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Created January 5, 2024 17:06
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package axi.sim
import pionic.RichByteArray
import spinal.core._
import spinal.core.sim._
import spinal.lib.bus.amba4.axi._
import spinal.lib.sim._
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{AtomicBoolean, AtomicReference}
import scala.collection.mutable
object Axi4Bursts extends Enumeration {
type Axi4Burst = Value
val Fixed, Incr, Wrap, Reserved = Value
object Axi4Resps extends Enumeration {
type Axi4Resp = Value
val Okay, ExOkay, SlvErr, DecErr = Value
import Axi4Bursts._
import Axi4Resps._
// TODO: upstream
case class Axi4Master(axi: Axi4, clockDomain: ClockDomain) {
private val busConfig = axi.config
val arQueue = mutable.Queue[Axi4Ar => Unit]()
val awQueue = mutable.Queue[Axi4Aw => Unit]()
private val idCount = if (busConfig.useId) (1 << busConfig.idWidth) else 1
val rQueue = Array.fill(idCount)(mutable.Queue[Axi4R => Unit]())
val wQueue = mutable.Queue[Axi4W => Unit]()
val bQueue = Array.fill(idCount)(mutable.Queue[Axi4B => Unit]())
def readIdle = arQueue.isEmpty && && _)
def writeIdle = awQueue.isEmpty && wQueue.isEmpty && && _)
def idle = readIdle && writeIdle
private val maxSize = log2Up(busConfig.bytePerWord)
private def log(chan: String, msg: String): Unit = {
println(s"Axi4Master [$chan]\t: $msg")
def read(address: BigInt, totalBytes: BigInt, id: Int = 0, burst: Axi4Burst = Incr, len: Int = 0, size: Int = maxSize) = {
val done = new AtomicReference[Array[Byte]](null)
readCB(address, totalBytes, id, burst, len, size)(done.set)
clockDomain.waitActiveEdgeWhere(done.get() != null)
def readCB(address: BigInt, totalBytes: BigInt, id: Int = 0, burst: Axi4Burst = Incr, len: Int = 0, size: Int = maxSize)(callback: Array[Byte] => Unit) = {
val bytePerBeat = 1 << size
val bytes = (len + 1) * bytePerBeat // FIXME: 4K limitation?
val numTransactions = (totalBytes.toDouble / bytes).ceil.toInt
val builder = new mutable.ArrayBuilder.ofByte
if (numTransactions > 1) {
log("..", f"read $address%#x in $numTransactions transactions")
def run(addr: BigInt, totBytes: Int, numTransactions: Int) = {
val transactionSize = if (totBytes > bytes) bytes else totBytes
readSingle(addr, transactionSize, id, burst, len, size)(handleTransaction(addr, totBytes, numTransactions))
def handleTransaction(addr: BigInt, tot: Int, numTransactions: Int)(data: Array[Byte]): Unit = {
builder ++= data
if (numTransactions == 1) {
// we are the last one
} else {
run(addr + data.length, tot - data.length, numTransactions - 1)
run(address, totalBytes.toInt, numTransactions)
def readSingle(address: BigInt, totalBytes: Int, id: Int = 0, burst: Axi4Burst = Incr, len: Int = 0, size: Int = maxSize)(callback: Array[Byte] => Unit): Unit = {
assert(size <= maxSize, s"requested beat size too big: $size vs $maxSize")
if (burst != Incr) {
assert(len <= 15, s"max fixed/wrap burst in one transaction is 16")
assert(len <= 255, s"max burst in one transaction is 256")
val bytePerBeat = 1 << size
val bytes = (len + 1) * bytePerBeat // FIXME: 4K limitation?
