hr 0 mins pool1 CNhs11457 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3632-171A1 macrophage, bone marrow derived 00hr 0 mins pool2 CNhs11532 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3704-172A1 macrophage, bone marrow derived 00hr 0 mins pool3 CNhs11632 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3560-170A1 macrophage, bone marrow derived 00hr 0 mins pool1 CNhs11457 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3632-171A1 macrophage, bone marrow derived 00hr 0 mins pool2 CNhs11532 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3704-172A1 macrophage, bone marrow derived 00hr 0 mins pool3 CNhs11632 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3560-170A1 macrophage, bone marrow derived 00hr 0 mins pool1 CNhs11457 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3632-171A1 macrophage, bone marrow derived 00hr 0 mins pool2 CNhs11532 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3704-172A1 macrophage, bone marrow derived 00hr 0 mins pool3 CNhs11632 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
12338-130I7 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction) 00hr 0 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11939 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12338-130I7 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction) 00hr 0 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11939 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
13097-140D1 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12475 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13097-140D1 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12475 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13163-141B4 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12703 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13163-141B4 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12703 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
12460-132E3 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction) 00hr 0 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13275 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12460-132E3 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction) 00hr 0 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13275 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12582-133I8 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction) 00hr 0 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13324 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12582-133I8 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction) 00hr 0 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13324 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12347-131A7 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction) day06 8640 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14197 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12347-131A7 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction) day06 8640 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14197 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12469-132F3 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction) day06 8640 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14198 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12469-132F3 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction) day06 8640 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14198 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12591-134A8 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction) day06 8640 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14199 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12591-134A8 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction) day06 8640 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14199 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
3560-170A1 macrophage, bone marrow derived 00hr mins pool1 CNhs11457 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3632-171A1 macrophage, bone marrow derived 00hr mins pool2 CNhs11532 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3704-172A1 macrophage, bone marrow derived 00hr mins pool3 CNhs11632 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
Sample Name Time Desc Time Time Unit Donor CNhs Time Course Time Course Id Species Series
13367-143G1 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 000hr 0 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13739 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13368-143G2 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 000hr 0 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13740 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13369-143G3 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 000hr 0 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13741 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
3567-170H1 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 002hr 120 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11464 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3639-171H1 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 002hr 120 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11539 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3714-172B2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 002hr 120 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11638 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3577-170I2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 002hr 120 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11474 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3649-171I2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 002hr 120 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11552 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3724-172C3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 002hr 120 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11644 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3597-170B5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 002hr 120 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11494 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3744-172E5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 002hr 120 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11655 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3587-170A4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 002hr 120 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11484 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3659-171A4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 002hr 120 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11562 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3734-172D4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 002hr 120 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11650 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3568-170I1 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 004hr 240 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11465 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3640-171I1 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 004hr 240 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11540 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3715-172C2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 004hr 240 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11639 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3578-170A3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 004hr 240 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11475 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3650-171A3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 004hr 240 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11553 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3725-172D3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 004hr 240 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11645 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3598-170C5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 004hr 240 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11495 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3745-172F5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 004hr 240 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14259 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3588-170B4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 004hr 240 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11485 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3660-171B4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 004hr 240 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11563 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3735-172E4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 004hr 240 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11651 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3705-172B1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 004hr 240 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11633 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
13370-143G4 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 004hr 240 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13742 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13371-143G5 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 004hr 240 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13743 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13372-143G6 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 004hr 240 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13744 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
3569-170A2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 006hr 360 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11466 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3641-171A2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 006hr 360 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11541 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3716-172D2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 006hr 360 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11640 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3579-170B3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 006hr 360 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11476 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3651-171B3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 006hr 360 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11554 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3726-172E3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 006hr 360 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11646 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3599-170D5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 006hr 360 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11496 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3671-171D5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 006hr 360 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11574 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3746-172G5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 006hr 360 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14260 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3589-170C4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 006hr 360 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11486 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3661-171C4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 006hr 360 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11564 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3736-172F4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 006hr 360 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11652 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3706-172C1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 006hr 360 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11634 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
13373-143G7 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 008hr 480 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13745 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13374-143G8 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 008hr 480 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13746 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13375-143G9 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 008hr 480 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13747 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13541-145H4 293SLAM rinderpest infection 00hr 0 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14406 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13542-145H5 293SLAM rinderpest infection 00hr 0 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14407 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13543-145H6 293SLAM rinderpest infection 00hr 0 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14408 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13553-145I7 COBL-a rinderpest infection 00hr 0 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14419 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13554-145I8 COBL-a rinderpest infection 00hr 0 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14420 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13555-145I9 COBL-a rinderpest infection 00hr 0 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14421 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
12642-134G5 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13339 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12740-135I4 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13358 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12652-134H6 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep1 (LK31) CNhs13349 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12750-136A5 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep2 (LK32) CNhs13369 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12848-137C4 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep3 (LK33) CNhs13577 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
13625-146H7 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14463 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13626-146H8 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14464 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13627-146H9 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14465 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13063-139I3 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12449 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13129-140G6 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12668 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13195-141E9 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 00hr00min 0 mins biol rep3 CNhs14547 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12260-130A1 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 1) CNhs11936 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12382-131E6 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 1) CNhs13157 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12504-133A2 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 1 ) CNhs13276 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
13316-143A4 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to mock influenza infection 00hr00min 0 mins donor2 (150_120:MI_0h) CNhs13645 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13322-143B1 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to mock influenza infection 00hr00min 0 mins donor3 (536_119:MI_0h) CNhs13649 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13310-142I7 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to mock influenza infection 00hr00min 0 mins donor4 (227_121:MI_0h) CNhs13638 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13305-142I2 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to udorn influenza infection 00hr00min 0 mins donor1 (868_121:Ud_0h) CNhs13554 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13317-143A5 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to udorn influenza infection 00hr00min 0 mins donor2 (150_120:Ud_0h) CNhs13646 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13323-143B2 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to udorn influenza infection 00hr00min 0 mins donor3 (536_119:Ud_0h) CNhs13650 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13311-142I8 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to udorn influenza infection 00hr00min 0 mins donor4 (227_121:Ud_0h) CNhs13639 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
12698-135D7 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 00hr00min 0 mins donor1 (t1 Subject1) CNhs11941 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12796-136F6 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 00hr00min 0 mins donor2 (t1 Subject2) CNhs13379 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12894-137H5 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 00hr00min 0 mins donor3 (t1 Subject3) CNhs13174 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13229-141I7 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13337 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13230-141I8 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13420 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13231-141I9 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13421 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
12662-134I7 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T0) CNhs11918 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12760-136B6 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T0) CNhs12859 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12858-137D5 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T0) CNhs12952 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12972-138H2 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11058 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
12988-138I9 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12980 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13004-139B7 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13687 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
12643-134G6 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13340 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12741-135I5 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13359 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12839-137B4 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13568 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12653-134H7 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep1 (LK34) CNhs13350 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12751-136A6 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep2 (LK35) CNhs13370 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12849-137C5 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep3 (LK36) CNhs13578 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
13628-146I1 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14466 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13629-146I2 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14467 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13630-146I3 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14468 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13064-139I4 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12644 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13130-140G7 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12669 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13196-141F1 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12771 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12261-130A2 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 2) CNhs13100 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12383-131E7 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 2) CNhs13158 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12505-133A3 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 2) CNhs13277 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12797-136F7 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 00hr15min 15 mins donor2 (t2 Subject2) CNhs13380 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12895-137H6 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 00hr15min 15 mins donor3 (t2 Subject3) CNhs13175 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13032-139E8 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12420 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13098-140D2 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12476 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13164-141B5 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12704 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13048-139G6 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12435 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13114-140E9 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12652 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13180-141D3 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12754 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
12308-130F4 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep1 (015mA1) CNhs13114 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12430-132A9 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep2 (015mA2) CNhs13243 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12552-133F5 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep3 (015mA3) CNhs13292 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
13232-142A1 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13422 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13233-142A2 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13423 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13234-142A3 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13424 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
12323-130H1 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep1 (015mB1) CNhs13130 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12445-132C6 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep2 (015mB2) CNhs13259 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12567-133H2 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep3 (015mB3) CNhs13308 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12663-134I8 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T1) CNhs12381 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12761-136B7 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T1) CNhs12860 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12859-137D6 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 00hr15min 15 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T1) CNhs12877 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12644-134G7 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13341 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12742-135I6 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13360 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12840-137B5 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13569 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12654-134H8 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep1 (LK37) CNhs13351 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12752-136A7 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep2 (LK38) CNhs13371 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12850-137C6 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep3 (LK39) CNhs13579 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
13631-146I4 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14469 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13632-146I5 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14470 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13633-146I6 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14471 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13065-139I5 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12645 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13197-141F2 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12772 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12262-130A3 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 3) CNhs13101 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12384-131E8 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 3) CNhs13159 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12506-133A4 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 3) CNhs13278 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12798-136F8 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 00hr30min 30 mins donor2 (t3 Subject2) CNhs13381 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12896-137H7 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 00hr30min 30 mins donor3 (t3 Subject3) CNhs13176 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13033-139E9 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12421 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13099-140D3 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12477 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13165-141B6 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12738 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13049-139G7 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12436 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13115-140F1 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12653 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13181-141D4 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12755 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
12309-130F5 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep1 (030mA1) CNhs13115 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12431-132B1 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep2 (030mA2) CNhs13244 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12553-133F6 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep3 (030mA3) CNhs13293 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
13235-142A4 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13425 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13236-142A5 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13426 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
12324-130H2 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep1 (030mB1) CNhs13131 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12446-132C7 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep2 (030mB2) CNhs13260 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12568-133H3 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep3 (030mB3) CNhs13309 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12664-134I9 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T2) CNhs12382 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12762-136B8 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T2) CNhs12861 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12860-137D7 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T2) CNhs12954 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12973-138H3 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12231 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
12989-139A1 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12981 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13005-139B8 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 00hr30min 30 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13688 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
12645-134G8 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13343 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12743-135I7 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13361 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12841-137B6 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13571 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12655-134H9 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep1 (LK40) CNhs13352 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12753-136A8 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep2 (LK41) CNhs13372 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12851-137C7 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep3 (LK42) CNhs13580 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
13634-146I7 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14472 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13635-146I8 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14473 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13636-146I9 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14474 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13066-139I6 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12646 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13132-140G9 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12671 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13198-141F3 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12773 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12263-130A4 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 4) CNhs13102 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12385-131E9 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 4) CNhs13160 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12507-133A5 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 4) CNhs13279 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12799-136F9 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 00hr45min 45 mins donor2 (t4 Subject2) CNhs13382 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12897-137H8 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 00hr45min 45 mins donor3 (t4 Subject3) CNhs13177 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13034-139F1 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12422 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13100-140D4 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12478 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13166-141B7 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12739 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13050-139G8 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12437 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13116-140F2 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12654 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13182-141D5 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12756 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13238-142A7 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13428 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13239-142A8 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13429 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13240-142A9 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13430 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
12665-135A1 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T3) CNhs12383 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12763-136B9 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T3) CNhs12862 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12861-137D8 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 00hr45min 45 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T3) CNhs12878 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
3570-170B2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 012hr 720 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11467 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3642-171B2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 012hr 720 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11542 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3717-172E2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 012hr 720 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11641 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3652-171C3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 012hr 720 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11555 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3727-172F3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 012hr 720 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11647 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3600-170E5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 012hr 720 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11497 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3672-171E5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 012hr 720 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11575 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3747-172H5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 012hr 720 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14261 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3590-170D4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 012hr 720 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11487 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3662-171D4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 012hr 720 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11565 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3737-172G4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 012hr 720 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11653 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3707-172D1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 012hr 720 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11635 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
13376-143H1 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 012hr 720 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13696 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13377-143H2 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 012hr 720 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13748 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13378-143H3 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 012hr 720 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13749 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13379-143H4 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 016hr 960 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13750 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13380-143H5 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 016hr 960 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13751 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13381-143H6 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 016hr 960 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13752 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
12646-134G9 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 01hr 60 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12741 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12842-137B7 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 01hr 60 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13683 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12656-134I1 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 01hr 60 mins biol_rep1 (LK43) CNhs13353 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12754-136A9 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 01hr 60 mins biol_rep2 (LK44) CNhs13373 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12310-130F6 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 01hr 60 mins biol_rep1 (001hA1) CNhs13116 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12432-132B2 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 01hr 60 mins biol_rep2 (001hA2) CNhs13245 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12554-133F7 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 01hr 60 mins biol_rep3 (001hA3) CNhs13295 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12325-130H3 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 01hr 60 mins biol_rep1 (001hB1) CNhs13132 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12447-132C8 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 01hr 60 mins biol_rep2 (001hB2) CNhs13261 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12569-133H4 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 01hr 60 mins biol_rep3 (001hB3) CNhs13310 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12974-138H4 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 01hr 60 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12232 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
12990-139A2 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 01hr 60 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12982 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13006-139B9 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 01hr 60 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13689 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13637-147A1 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14475 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13638-147A2 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14476 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13639-147A3 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14477 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13067-139I7 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12647 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13133-140H1 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12672 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13199-141F4 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12774 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12264-130A5 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 5) CNhs13103 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12386-131F1 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 5) CNhs13161 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12508-133A6 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 5) CNhs13280 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12800-136G1 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 01hr00min 60 mins donor2 (t5 Subject2) CNhs13383 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12898-137H9 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 01hr00min 60 mins donor3 (t5 Subject3) CNhs13178 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13035-139F2 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12423 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13101-140D5 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12479 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13167-141B8 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12705 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13051-139G9 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12438 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13117-140F3 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12655 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13183-141D6 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12757 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13241-142B1 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13431 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13242-142B2 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13432 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13243-142B3 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13433 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
12666-135A2 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T4) CNhs12384 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12764-136C1 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T4) CNhs12863 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12862-137D9 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 01hr00min 60 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T4) CNhs12955 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
13640-147A4 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14478 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13641-147A5 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14479 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13642-147A6 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14480 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13068-139I8 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12648 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13134-140H2 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12673 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13200-141F5 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12775 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12265-130A6 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 6) CNhs13104 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12387-131F2 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 6) CNhs13162 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12509-133A7 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 6) CNhs13281 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12801-136G2 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 01hr20min 80 mins donor2 (t6 Subject2) CNhs13384 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12899-137I1 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 01hr20min 80 mins donor3 (t6 Subject3) CNhs13179 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13036-139F3 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12424 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13102-140D6 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12480 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13168-141B9 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12742 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13052-139H1 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12439 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13118-140F4 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12656 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13184-141D7 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12758 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
12667-135A3 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T5) CNhs12386 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12765-136C2 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T5) CNhs12864 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12863-137E1 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 01hr20min 80 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T5) CNhs12879 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
13643-147A7 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14482 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13644-147A8 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14483 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13645-147A9 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14484 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13069-139I9 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12649 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13135-140H3 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12674 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13201-141F6 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12776 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12266-130A7 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 7) CNhs13105 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12388-131F3 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 7) CNhs13163 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12510-133A8 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 7) CNhs13282 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
13037-139F4 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12425 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13103-140D7 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12482 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13169-141C1 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12743 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13053-139H2 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12440 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13119-140F5 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12657 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13185-141D8 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12759 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13247-142B7 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13600 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13248-142B8 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13601 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13249-142B9 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13602 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
12668-135A4 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T6) CNhs12387 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12766-136C3 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T6) CNhs12866 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12864-137E2 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 01hr40min 100 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T6) CNhs12880 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
13382-143H7 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 020hr 1200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13697 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13383-143H8 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 020hr 1200 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13753 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13384-143H9 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 020hr 1200 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13754 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
3571-170C2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11468 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3643-171C2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11543 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3718-172F2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11642 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3968-173E4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14343 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3581-170D3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11478 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3653-171D3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11556 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3728-172G3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11648 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3601-170F5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11498 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3673-171F5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11576 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3748-172I5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14262 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3971-173H4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14346 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3591-170E4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11488 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3663-171E4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11566 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3738-172H4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11654 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3970-173G4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14345 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3967-173D4 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14342 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3561-170B1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11458 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3633-171B1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11533 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3708-172E1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11636 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
13385-143I1 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13755 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13386-143I2 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13756 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13387-143I3 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 024hr 1440 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13757 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