assert(totalBytes <= bytes, s"requested length $totalBytes could not be completed in one transaction")
val bytePerBus = 1 << log2Up(busConfig.dataWidth / 8)
val roundedAddress = address - (address & (busConfig.bytePerWord - 1))
val dropFront = (address - roundedAddress).toInt
arQueue += { ar =>
ar.addr #= address
if (busConfig.useId) #= id
if (busConfig.useBurst) ar.burst #=
if (busConfig.useLen) ar.len #= len
if (busConfig.useSize) ar.size #= size
log("AR", f"addr $address%#x size $size len $len burst $burst")
val builder = new mutable.ArrayBuilder.ofByte
for (beat <- 0 to len) {
rQueue(id) += { r =>
if (busConfig.useLast) assert(r.last.toBoolean == (beat == len), "bad last beat")
if (busConfig.useResp) assert(r.resp.toInt ==, s"bad resp ${r.resp.toInt}")
val data =
val beatAddress = burst match {
case Fixed => address
case Incr => address + bytePerBeat * beat
case Wrap =>
val base = address & ~BigInt(bytes - 1)
base + ((address + bytePerBeat * beat) & BigInt(bytes - 1))
val accessAddress = beatAddress & ~BigInt(busConfig.bytePerWord - 1)
val start = ((beatAddress & ~BigInt(bytePerBeat - 1)) - accessAddress).toInt
val end = start + bytePerBeat
for (i <- 0 until bytePerBus) {
val _byte = ((data >> (8 * i)).toInt & 0xFF).toByte
if (start <= i && i < end) {
builder += _byte
if (beat == len) {
val response = builder.result().slice(dropFront, dropFront + totalBytes)
log("R", f"got data ${response.toByteString}")
private val arDriver = StreamDriver(, clockDomain) { ar =>
if (arQueue.isEmpty) false else {
StreamReadyRandomizer(axi.r, clockDomain)
StreamMonitor(axi.r, clockDomain) { r =>
val id = if (busConfig.useId) else 0
if (rQueue(id).nonEmpty) {
private def padData(address: BigInt, data: Array[Byte]) = {
val roundedAddress = address - (address & (busConfig.bytePerWord - 1))
val padFront = (address - roundedAddress).toInt
val totalLen = roundUp(padFront + data.length, busConfig.bytePerWord).toInt
val paddedData = (Array.fill(padFront)(0.toByte) ++ data).padTo(totalLen, 0.toByte)
val padBack = totalLen - padFront - data.length
(roundedAddress, padFront, padBack, paddedData)
// FIXME: this can only handle one-transaction writes
def write(address: BigInt, data: Array[Byte], id: Int = 0, burst: Axi4Burst = Incr, len: Int = 0, size: Int = maxSize): Unit = {
val done = new AtomicBoolean(false)
writeCB(address, data, id, burst, len, size) {
def writeCB(address: BigInt, data: Array[Byte], id: Int = 0, burst: Axi4Burst = Incr, len: Int = 0, size: Int = maxSize)(callback: => Unit): Unit = {
val bytePerBeat = 1 << size
val bytes = (len + 1) * bytePerBeat
val (_, padFront, _, paddedData) = padData(address, data)
val numTransactions = paddedData.length / bytes
if (numTransactions > 1) {
log("..", f"write $address%#x in $numTransactions transactions")
def run(addr: BigInt, data: Array[Byte], transactionId: Int): Unit = {
val slice = transactionId match {
case 0 => data.take(bytes - padFront)
case tid if tid == numTransactions - 1 => data
case _ => data.take(bytes)
val remaining = data.drop(slice.length)
writeSingle(addr, slice, id, burst, len, size)(handleTransaction(addr, transactionId, remaining))
def handleTransaction(addr: BigInt, transactionId: Int, remaining: Array[Byte])() = {
if (transactionId == numTransactions - 1) {
// we are the last one
assert(remaining.isEmpty, s"left over ${remaining.length} bytes unsent!")
} else {
val addrInc = if (transactionId == 0) bytes - padFront else bytes
run(addr + addrInc, remaining, transactionId + 1)
run(address, data, 0)
def writeSingle(address: BigInt, data: Array[Byte], id: Int = 0, burst: Axi4Burst = Incr, len: Int = 0, size: Int = maxSize)(callback: => Unit): Unit = {
assert(size <= maxSize, s"requested beat size too big: $size vs $maxSize")
if (burst != Incr) {
assert(len <= 15, s"max fixed/wrap burst in one transaction is 16")
assert(len <= 255, s"max burst in one transaction is 256")
val bytePerBeat = 1 << size
val bytes = (len + 1) * bytePerBeat
val bytePerBus = 1 << log2Up(busConfig.dataWidth / 8)
val (roundedAddress, padFront, padBack, paddedData) = padData(address, data)
val realLen = data.length
assert(paddedData.length <= bytes, s"requested length ${data.length} (${paddedData.length} with padding) could not be completed in one transaction")
awQueue += { aw =>
aw.addr #= roundedAddress
if (busConfig.useId) #= id
if (busConfig.useLen) aw.len #= len
if (busConfig.useSize) aw.size #= size
if (busConfig.useBurst) aw.burst #=
log("AW", f"addr $roundedAddress%#x size $size len $len burst $burst")
for (beat <- 0 to len) {
wQueue += { w =>
val data = paddedData.slice(beat * bytePerBeat, (beat + 1) * bytePerBeat) #= data
val strb = if (len == 0) {
((BigInt(1) << realLen) - 1) << padFront
} else beat match {
case 0 => (BigInt(1) << (bytePerBeat - padFront)) - 1
case `len` => ~((BigInt(1) << padBack) - 1)
case _ => BigInt(1) << busConfig.bytePerWord
if (busConfig.useStrb) w.strb #= strb
if (busConfig.useLast) w.last #= beat == len
log("W", f"data ${data.toByteString} strb $strb%#x last ${beat == len}")
bQueue(id) += { b =>
if (busConfig.useResp) assert(b.resp.toInt ==, s"bad resp ${b.resp.toInt}")
log("B", s"transaction finished resp ${b.resp.toInt}")
private val awDriver = StreamDriver(, clockDomain) { aw =>
if (awQueue.isEmpty) false else {
private val wDriver = StreamDriver(axi.w, clockDomain) { w =>
if (wQueue.isEmpty) false else {
StreamReadyRandomizer(axi.b, clockDomain)
StreamMonitor(axi.b, clockDomain) { b =>
if (bQueue.nonEmpty) {
val id = if (busConfig.useId) else 0
def reset(): Unit = {
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