3572-170D2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 028hr 1680 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11469 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3644-171D2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 028hr 1680 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11547 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3719-172G2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 028hr 1680 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11643 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3582-170E3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 028hr 1680 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11479 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3654-171E3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 028hr 1680 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11557 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3729-172H3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 028hr 1680 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11649 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3602-170G5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 028hr 1680 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11502 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3674-171G5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 028hr 1680 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11577 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3749-172A6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 028hr 1680 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14263 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3592-170F4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 028hr 1680 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11489 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3664-171F4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 028hr 1680 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11567 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3739-172I4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 028hr 1680 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14254 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3562-170C1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 028hr 1680 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11459 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3634-171C1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 028hr 1680 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11534 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3709-172F1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 028hr 1680 mins biol_rep3 CNhs11637 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3612-170H6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 028hr(004h after stimulation) 1680 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11512 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3684-171H6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 028hr(004h after stimulation) 1680 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11587 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3977-173E5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 028hr(004h after stimulation) 1680 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14352 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3617-170D7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 028hr(004h after stimulation) 1680 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11517 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3982-173A6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 028hr(004h after stimulation) 1680 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14357 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3627-170E8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb 028hr(004h after stimulation) 1680 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11527 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3699-171E8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb 028hr(004h after stimulation) 1680 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11627 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3992-173B7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb 028hr(004h after stimulation) 1680 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14367 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3622-170I7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 028hr(004h after stimulation) 1680 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11522 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3694-171I7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 028hr(004h after stimulation) 1680 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11622 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3987-173F6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 028hr(004h after stimulation) 1680 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14362 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3972-173I4 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb 028hr(004h after stimulation) 1680 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14347 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3607-170C6 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb 028hr(004h after stimulation) 1680 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11507 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3679-171C6 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb 028hr(004h after stimulation) 1680 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11582 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3689-171D7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 028hr(004h after stimulaton) 1680 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11617 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
12647-134H1 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 02hr 120 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13344 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12745-135I9 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 02hr 120 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13363 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12843-137B8 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 02hr 120 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13572 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12755-136B1 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 02hr 120 mins biol_rep2 (LK47) CNhs13374 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12853-137C9 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 02hr 120 mins biol_rep3 (LK48) CNhs13582 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12311-130F7 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 02hr 120 mins biol_rep1 (002hA1) CNhs13117 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12433-132B3 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 02hr 120 mins biol_rep2 (002hA2) CNhs13247 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12555-133F8 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 02hr 120 mins biol_rep3 (002hA3) CNhs13296 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12326-130H4 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 02hr 120 mins biol_rep1 (002hB1) CNhs13133 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12448-132C9 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 02hr 120 mins biol_rep2 (002hB2) CNhs13262 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12570-133H5 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 02hr 120 mins biol_rep3 (002hB3) CNhs13311 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12975-138H5 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 02hr 120 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12233 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13007-139C1 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 02hr 120 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13690 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13646-147B1 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14485 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13647-147B2 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14486 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13648-147B3 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14487 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13070-140A1 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12650 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13136-140H4 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12675 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13202-141F7 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 02hr00min 120 mins biol rep3 CNhs14548 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12267-130A8 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 8) CNhs13106 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12389-131F4 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 8) CNhs13164 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12511-133A9 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 8) CNhs13283 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
13306-142I3 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to udorn influenza infection 02hr00min 120 mins donor1 (868_121:Ud_2h) CNhs13555 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13324-143B3 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to udorn influenza infection 02hr00min 120 mins donor3 (536_119:Ud_2h) CNhs13651 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13312-142I9 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to udorn influenza infection 02hr00min 120 mins donor4 (227_121:Ud_2h) CNhs13640 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
12803-136G4 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 02hr00min 120 mins donor2 (t8 Subject2) CNhs13386 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12901-137I3 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 02hr00min 120 mins donor3 (t8 Subject3) CNhs13181 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13038-139F5 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12426 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13104-140D8 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12483 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13170-141C2 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12744 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13054-139H3 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12441 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13120-140F6 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12658 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13186-141D9 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12760 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13250-142C1 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13603 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13251-142C2 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13604 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
12669-135A5 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T7) CNhs12388 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12767-136C4 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T7) CNhs12867 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12865-137E3 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 02hr00min 120 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T7) CNhs12881 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
13649-147B4 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14488 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13650-147B5 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14489 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13651-147B6 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14490 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13071-140A2 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12651 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13137-140H5 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12676 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13203-141F8 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12778 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12268-130A9 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 9) CNhs13107 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12390-131F5 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 9) CNhs13165 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12512-133B1 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 9) CNhs13284 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12706-135E6 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 02hr30min 150 mins donor1 (t9 Subject1) CNhs13152 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12804-136G5 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 02hr30min 150 mins donor2 (t9 Subject2) CNhs13387 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12902-137I4 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 02hr30min 150 mins donor3 (t9 Subject3) CNhs13182 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13039-139F6 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12427 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13105-140D9 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12484 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13171-141C3 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12746 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13055-139H4 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12442 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13121-140F7 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12659 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13187-141E1 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12761 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13253-142C4 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13606 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13255-142C6 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13608 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
12670-135A6 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T8) CNhs12389 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12768-136C5 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T8) CNhs12868 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12866-137E4 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 02hr30min 150 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T8) CNhs12882 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
13388-143I4 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 030hr 1800 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13758 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13389-143I5 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 030hr 1800 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13759 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13390-143I6 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 030hr 1800 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13760 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
3573-170E2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11470 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3645-171E2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11548 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3720-172H2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14302 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3583-170F3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11480 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3655-171F3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11558 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3730-172I3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14306 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3603-170H5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11503 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3750-172B6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14264 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3593-170G4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11490 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3665-171G4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11568 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3740-172A5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14255 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3563-170D1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11460 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3635-171D1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11535 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3710-172G1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14298 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
13391-143I7 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13762 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13392-143I8 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13763 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13393-143I9 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 036hr 2160 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13764 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
3613-170I6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 036hr(012h after stimulation) 2160 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11513 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3685-171I6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 036hr(012h after stimulation) 2160 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11588 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3978-173F5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 036hr(012h after stimulation) 2160 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14353 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3618-170E7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 036hr(012h after stimulation) 2160 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11518 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3690-171E7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 036hr(012h after stimulation) 2160 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11618 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3628-170F8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb 036hr(012h after stimulation) 2160 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11528 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3700-171F8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb 036hr(012h after stimulation) 2160 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11628 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3993-173C7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb 036hr(012h after stimulation) 2160 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14368 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3623-170A8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 036hr(012h after stimulation) 2160 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11523 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3695-171A8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 036hr(012h after stimulation) 2160 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11623 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3988-173G6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 036hr(012h after stimulation) 2160 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14363 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3973-173A5 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb 036hr(012h after stimulation) 2160 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14348 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3608-170D6 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb 036hr(012h after stimulation) 2160 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11508 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3680-171D6 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb 036hr(012h after stimulation) 2160 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11583 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
12648-134H2 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 03hr 180 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13345 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12746-136A1 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 03hr 180 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13364 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12844-137B9 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 03hr 180 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13573 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12658-134I3 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 03hr 180 mins biol_rep1 (LK49) CNhs13355 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12756-136B2 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 03hr 180 mins biol_rep2 (LK50) CNhs13375 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12312-130F8 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 03hr 180 mins biol_rep1 (003hA1) CNhs13118 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12434-132B4 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 03hr 180 mins biol_rep2 (003hA2) CNhs13248 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12556-133F9 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 03hr 180 mins biol_rep3 (003hA3) CNhs13297 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12327-130H5 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 03hr 180 mins biol_rep1 (003hB1) CNhs13134 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12449-132D1 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 03hr 180 mins biol_rep2 (003hB2) CNhs13263 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12571-133H6 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 03hr 180 mins biol_rep3 (003hB3) CNhs13312 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12671-135A7 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 03hr 180 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T9) CNhs12390 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12769-136C6 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 03hr 180 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T9) CNhs12869 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12867-137E5 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 03hr 180 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T9) CNhs12883 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
13652-147B7 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14491 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13653-147B8 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14492 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13654-147B9 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14493 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13072-140A3 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12450 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13138-140H6 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12677 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13204-141F9 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12779 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12269-130B1 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 10) CNhs13108 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12391-131F6 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 10) CNhs13166 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12513-133B2 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 10) CNhs13285 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12707-135E7 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 03hr00min 180 mins donor1 (t10 Subject1) CNhs12924 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12805-136G6 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 03hr00min 180 mins donor2 (t10 Subject2) CNhs13388 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12903-137I5 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 03hr00min 180 mins donor3 (t10 Subject3) CNhs13183 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13040-139F7 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12428 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13106-140E1 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12485 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13172-141C4 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12747 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13056-139H5 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12443 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13122-140F8 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12660 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13188-141E2 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12762 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13256-142C7 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13609 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13258-142C9 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction 03hr00min 180 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13611 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13655-147C1 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 03hr30min 210 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14494 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13656-147C2 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 03hr30min 210 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14495 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13657-147C3 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 03hr30min 210 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14496 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13073-140A4 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 03hr30min 210 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12451 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13139-140H7 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 03hr30min 210 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12678 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13205-141G1 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 03hr30min 210 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12780 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12270-130B2 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 03hr30min 210 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 11) CNhs13109 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12392-131F7 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 03hr30min 210 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 11) CNhs13168 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12514-133B3 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 03hr30min 210 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 11) CNhs13286 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12806-136G7 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 03hr30min 210 mins donor2 (t11 Subject2) CNhs13389 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12904-137I6 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 03hr30min 210 mins donor3 (t11 Subject3) CNhs13184 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13041-139F8 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 03hr30min 210 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12429 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13107-140E2 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 03hr30min 210 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12486 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13173-141C5 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 03hr30min 210 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12748 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13057-139H6 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 03hr30min 210 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12444 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13123-140F9 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 03hr30min 210 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12662 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13189-141E3 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 03hr30min 210 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12763 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13394-144A1 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 042hr 2520 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13765 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13395-144A2 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 042hr 2520 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13766 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13396-144A3 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 042hr 2520 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13767 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
3574-170F2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11471 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3646-171F2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11549 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3721-172I2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14303 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3584-170G3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11481 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3656-171G3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11559 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3731-172A4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14307 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3604-170I5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11504 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3676-171I5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11579 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3751-172C6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14265 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3594-170H4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11491 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3666-171H4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11569 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3741-172B5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14256 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3564-170E1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11461 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3636-171E1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11536 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3711-172H1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14299 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
13397-144A4 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13768 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13398-144A5 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13769 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13399-144A6 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 048hr 2880 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13770 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
3614-170A7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 048hr(024h after stimulation) 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11514 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3686-171A7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 048hr(024h after stimulation) 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11614 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3979-173G5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 048hr(024h after stimulation) 2880 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14354 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3619-170F7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 048hr(024h after stimulation) 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11519 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3691-171F7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 048hr(024h after stimulation) 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11619 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3629-170G8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb 048hr(024h after stimulation) 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11529 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3701-171G8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb 048hr(024h after stimulation) 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11629 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3994-173D7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb 048hr(024h after stimulation) 2880 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14369 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3624-170B8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 048hr(024h after stimulation) 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11524 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3696-171B8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 048hr(024h after stimulation) 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11624 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3989-173H6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 048hr(024h after stimulation) 2880 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14364 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3974-173B5 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb 048hr(024h after stimulation) 2880 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14349 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3609-170E6 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb 048hr(024h after stimulation) 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11509 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3681-171E6 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb 048hr(024h after stimulation) 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11584 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
12659-134I4 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 04hr 240 mins biol_rep1 (LK52) CNhs13682 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12757-136B3 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 04hr 240 mins biol_rep2 (LK53) CNhs13376 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12855-137D2 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 04hr 240 mins biol_rep3 (LK54) CNhs13584 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
13074-140A5 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 04hr 240 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12452 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13140-140H8 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 04hr 240 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12679 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13206-141G2 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 04hr 240 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12781 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12271-130B3 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 04hr 240 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 12) CNhs13110 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12393-131F8 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 04hr 240 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 12) CNhs13169 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12515-133B4 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 04hr 240 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 12) CNhs13287 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12807-136G8 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 04hr 240 mins donor2 (t12 Subject2) CNhs13391 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12905-137I7 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 04hr 240 mins donor3 (t12 Subject3) CNhs13185 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13042-139F9 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 04hr 240 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12430 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13108-140E3 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 04hr 240 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12487 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13174-141C6 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 04hr 240 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12749 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13058-139H7 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 04hr 240 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12445 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13124-140G1 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 04hr 240 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12663 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13190-141E4 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 04hr 240 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12764 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
12672-135A8 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 04hr 240 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T10) CNhs12391 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12770-136C7 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 04hr 240 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T10) CNhs12870 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12868-137E6 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 04hr 240 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T10) CNhs12884 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12976-138H6 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 04hr 240 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12234 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
12992-139A4 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 04hr 240 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12985 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13008-139C2 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 04hr 240 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13691 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13658-147C4 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 04hr00min 240 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14497 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13659-147C5 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 04hr00min 240 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14498 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13660-147C6 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 04hr00min 240 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14499 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13400-144A7 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 054hr 3240 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13771 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13401-144A8 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 054hr 3240 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13772 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13402-144A9 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 054hr 3240 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13773 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
12650-134H4 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 05hr 300 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13347 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12748-136A3 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 05hr 300 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13367 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12846-137C2 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 05hr 300 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13575 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12660-134I5 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 05hr 300 mins biol_rep1 (LK55) CNhs13356 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12758-136B4 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 05hr 300 mins biol_rep2 (LK56) CNhs13377 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12272-130B4 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 05hr 300 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 13) CNhs13111 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12394-131F9 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 05hr 300 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 13) CNhs13170 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12516-133B5 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 05hr 300 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 13) CNhs13288 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12710-135F1 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 05hr 300 mins donor1 (t13 Subject1) CNhs13155 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12808-136G9 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 05hr 300 mins donor2 (t13 Subject2) CNhs13392 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12906-137I8 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 05hr 300 mins donor3 (t13 Subject3) CNhs13186 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13043-139G1 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 05hr 300 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12431 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13109-140E4 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 05hr 300 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12488 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13175-141C7 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 05hr 300 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12750 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13059-139H8 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 05hr 300 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12446 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13125-140G2 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 05hr 300 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12664 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13191-141E5 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 05hr 300 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12765 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13661-147C7 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 05hr00min 300 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14500 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13662-147C8 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 05hr00min 300 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14501 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13663-147C9 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 05hr00min 300 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14518 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13403-144B1 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 060hr 3600 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13774 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13404-144B2 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 060hr 3600 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13775 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13405-144B3 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 060hr 3600 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13776 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13406-144B4 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 066hr 3960 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13777 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13407-144B5 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 066hr 3960 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13778 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13408-144B6 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 066hr 3960 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13779 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
12651-134H5 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 06hr 360 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13348 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12749-136A4 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 06hr 360 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13368 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12847-137C3 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to FGF2 06hr 360 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13576 AoSMC response to FGF2 AoSMC_response_to_FGF2 Human Early response
12661-134I6 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 06hr 360 mins biol_rep1 (LK58) CNhs13357 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12759-136B5 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 06hr 360 mins biol_rep2 (LK59) CNhs13378 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
12857-137D4 Aortic smooth muscle cell response to IL1b 06hr 360 mins biol_rep3 (LK60) CNhs13586 AoSMC response to IL1b AoSMC_response_to_IL1b Human Early response
13075-140A6 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 06hr 360 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12453 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13141-140H9 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 06hr 360 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12680 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13207-141G3 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 06hr 360 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12782 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12273-130B5 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 06hr 360 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 14) CNhs13112 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12395-131G1 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 06hr 360 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 14) CNhs13171 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12517-133B6 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 06hr 360 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 14) CNhs13289 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
13044-139G2 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 06hr 360 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12432 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13110-140E5 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 06hr 360 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12489 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13176-141C8 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 06hr 360 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12751 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13060-139H9 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 06hr 360 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12447 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13126-140G3 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 06hr 360 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12665 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13192-141E6 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 06hr 360 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12766 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
12313-130F9 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 06hr 360 mins biol_rep1 (006hA1) CNhs13120 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12435-132B5 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 06hr 360 mins biol_rep2 (006hA2) CNhs13249 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12557-133G1 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 06hr 360 mins biol_rep3 (006hA3) CNhs13298 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12328-130H6 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 06hr 360 mins biol_rep1 (006hB1) CNhs13135 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12450-132D2 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 06hr 360 mins biol_rep2 (006hB2) CNhs13264 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12572-133H7 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 06hr 360 mins biol_rep3 (006hB3) CNhs13313 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
13544-145H7 293SLAM rinderpest infection 06hr 360 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14410 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13545-145H8 293SLAM rinderpest infection 06hr 360 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14411 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13546-145H9 293SLAM rinderpest infection 06hr 360 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14412 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13556-146A1 COBL-a rinderpest infection 06hr 360 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14422 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13557-146A2 COBL-a rinderpest infection 06hr 360 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14423 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13558-146A3 COBL-a rinderpest infection 06hr 360 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14424 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13568-146B4 COBL-a rinderpest(-C) infection 06hr 360 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14435 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13569-146B5 COBL-a rinderpest(-C) infection 06hr 360 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14436 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13570-146B6 COBL-a rinderpest(-C) infection 06hr 360 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14437 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
12977-138H7 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 06hr 360 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12235 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
12993-139A5 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 06hr 360 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12986 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13009-139C3 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 06hr 360 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13587 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13664-147D1 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 06hr00min 360 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14519 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13666-147D3 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 06hr00min 360 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14522 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
3647-171G2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11550 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3722-172A3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14304 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3585-170H3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11482 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3732-172B4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14308 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3605-170A6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11505 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3677-171A6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11580 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3752-172D6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14266 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3595-170I4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11492 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3667-171I4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11570 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3742-172C5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14257 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3565-170F1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11462 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3637-171F1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11537 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3712-172I1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14300 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
13409-144B7 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13780 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13410-144B8 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13781 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13411-144B9 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 072hr 4320 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13782 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
3615-170B7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 072hr(048h after stimulation) 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11515 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3687-171B7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 072hr(048h after stimulation) 4320 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11615 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3980-173H5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 072hr(048h after stimulation) 4320 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14355 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3620-170G7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 072hr(048h after stimulation) 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11520 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3692-171G7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 072hr(048h after stimulation) 4320 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11620 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3985-173D6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 072hr(048h after stimulation) 4320 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14360 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3630-170H8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb 072hr(048h after stimulation) 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11530 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3702-171H8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb 072hr(048h after stimulation) 4320 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11630 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3995-173E7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb 072hr(048h after stimulation) 4320 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14370 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3625-170C8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 072hr(048h after stimulation) 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11525 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3697-171C8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 072hr(048h after stimulation) 4320 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11625 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3990-173I6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 072hr(048h after stimulation) 4320 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14365 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3975-173C5 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb 072hr(048h after stimulation) 4320 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14350 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3610-170F6 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb 072hr(048h after stimulation) 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11510 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
12274-130B6 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 07hr 420 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 15) CNhs13113 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12396-131G2 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 07hr 420 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 15) CNhs13172 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12518-133B7 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 07hr 420 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 15) CNhs13290 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
13045-139G3 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 07hr 420 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12434 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13111-140E6 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 07hr 420 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12490 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13177-141C9 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 07hr 420 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12752 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13061-139I1 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 07hr 420 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12448 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13127-140G4 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 07hr 420 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12666 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13193-141E7 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 07hr 420 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12767 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13667-147D4 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 07hr00min 420 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14523 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13668-147D5 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 07hr00min 420 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14524 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13669-147D6 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 07hr00min 420 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14525 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13307-142I4 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to udorn influenza infection 07hr00min 420 mins donor1 (868_121:Ud_7h) CNhs13556 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13319-143A7 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to udorn influenza infection 07hr00min 420 mins donor2 (150_120:Ud_7h) CNhs13559 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13325-143B4 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to udorn influenza infection 07hr00min 420 mins donor3 (536_119:Ud_7h) CNhs13561 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13313-143A1 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to udorn influenza infection 07hr00min 420 mins donor4 (227_121:Ud_7h) CNhs13641 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13412-144C1 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 084hr 5040 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13783 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13413-144C2 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 084hr 5040 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13784 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13414-144C3 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 084hr 5040 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13786 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
12275-130B7 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 08hr 480 mins biol_rep1 (MM XIX - 16) CNhs11937 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12397-131G3 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 08hr 480 mins biol_rep2 (MM XIV - 16) CNhs13173 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12519-133B8 Lymphatic Endothelial cells response to VEGFC 08hr 480 mins biol_rep3 (MM XXII - 16) CNhs13291 Lymphatic EC response to VEGFC Lymphatic_EC_response_to_VEGFC Human Early response
12713-135F4 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 08hr 480 mins donor1 (t16 Subject1) CNhs12927 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12811-136H3 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 08hr 480 mins donor2 (t16 Subject2) CNhs13395 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12909-138A2 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 08hr 480 mins donor3 (t16 Subject3) CNhs13326 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13112-140E7 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 08hr 480 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12491 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13178-141D1 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 08hr 480 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12753 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13046-139G4 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 08hr 480 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12565 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13062-139I2 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 08hr 480 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12740 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13128-140G5 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 08hr 480 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12667 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13194-141E8 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to HRG 08hr 480 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12768 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
12673-135A9 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 08hr 480 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T11) CNhs12392 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12771-136C8 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 08hr 480 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T11) CNhs12871 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12869-137E7 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 08hr 480 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T11) CNhs12885 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12978-138H8 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 08hr 480 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12236 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
12994-139A6 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 08hr 480 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12987 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13010-139C4 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 08hr 480 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13588 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13670-147D7 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 08hr00min 480 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14526 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13671-147D8 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 08hr00min 480 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14527 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13672-147D9 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 08hr00min 480 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14528 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13415-144C4 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 096hr 5760 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13787 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13416-144C5 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 096hr 5760 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13788 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13417-144C6 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 096hr 5760 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13789 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
12812-136H4 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 10hr 600 mins donor2 (t17 Subject2) CNhs13396 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12910-138A3 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 10hr 600 mins donor3 (t17 Subject3) CNhs13327 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12979-138H9 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 10hr 600 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12237 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
12995-139A7 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 10hr 600 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12988 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13011-139C5 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 10hr 600 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13589 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
3576-170H2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11473 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3648-171H2 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11551 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3723-172B3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14305 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3586-170I3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11483 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3658-171I3 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11561 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3733-172C4 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14309 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3606-170B6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11506 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3678-171B6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11581 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3753-172E6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14267 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3596-170A5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11493 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3668-171A5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11571 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3743-172D5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14258 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3566-170G1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11463 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3638-171G1 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11538 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3713-172A2 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14301 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
13418-144C7 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13790 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13419-144C8 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13791 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
13420-144C9 Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells 120hr 7200 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13792 Tracheal to ciliated epithelium Tracheal_to_ciliated_epithelium Mouse Activation
3616-170C7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 120hr(096h after stimulation) 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11516 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3688-171C7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 120hr(096h after stimulation) 7200 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11616 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3981-173I5 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph) 120hr(096h after stimulation) 7200 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14356 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3621-170H7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 120hr(096h after stimulation) 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11521 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3693-171H7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 120hr(096h after stimulation) 7200 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11621 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3986-173E6 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 120hr(096h after stimulation) 7200 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14361 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3631-170I8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb 120hr(096h after stimulation) 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11531 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3703-171I8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb 120hr(096h after stimulation) 7200 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11631 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3996-173F7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb 120hr(096h after stimulation) 7200 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14371 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3626-170D8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 120hr(096h after stimulation) 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11526 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3991-173A7 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 120hr(096h after stimulation) 7200 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14366 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3976-173D5 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb 120hr(096h after stimulation) 7200 mins biol_rep4 CNhs14351 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3611-170G6 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb 120hr(096h after stimulation) 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11511 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3683-171G6 macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb 120hr(096h after stimulation) 7200 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11586 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3698-171D8 macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb 120hr(096h after stimulaton) 7200 mins biol_rep2 CNhs11626 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
13076-140A7 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 12hr 720 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12454 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13142-140I1 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 12hr 720 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14546 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13208-141G4 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 12hr 720 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12783 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12715-135F6 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 12hr 720 mins donor1 (t18 Subject1) CNhs12813 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12813-136H5 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 12hr 720 mins donor2 (t18 Subject2) CNhs13397 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12911-138A4 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 12hr 720 mins donor3 (t18 Subject3) CNhs13328 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12314-130G1 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 12hr 720 mins biol_rep1 (012hA1) CNhs13121 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12436-132B6 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 12hr 720 mins biol_rep2 (012hA2) CNhs13250 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12558-133G2 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 12hr 720 mins biol_rep3 (012hA3) CNhs13299 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12329-130H7 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 12hr 720 mins biol_rep1 (012hB1) CNhs13136 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12451-132D3 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 12hr 720 mins biol_rep2 (012hB2) CNhs13265 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12573-133H8 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 12hr 720 mins biol_rep3 (012hB3) CNhs13314 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
13547-145I1 293SLAM rinderpest infection 12hr 720 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14413 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13548-145I2 293SLAM rinderpest infection 12hr 720 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14414 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13549-145I3 293SLAM rinderpest infection 12hr 720 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14415 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13559-146A4 COBL-a rinderpest infection 12hr 720 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14425 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13560-146A5 COBL-a rinderpest infection 12hr 720 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14426 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13561-146A6 COBL-a rinderpest infection 12hr 720 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14427 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13571-146B7 COBL-a rinderpest(-C) infection 12hr 720 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14438 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13572-146B8 COBL-a rinderpest(-C) infection 12hr 720 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14439 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13573-146B9 COBL-a rinderpest(-C) infection 12hr 720 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14440 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
12980-138I1 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 12hr 720 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12238 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
12996-139A8 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 12hr 720 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12989 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13012-139C6 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 12hr 720 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13590 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13674-147E2 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 12hr00min 720 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14530 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13675-147E3 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 12hr00min 720 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14531 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
12716-135F7 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 14hr 840 mins donor1 (t19 Subject1) CNhs12929 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12814-136H6 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 14hr 840 mins donor2 (t19 Subject2) CNhs13398 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12912-138A5 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 14hr 840 mins donor3 (t19 Subject3) CNhs13329 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12815-136H7 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 16hr 960 mins donor2 (t20 Subject2) CNhs13399 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12913-138A6 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 16hr 960 mins donor3 (t20 Subject3) CNhs13330 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13676-147E4 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 16hr00min 960 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14532 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13677-147E5 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 16hr00min 960 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14533 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13678-147E6 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 16hr00min 960 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14534 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
12718-135F9 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 18hr 1080 mins donor1 (t21 Subject1) CNhs12814 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12816-136H8 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 18hr 1080 mins donor2 (t21 Subject2) CNhs13400 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12914-138A7 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 18hr 1080 mins donor3 (t21 Subject3) CNhs13331 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12315-130G2 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 18hr 1080 mins biol_rep1 (018hA1) CNhs13122 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12437-132B7 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 18hr 1080 mins biol_rep2 (018hA2) CNhs13251 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12559-133G3 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 18hr 1080 mins biol_rep3 (018hA3) CNhs13300 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12330-130H8 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 18hr 1080 mins biol_rep1 (018hB1) CNhs13137 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12452-132D4 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 18hr 1080 mins biol_rep2 (018hB2) CNhs13266 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12574-133H9 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 18hr 1080 mins biol_rep3 (018hB3) CNhs13315 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12719-135G1 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 20hr 1200 mins donor1 (t22 Subject1) CNhs12931 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12817-136H9 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 20hr 1200 mins donor2 (t22 Subject2) CNhs13401 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12915-138A8 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 20hr 1200 mins donor3 (t22 Subject3) CNhs13332 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12720-135G2 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 22hr 1320 mins donor1 (t23 Subject1) CNhs12815 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12818-136I1 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 22hr 1320 mins donor2 (t23 Subject2) CNhs13402 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12916-138A9 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 22hr 1320 mins donor3 (t23 Subject3) CNhs13333 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13077-140A8 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12455 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13143-140I2 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12682 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13209-141G5 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12784 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12721-135G3 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 24hr 1440 mins donor1 (t24 Subject1) CNhs12932 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12819-136I2 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 24hr 1440 mins donor2 (t24 Subject2) CNhs13403 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12917-138B1 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 24hr 1440 mins donor3 (t24 Subject3) CNhs13334 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12316-130G3 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep1 (024hA1) CNhs13123 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12438-132B8 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep2 (024hA2) CNhs13252 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12560-133G4 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep3 (024hA3) CNhs13301 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12331-130H9 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep1 (024hB1) CNhs13138 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12453-132D5 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep2 (024hB2) CNhs13267 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12575-133I1 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep3 (024hB3) CNhs13316 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
13550-145I4 293SLAM rinderpest infection 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14416 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13551-145I5 293SLAM rinderpest infection 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14417 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13552-145I6 293SLAM rinderpest infection 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14418 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13562-146A7 COBL-a rinderpest infection 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14428 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13563-146A8 COBL-a rinderpest infection 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14429 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13564-146A9 COBL-a rinderpest infection 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14430 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13574-146C1 COBL-a rinderpest(-C) infection 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14441 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13575-146C2 COBL-a rinderpest(-C) infection 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14442 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13576-146C3 COBL-a rinderpest(-C) infection 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14443 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
12674-135B1 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T12) CNhs12393 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12772-136C9 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T12) CNhs12872 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12870-137E8 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T12) CNhs12886 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12981-138I2 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12239 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
12997-139A9 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell 24hr 1440 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12990 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13679-147E7 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 24hr00min 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14535 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13681-147E9 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 24hr00min 1440 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14537 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13309-142I6 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to mock influenza infection 24hr00min 1440 mins donor1 (868_121:MI_24h) CNhs13693 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13321-143A9 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to mock influenza infection 24hr00min 1440 mins donor2 (150_120:MI_24h) CNhs13648 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13327-143B6 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to mock influenza infection 24hr00min 1440 mins donor3 (536_119:MI_24h) CNhs13652 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13315-143A3 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to mock influenza infection 24hr00min 1440 mins donor4 (227_121:MI_24h) CNhs13644 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13308-142I5 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to udorn influenza infection 24hr00min 1440 mins donor1 (868_121:Ud_24h) CNhs13557 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13320-143A8 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to udorn influenza infection 24hr00min 1440 mins donor2 (150_120:Ud_24h) CNhs13560 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
13326-143B5 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to udorn influenza infection 24hr00min 1440 mins donor3 (536_119:Ud_24h) CNhs13562 Macrophage influenza infection Macrophage_influenza_infection Human Activation
12722-135G4 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 36hr 2160 mins donor1 (t25 Subject1) CNhs12933 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12820-136I3 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 36hr 2160 mins donor2 (t25 Subject2) CNhs13404 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12918-138B2 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 36hr 2160 mins donor3 (t25 Subject3) CNhs13335 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12439-132B9 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 36hr 2160 mins biol_rep2 (036hA2) CNhs13253 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12561-133G5 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes 36hr 2160 mins biol_rep3 (036hA3) CNhs13302 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12332-130I1 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 36hr 2160 mins biol_rep1 (036hB1) CNhs13139 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12454-132D6 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 36hr 2160 mins biol_rep2 (036hB2) CNhs13268 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12576-133I2 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes 36hr 2160 mins biol_rep3 (036hB3) CNhs13317 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
13682-147F1 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 42hr00min 2520 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14538 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13683-147F2 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 42hr00min 2520 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14539 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13684-147F3 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 42hr00min 2520 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14540 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13078-140A9 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 48hr 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12456 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13144-140I3 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 48hr 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12683 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
13210-141G6 J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin 48hr 2880 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12785 J2E erythrocytic differentiation (EPO) J2E_erythrocytic_differentiation_(EPO) Mouse Early response
12723-135G5 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 48hr 2880 mins donor1 (t26 Subject1) CNhs11942 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
12821-136I4 Monocyte-derived macrophages response to LPS 48hr 2880 mins donor2 (t26 Subject2) CNhs13405 Macrophage response to LPS Macrophage_response_to_LPS Human Early response
13565-146B1 COBL-a rinderpest infection 48hr 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14431 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13566-146B2 COBL-a rinderpest infection 48hr 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14432 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13567-146B3 COBL-a rinderpest infection 48hr 2880 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14434 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13577-146C4 COBL-a rinderpest(-C) infection 48hr 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14444 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13578-146C5 COBL-a rinderpest(-C) infection 48hr 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14445 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13579-146C6 COBL-a rinderpest(-C) infection 48hr 2880 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14446 Rinderpest infection series Rinderpest_infection_series Human Activation
13685-147F4 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 60hr00min 3600 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14541 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13686-147F5 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 60hr00min 3600 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14542 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
13687-147F6 ARPE-19 EMT induced with TGF-beta and TNF-alpha 60hr00min 3600 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14543 Epithelial to mesenchymal Epithelial_to_mesenchymal Human Early response
12627-134E8 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day00 0 mins biol_rep1 (H9EB-1 d0) CNhs12822 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12725-135G7 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day00 0 mins biol_rep2 (H9EB-2 d0) CNhs12825 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12823-136I6 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day00 0 mins biol_rep3 (H9EB-3 d0) CNhs12908 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13364-143F7 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day00 0 mins biol_rep1 (UH-1) CNhs13694 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13365-143F8 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day00 0 mins biol_rep2 (UH-2) CNhs13695 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13366-143F9 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day00 0 mins biol_rep3 (UH-3) CNhs13738 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
14357-155I1 ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation day00 0 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14104 ES to neuron ES_to_neuron Mouse In vitro differentiation
14362-155I6 ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation day00 0 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14109 ES to neuron ES_to_neuron Mouse In vitro differentiation
13445-144F7 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day00 0 mins rep1 CNhs13830 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13449-144G2 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day00 0 mins rep2 CNhs13843 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13453-144G6 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day00 0 mins rep3 CNhs14056 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13457-144H1 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day00 0 mins rep1 CNhs13835 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13461-144H5 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day00 0 mins rep2 CNhs14060 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13465-144H9 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day00 0 mins rep3 CNhs14063 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13425-144D5 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C11-CRL2429 day00 0 mins rep2 CNhs13822 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13421-144D1 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C11-CRL2429 day00 0 mins rep1 CNhs14045 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13429-144D9 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C11-CRL2429 day00 0 mins rep3 CNhs14049 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13433-144E4 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C32-CRL1502 day00 0 mins rep1 CNhs13826 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13437-144E8 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C32-CRL1502 day00 0 mins rep2 CNhs13839 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13441-144F3 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C32-CRL1502 day00 0 mins rep3 CNhs14052 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13496-145C4 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day00 0 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor1 CNhs14586 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13505-145D4 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day00 0 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor2 CNhs14596 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13514-145E4 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day00 0 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor3 CNhs14605 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13469-144I4 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day00 0 mins control donor1 CNhs13847 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13478-145A4 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day00 0 mins control donor2 CNhs14567 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13487-145B4 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day00 0 mins control donor3 CNhs14577 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13297-142H3 trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation day00 0 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13526 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13283-142F7 trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation day00 0 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13481 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13290-142G5 trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation day00 0 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13519 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
12628-134E9 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day01 1440 mins biol_rep1 (H9EB-1 d1) CNhs12823 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12726-135G8 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day01 1440 mins biol_rep2 (H9EB-2 d1) CNhs12826 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12824-136I7 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day01 1440 mins biol_rep3 (H9EB-3 d1) CNhs12909 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13328-143B7 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day01 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13653 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13340-143D1 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day01 1440 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13712 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13352-143E4 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day01 1440 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13725 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
14358-155I2 ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation day01 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14105 ES to neuron ES_to_neuron Mouse In vitro differentiation
14363-155I7 ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation day01 1440 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14110 ES to neuron ES_to_neuron Mouse In vitro differentiation
13263-142D5 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction day01 1440 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13616 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13264-142D6 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction day01 1440 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13617 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13497-145C5 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day01 1440 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor1 CNhs14587 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13506-145D5 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day01 1440 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor2 CNhs14597 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13515-145E5 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day01 1440 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor3 CNhs14606 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13470-144I5 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day01 1440 mins control donor1 CNhs13848 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13488-145B5 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day01 1440 mins control donor3 CNhs14578 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13298-142H4 trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation day01 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13527 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13284-142F8 trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation day01 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13514 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13291-142G6 trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation day01 1440 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13520 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13329-143B8 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day02 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13654 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13341-143D2 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day02 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13714 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13353-143E5 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day02 2880 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13726 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
14359-155I3 ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation day02 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14106 ES to neuron ES_to_neuron Mouse In vitro differentiation
14364-155I8 ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation day02 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14111 ES to neuron ES_to_neuron Mouse In vitro differentiation
12318-130G5 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes day02 2880 mins biol_rep1 (048hA1) CNhs13125 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12440-132C1 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes day02 2880 mins biol_rep2 (048hA2) CNhs13254 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12562-133G6 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes day02 2880 mins biol_rep3 (048hA3) CNhs13303 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
13265-142D7 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction day02 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13619 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13266-142D8 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction day02 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13620 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13267-142D9 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction day02 2880 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13621 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
12333-130I2 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes day02 2880 mins biol_rep1 (048hB1) CNhs13140 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12455-132D7 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes day02 2880 mins biol_rep2 (048hB2) CNhs13269 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12577-133I3 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes day02 2880 mins biol_rep3 (048hB3) CNhs13319 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
13498-145C6 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day02 2880 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor1 CNhs14588 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13507-145D6 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day02 2880 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor2 CNhs14598 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13516-145E6 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day02 2880 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor3 CNhs14607 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13471-144I6 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day02 2880 mins control donor1 CNhs13849 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13480-145A6 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day02 2880 mins control donor2 CNhs14570 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13489-145B6 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day02 2880 mins control donor3 CNhs14579 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
12982-138I3 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell day02 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12240 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
12998-139B1 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell day02 2880 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12991 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13014-139C8 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell day02 2880 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13592 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13299-142H5 trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation day02 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13528 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13285-142F9 trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation day02 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13515 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13292-142G7 trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation day02 2880 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13521 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
12629-134F1 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day03 4320 mins biol_rep1 (H9EB-1 d3) CNhs12895 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12727-135G9 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day03 4320 mins biol_rep2 (H9EB-2 d3) CNhs12827 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12825-136I8 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day03 4320 mins biol_rep3 (H9EB-3 d3) CNhs12910 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13330-143B9 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day03 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13655 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13342-143D3 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day03 4320 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13715 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13354-143E6 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day03 4320 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13727 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
14360-155I4 ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation day03 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14107 ES to neuron ES_to_neuron Mouse In vitro differentiation
14365-155I9 ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation day03 4320 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14112 ES to neuron ES_to_neuron Mouse In vitro differentiation
12319-130G6 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes day03 4320 mins biol_rep1 (072hA1) CNhs13126 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12441-132C2 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes day03 4320 mins biol_rep2 (072hA2) CNhs13255 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12563-133G7 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes day03 4320 mins biol_rep3 (072hA3) CNhs13304 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12334-130I3 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes day03 4320 mins biol_rep1 (072hB1) CNhs13141 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12456-132D8 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes day03 4320 mins biol_rep2 (072hB2) CNhs13271 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12578-133I4 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes day03 4320 mins biol_rep3 (072hB3) CNhs13320 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
13499-145C7 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day03 4320 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor1 CNhs14589 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13508-145D7 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day03 4320 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor2 CNhs14599 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13472-144I7 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day03 4320 mins control donor1 CNhs13850 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13481-145A7 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day03 4320 mins control donor2 CNhs14571 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13490-145B7 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day03 4320 mins control donor3 CNhs14580 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
12983-138I4 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell day03 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11059 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
12999-139B2 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell day03 4320 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13684 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13015-139C9 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell day03 4320 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13593 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13300-142H6 trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation day03 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13529 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13286-142G1 trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation day03 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13516 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13293-142G8 trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation day03 4320 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13522 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13331-143C1 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day04 5760 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13656 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13343-143D4 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day04 5760 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13716 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13355-143E7 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day04 5760 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13728 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
14361-155I5 ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation day04 5760 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14108 ES to neuron ES_to_neuron Mouse In vitro differentiation
14366-156A1 ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation day04 5760 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14113 ES to neuron ES_to_neuron Mouse In vitro differentiation
12320-130G7 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes day04 5760 mins biol_rep1 (096hA1) CNhs13127 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12442-132C3 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes day04 5760 mins biol_rep2 (096hA2) CNhs13256 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12564-133G8 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes day04 5760 mins biol_rep3 (096hA3) CNhs13305 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
13268-142E1 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction day04 5760 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13622 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13270-142E3 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction day04 5760 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13624 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
12335-130I4 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes day04 5760 mins biol_rep1 (096hB1) CNhs13142 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12457-132D9 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes day04 5760 mins biol_rep2 (096hB2) CNhs13272 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12579-133I5 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes day04 5760 mins biol_rep3 (096hB3) CNhs13321 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
13500-145C8 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day04 5760 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor1 CNhs14590 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13509-145D8 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day04 5760 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor2 CNhs14600 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13518-145E8 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day04 5760 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor3 CNhs14609 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13473-144I8 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day04 5760 mins control donor1 CNhs13851 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13482-145A8 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day04 5760 mins control donor2 CNhs14572 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13491-145B8 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day04 5760 mins control donor3 CNhs14581 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13019-139D4 Adipocyte differentiation day04 5760 mins donor1 CNhs12516 Preadipocyte to adipocyte Preadipocyte_to_adipocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13022-139D7 Adipocyte differentiation day04 5760 mins donor2 CNhs13410 Preadipocyte to adipocyte Preadipocyte_to_adipocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13025-139E1 Adipocyte differentiation day04 5760 mins donor3 CNhs13413 Preadipocyte to adipocyte Preadipocyte_to_adipocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13028-139E4 Adipocyte differentiation day04 5760 mins donor4 CNhs13417 Preadipocyte to adipocyte Preadipocyte_to_adipocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12675-135B2 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification day04 5760 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T13) CNhs12394 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12773-136D1 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification day04 5760 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T13) CNhs12873 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12871-137E9 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification day04 5760 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T13) CNhs12887 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12984-138I5 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell day04 5760 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12241 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13000-139B3 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell day04 5760 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13686 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13016-139D1 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell day04 5760 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13595 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13301-142H7 trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation day04 5760 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13635 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13287-142G2 trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation day04 5760 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13517 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13294-142G9 trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation day04 5760 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13523 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13332-143C2 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day05 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13657 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13344-143D5 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day05 7200 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13717 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13356-143E8 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day05 7200 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13729 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12321-130G8 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes day05 7200 mins biol_rep1 (120hA1) CNhs13128 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12443-132C4 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes day05 7200 mins biol_rep2 (120hA2) CNhs13257 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12565-133G9 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes day05 7200 mins biol_rep3 (120hA3) CNhs13306 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12336-130I5 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes day05 7200 mins biol_rep1 (120hB1) CNhs13144 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12458-132E1 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes day05 7200 mins biol_rep2 (120hB2) CNhs13273 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12580-133I6 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes day05 7200 mins biol_rep3 (120hB3) CNhs13322 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12985-138I6 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell day05 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs12242 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13001-139B4 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell day05 7200 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12992 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13017-139D2 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell day05 7200 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13596 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13302-142H8 trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation day05 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13636 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13288-142G3 trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation day05 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13518 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13295-142H1 trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation day05 7200 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13524 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
12630-134F2 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day06 8640 mins biol_rep1 (H9EB-1 d6) CNhs12896 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12728-135H1 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day06 8640 mins biol_rep2 (H9EB-2 d6) CNhs12828 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12826-136I9 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day06 8640 mins biol_rep3 (H9EB-3 d6) CNhs12911 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13333-143C3 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day06 8640 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13658 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13345-143D6 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day06 8640 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13718 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13357-143E9 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day06 8640 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13730 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13446-144F8 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day06 8640 mins rep1 CNhs13831 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13450-144G3 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day06 8640 mins rep2 CNhs13844 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13454-144G7 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day06 8640 mins rep3 CNhs14057 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13458-144H2 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day06 8640 mins rep1 CNhs13836 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13462-144H6 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day06 8640 mins rep2 CNhs14061 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13466-144I1 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day06 8640 mins rep3 CNhs14064 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13426-144D6 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C11-CRL2429 day06 8640 mins rep2 CNhs13823 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13422-144D2 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C11-CRL2429 day06 8640 mins rep1 CNhs14046 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13430-144E1 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C11-CRL2429 day06 8640 mins rep3 CNhs14050 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13434-144E5 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C32-CRL1502 day06 8640 mins rep1 CNhs13827 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13438-144E9 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C32-CRL1502 day06 8640 mins rep2 CNhs13840 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13442-144F4 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C32-CRL1502 day06 8640 mins rep3 CNhs14053 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
12322-130G9 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes day06 8640 mins biol_rep1 (144hA1) CNhs13129 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12444-132C5 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes day06 8640 mins biol_rep2 (144hA2) CNhs13258 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12566-133H1 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes day06 8640 mins biol_rep3 (144hA3) CNhs13307 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12337-130I6 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes day06 8640 mins biol_rep1 (144hB1) CNhs11940 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12459-132E2 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes day06 8640 mins biol_rep2 (144hB2) CNhs13274 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12581-133I7 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes day06 8640 mins biol_rep3 (144hB3) CNhs13323 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
13501-145C9 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day06 8640 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor1 CNhs14591 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13519-145E9 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day06 8640 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor3 CNhs14610 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13474-144I9 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day06 8640 mins control donor1 CNhs13852 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13483-145A9 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day06 8640 mins control donor2 CNhs14573 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13492-145B9 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day06 8640 mins control donor3 CNhs14582 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
12986-138I7 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell day06 8640 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11060 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13002-139B5 EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell day06 8640 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12993 T-cell differentiation T-cell_differentiation Mouse Early response
13303-142H9 trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation day06 8640 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13530 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13289-142G4 trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation day06 8640 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13482 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13296-142H2 trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation day06 8640 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13525 trophoblast differentiation trophoblast_differentiation Mouse In vitro differentiation
13346-143D7 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day07 10080 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13719 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13358-143F1 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day07 10080 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13731 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12676-135B3 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification day07 10080 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T14) CNhs12395 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12774-136D2 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification day07 10080 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T14) CNhs12874 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12872-137F1 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification day07 10080 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T14) CNhs12888 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
13335-143C5 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day08 11520 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13660 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13347-143D8 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day08 11520 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13720 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13359-143F2 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day08 11520 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13732 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13271-142E4 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction day08 11520 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13625 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13272-142E5 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction day08 11520 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13626 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13273-142E6 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction day08 11520 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13627 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13502-145D1 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day08 11520 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor1 CNhs14592 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13511-145E1 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day08 11520 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor2 CNhs14602 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13520-145F1 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day08 11520 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor3 CNhs14611 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13475-145A1 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day08 11520 mins control donor1 CNhs13853 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13484-145B1 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day08 11520 mins control donor2 CNhs14574 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13493-145C1 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day08 11520 mins control donor3 CNhs14583 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13020-139D5 Adipocyte differentiation day08 11520 mins donor1 CNhs12517 Preadipocyte to adipocyte Preadipocyte_to_adipocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13023-139D8 Adipocyte differentiation day08 11520 mins donor2 CNhs13411 Preadipocyte to adipocyte Preadipocyte_to_adipocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13026-139E2 Adipocyte differentiation day08 11520 mins donor3 CNhs13415 Preadipocyte to adipocyte Preadipocyte_to_adipocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13029-139E5 Adipocyte differentiation day08 11520 mins donor4 CNhs13418 Preadipocyte to adipocyte Preadipocyte_to_adipocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12631-134F3 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day09 12960 mins biol_rep1 (H9EB-1 d9) CNhs12897 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12729-135H2 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day09 12960 mins biol_rep2 (H9EB-2 d9) CNhs12829 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12827-137A1 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day09 12960 mins biol_rep3 (H9EB-3 d9) CNhs12951 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13336-143C6 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day09 12960 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13661 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13348-143D9 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day09 12960 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13721 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13360-143F3 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day09 12960 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13733 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13337-143C7 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day10 14400 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13662 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13349-143E1 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day10 14400 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13722 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13361-143F4 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day10 14400 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13734 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13503-145D2 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day10 14400 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor1 CNhs14594 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13512-145E2 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day10 14400 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor2 CNhs14603 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13521-145F2 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day10 14400 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor3 CNhs14612 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13476-145A2 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day10 14400 mins control donor1 CNhs13854 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13485-145B2 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day10 14400 mins control donor2 CNhs14575 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13338-143C8 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day11 15840 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13710 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13350-143E2 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day11 15840 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13723 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13362-143F5 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day11 15840 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13735 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12632-134F4 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day12 17280 mins biol_rep1 (H9EB-1 d12) CNhs12948 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12730-135H3 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day12 17280 mins biol_rep2 (H9EB-2 d12) CNhs12830 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12828-137A2 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day12 17280 mins biol_rep3 (H9EB-3 d12) CNhs12949 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13339-143C9 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day12 17280 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13711 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13351-143E3 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day12 17280 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13724 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13363-143F6 HES3-GFP Embryonic Stem cells, cardiomyocytic induction day12 17280 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13736 ES to cardiomyocyte ES_to_cardiomyocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13447-144F9 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day12 17280 mins rep1 CNhs13832 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13451-144G4 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day12 17280 mins rep2 CNhs13845 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13455-144G8 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day12 17280 mins rep3 CNhs14058 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13459-144H3 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day12 17280 mins rep1 CNhs13837 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13463-144H7 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day12 17280 mins rep2 CNhs14062 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13467-144I2 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day12 17280 mins rep3 CNhs14065 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13427-144D7 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C11-CRL2429 day12 17280 mins rep2 CNhs13824 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13423-144D3 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C11-CRL2429 day12 17280 mins rep1 CNhs14047 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13431-144E2 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C11-CRL2429 day12 17280 mins rep3 CNhs14051 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13435-144E6 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C32-CRL1502 day12 17280 mins rep1 CNhs13828 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13439-144F1 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C32-CRL1502 day12 17280 mins rep2 CNhs13841 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13443-144F5 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C32-CRL1502 day12 17280 mins rep3 CNhs14054 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13274-142E7 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction day12 17280 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13628 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13275-142E8 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction day12 17280 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13629 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13276-142E9 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction day12 17280 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13630 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13504-145D3 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day12 17280 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor1 CNhs14595 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13513-145E3 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day12 17280 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor2 CNhs14604 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13522-145F3 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day12 17280 mins Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy donor3 CNhs14613 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13477-145A3 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day12 17280 mins control donor1 CNhs14566 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13486-145B3 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day12 17280 mins control donor2 CNhs14576 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13495-145C3 Myoblast differentiation to myotubes day12 17280 mins control donor3 CNhs14585 Myoblast to myotube (wt and DMD) Myoblast_to_myotube_(wt and DMD) Human In vitro differentiation
13021-139D6 Adipocyte differentiation day12 17280 mins donor1 CNhs13336 Preadipocyte to adipocyte Preadipocyte_to_adipocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13024-139D9 Adipocyte differentiation day12 17280 mins donor2 CNhs13412 Preadipocyte to adipocyte Preadipocyte_to_adipocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13027-139E3 Adipocyte differentiation day12 17280 mins donor3 CNhs13416 Preadipocyte to adipocyte Preadipocyte_to_adipocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13030-139E6 Adipocyte differentiation day12 17280 mins donor4 CNhs13419 Preadipocyte to adipocyte Preadipocyte_to_adipocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13277-142F1 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction day14 20160 mins biol_rep1 CNhs13338 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
13279-142F3 mesenchymal stem cells (adipose derived), adipogenic induction day14 20160 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13632 MSC to adipocyte (human) MSC_to_adipocyte_(human) Human Early response
12677-135B4 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification day14 20160 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T15) CNhs12396 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12775-136D3 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification day14 20160 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T15) CNhs12953 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12873-137F2 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification day14 20160 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T15) CNhs12890 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12633-134F5 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day15 21600 mins biol_rep1 (H9EB-1 d15) CNhs12898 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12731-135H4 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day15 21600 mins biol_rep2 (H9EB-2 d15) CNhs12831 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12829-137A3 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day15 21600 mins biol_rep3 (H9EB-3 d15) CNhs12912 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12634-134F6 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day18 25920 mins biol_rep1 (H9EB-1 d18) CNhs12899 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12732-135H5 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day18 25920 mins biol_rep2 (H9EB-2 d18) CNhs12832 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12830-137A4 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day18 25920 mins biol_rep3 (H9EB-3 d18) CNhs12914 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
13448-144G1 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day18 25920 mins rep1 CNhs13833 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13452-144G5 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day18 25920 mins rep2 CNhs13846 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13456-144G9 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day18 25920 mins rep3 CNhs14059 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13460-144H4 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day18 25920 mins rep1 CNhs13838 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13464-144H8 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day18 25920 mins rep2 CNhs13922 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13468-144I3 iPS differentiation to neuron, down-syndrome donor C18-CCL54 day18 25920 mins rep3 CNhs14066 Human iPS to neuron (Down's syndrome) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(Down's syndrome)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13428-144D8 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C11-CRL2429 day18 25920 mins rep2 CNhs13825 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13424-144D4 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C11-CRL2429 day18 25920 mins rep1 CNhs13916 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13432-144E3 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C11-CRL2429 day18 25920 mins rep3 CNhs13917 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 1 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_1 Human In vitro differentiation
13436-144E7 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C32-CRL1502 day18 25920 mins rep1 CNhs13829 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13440-144F2 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C32-CRL1502 day18 25920 mins rep2 CNhs13842 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
13444-144F6 iPS differentiation to neuron, control donor C32-CRL1502 day18 25920 mins rep3 CNhs14055 Human iPS to neuron (wt) 2 Human_iPS_to_neuron_(wt)_2 Human In vitro differentiation
12635-134F7 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day21 30240 mins biol_rep1 (H9EB-1 d21) CNhs12900 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12733-135H6 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day21 30240 mins biol_rep2 (H9EB-2 d21) CNhs12833 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12831-137A5 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day21 30240 mins biol_rep3 (H9EB-3 d21) CNhs12915 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12678-135B5 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification day21 30240 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T16) CNhs12397 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12776-136D4 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification day21 30240 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T16) CNhs12875 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12874-137F3 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification day21 30240 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T16) CNhs12891 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12636-134F8 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day24 34560 mins biol_rep1 (H9EB-1 d24) CNhs12901 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12734-135H7 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day24 34560 mins biol_rep2 (H9EB-2 d24) CNhs12834 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12832-137A6 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day24 34560 mins biol_rep3 (H9EB-3 d24) CNhs12916 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12637-134F9 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day27 38880 mins biol_rep1 (H9EB-1 d27) CNhs12902 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12735-135H8 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day27 38880 mins biol_rep2 (H9EB-2 d27) CNhs12835 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12833-137A7 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day27 38880 mins biol_rep3 (H9EB-3 d27) CNhs12917 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12679-135B6 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification day28 40320 mins biol_rep1 (A1 T17) CNhs11919 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12777-136D5 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification day28 40320 mins biol_rep2 (A2 T17) CNhs12876 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12875-137F4 Saos-2 osteosarcoma treated with ascorbic acid and BGP to induce calcification day28 40320 mins biol_rep3 (A3 T17) CNhs12892 Saos calcification Saos_calcification Human Early response
12638-134G1 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day30 43200 mins biol_rep1 (H9EB-1 d30) CNhs12903 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12736-135H9 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day30 43200 mins biol_rep2 (H9EB-2 d30) CNhs12836 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12834-137A8 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day30 43200 mins biol_rep3 (H9EB-3 d30) CNhs12918 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12639-134G2 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day34 48960 mins biol_rep1 (H9EB-1 d34) CNhs12904 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12737-135I1 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day34 48960 mins biol_rep2 (H9EB-2 d34) CNhs12906 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12835-137A9 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day34 48960 mins biol_rep3 (H9EB-3 d34) CNhs12919 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12640-134G3 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day41 59040 mins biol_rep1 (H9EB-1 d41) CNhs12905 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12738-135I2 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day41 59040 mins biol_rep2 (H9EB-2 d41) CNhs12907 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
12836-137B1 H9 Embryoid body cells, melanocytic induction day41 59040 mins biol_rep3 (H9EB-3 d41) CNhs12950 Embryoid body to melanocyte Embryoid_body_to_melanocyte Human In vitro differentiation
10114-102E6 cerebellum E11 -12960 days biol_rep1 (E11R1) CNhs12956 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10126-102F9 cerebellum E11 -12960 days biol_rep2 (E11R2) CNhs13002 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10138-102H3 cerebellum E11 -12960 days biol_rep3 (E11R3) CNhs13014 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10115-102E7 cerebellum E12 -11520 days biol_rep1 (E12R1) CNhs12957 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10127-102G1 cerebellum E12 -11520 days biol_rep2 (E12R2) CNhs13003 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10139-102H4 cerebellum E12 -11520 days biol_rep3 (E12R3) CNhs13015 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10116-102E8 cerebellum E13 -10080 days biol_rep1 (E13R1) CNhs12958 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10128-102G2 cerebellum E13 -10080 days biol_rep2 (E13R2) CNhs13004 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10140-102H5 cerebellum E13 -10080 days biol_rep3 (E13R3) CNhs13016 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10117-102E9 cerebellum E14 -8640 days biol_rep1 (E14R1) CNhs12960 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10129-102G3 cerebellum E14 -8640 days biol_rep2 (E14R2) CNhs13005 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10141-102H6 cerebellum E14 -8640 days biol_rep3 (E14R3) CNhs13017 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10118-102F1 cerebellum E15 -7200 days biol_rep1 (E15R1) CNhs12961 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10130-102G4 cerebellum E15 -7200 days biol_rep2 (E15R2) CNhs13006 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10142-102H7 cerebellum E15 -7200 days biol_rep3 (E15R3) CNhs13018 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10119-102F2 cerebellum E16 -5760 days biol_rep1 (E16R1) CNhs13000 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10131-102G5 cerebellum E16 -5760 days biol_rep2 (E16R2) CNhs13007 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10143-102H8 cerebellum E16 -5760 days biol_rep3 (E16R3) CNhs13019 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10120-102F3 cerebellum E17 -4320 days biol_rep1 (E17R1) CNhs12818 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10132-102G6 cerebellum E17 -4320 days biol_rep2 (E17R2) CNhs13008 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10144-102H9 cerebellum E17 -4320 days biol_rep3 (E17R3) CNhs13020 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10121-102F4 cerebellum E18 -2880 days biol_rep1 (E18R1) CNhs12962 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10133-102G7 cerebellum E18 -2880 days biol_rep2 (E18R2) CNhs13009 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10145-102I1 cerebellum E18 -2880 days biol_rep3 (E18R3) CNhs13021 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10122-102F5 cerebellum N00 0 days biol_rep1 (P0R1) CNhs12963 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10134-102G8 cerebellum N00 0 days biol_rep2 (P0R2) CNhs13010 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10146-102I2 cerebellum N00 0 days biol_rep3 (P0R3) CNhs13022 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10123-102F6 cerebellum N03 4320 days biol_rep1 (P3R1) CNhs13001 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10135-102G9 cerebellum N03 4320 days biol_rep2 (P3R2) CNhs13011 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10147-102I3 cerebellum N03 4320 days biol_rep3 (P3R3) CNhs13024 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10124-102F7 cerebellum N06 8640 days biol_rep1 (P6R1) CNhs12819 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10136-102H1 cerebellum N06 8640 days biol_rep2 (P6R2) CNhs13012 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10148-102I4 cerebellum N06 8640 days biol_rep3 (P6R3) CNhs13025 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10125-102F8 cerebellum N09 12960 days biol_rep1 (P9R1) CNhs12820 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10137-102H2 cerebellum N09 12960 days biol_rep2 (P9R2) CNhs13013 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10149-102I5 cerebellum N09 12960 days biol_rep3 (P9R3) CNhs13026 Cerebellum development Cerebellum_development Mouse Development
10244-104B1 visual cortex - Mecp knockout N15 21600 days donor1 CNhs13040 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10245-104B2 visual cortex - Mecp knockout N15 21600 days donor2 CNhs13041 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10350-105D8 visual cortex - Mecp knockout N15 21600 days donor3 CNhs13821 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10235-104A1 visual cortex - wildtype N15 21600 days donor1 CNhs13031 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10236-104A2 visual cortex - wildtype N15 21600 days donor2 CNhs13032 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10237-104A3 visual cortex - wildtype N15 21600 days donor3 CNhs13033 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10349-105D7 visual cortex - wildtype N15 21600 days donor5 CNhs13820 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10246-104B3 visual cortex - Mecp knockout N30 43200 days donor1 CNhs13042 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10247-104B4 visual cortex - Mecp knockout N30 43200 days donor2 CNhs13043 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10248-104B5 visual cortex - Mecp knockout N30 43200 days donor3 CNhs13044 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10238-104A4 visual cortex - wildtype N30 43200 days donor1 CNhs13034 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10239-104A5 visual cortex - wildtype N30 43200 days donor2 CNhs13035 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10240-104A6 visual cortex - wildtype N30 43200 days donor3 CNhs13036 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10249-104B6 visual cortex - Mecp knockout N60 86400 days donor1 CNhs13045 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10250-104B7 visual cortex - Mecp knockout N60 86400 days donor2 CNhs13046 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10251-104B8 visual cortex - Mecp knockout N60 86400 days donor3 CNhs13048 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10241-104A7 visual cortex - wildtype N60 86400 days donor1 CNhs13037 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10242-104A8 visual cortex - wildtype N60 86400 days donor2 CNhs13038 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
10243-104A9 visual cortex - wildtype N60 86400 days donor3 CNhs13039 Visual cortex development Visual_cortex_development Mouse Development
3560-170A1 macrophage, bone marrow derived 00hr 0 mins pool1 CNhs11457 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3632-171A1 macrophage, bone marrow derived 00hr 0 mins pool2 CNhs11532 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3704-172A1 macrophage, bone marrow derived 00hr 0 mins pool3 CNhs11632 BMM TB activation IFNg BMM_TB_activation_IFNg Mouse Activation
3560-170A1 macrophage, bone marrow derived 00hr 0 mins pool1 CNhs11457 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3632-171A1 macrophage, bone marrow derived 00hr 0 mins pool2 CNhs11532 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3704-172A1 macrophage, bone marrow derived 00hr 0 mins pool3 CNhs11632 BMM TB activation IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL13 Mouse Activation
3560-170A1 macrophage, bone marrow derived 00hr 0 mins pool1 CNhs11457 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3632-171A1 macrophage, bone marrow derived 00hr 0 mins pool2 CNhs11532 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3704-172A1 macrophage, bone marrow derived 00hr 0 mins pool3 CNhs11632 BMM TB activation IL4 BMM_TB_activation_IL4 Mouse Activation
3560-170A1 macrophage, bone marrow derived 00hr 0 mins pool1 CNhs11457 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3632-171A1 macrophage, bone marrow derived 00hr 0 mins pool2 CNhs11532 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
3704-172A1 macrophage, bone marrow derived 00hr 0 mins pool3 CNhs11632 BMM TB activation IL4-IL13 BMM_TB_activation_IL4-IL13 Mouse Activation
12338-130I7 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction) 00hr 0 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11939 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12338-130I7 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction) 00hr 0 mins biol_rep1 CNhs11939 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
13097-140D1 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12475 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13097-140D1 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep2 CNhs12475 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
13163-141B4 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12703 MCF7 response to EGF MCF7_response_to_EGF Human Early response
13163-141B4 MCF7 breast cancer cell line response to EGF1 00hr00min 0 mins biol_rep3 CNhs12703 MCF7 response to HRG MCF7_response_to_HRG Human Early response
12460-132E3 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction) 00hr 0 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13275 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12460-132E3 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction) 00hr 0 mins biol_rep2 CNhs13275 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12582-133I8 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction) 00hr 0 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13324 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12582-133I8 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction) 00hr 0 mins biol_rep3 CNhs13324 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12347-131A7 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction) day06 8640 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14197 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12347-131A7 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction) day06 8640 mins biol_rep1 CNhs14197 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12469-132F3 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction) day06 8640 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14198 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12469-132F3 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction) day06 8640 mins biol_rep2 CNhs14198 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12591-134A8 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction) day06 8640 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14199 MSC to osteocyte (mouse) MSC_to_osteocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
12591-134A8 ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction) day06 8640 mins biol_rep3 CNhs14199 MSC to adipocyte (mouse) MSC_to_adipocyte_(mouse) Mouse Early response
3560-170A1 macrophage, bone marrow derived 00hr mins pool1 CNhs11457 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3632-171A1 macrophage, bone marrow derived 00hr mins pool2 CNhs11532 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
3704-172A1 macrophage, bone marrow derived 00hr mins pool3 CNhs11632 BMM TB infection control BMM_TB_infection_control Mouse Activation
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