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Created December 4, 2023 11:19
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Drawbot output for responsive lettering UFO
# script for drawbot extension in robofont
# draws a fitted / interpolating image from a responsive lettering ufo
# / 20231204
def ip(a, b, f):
return a + f * (b-a)
page = (659, 500) # image size
margin = 59 # nice to have a margin
f = CurrentFont()
nt = f["narrow-thin"].toMathGlyph()
wt = f["wide-thin"].toMathGlyph()
nb = f["narrow-bold"].toMathGlyph()
wb = f["wide-bold"].toMathGlyph()
# get the ratios
ntBounds = f["narrow-thin"].getLayer("bounds").bounds
wtBounds = f["wide-thin"].getLayer("bounds").bounds
nbBounds = f["narrow-bold"].getLayer("bounds").bounds
wbBounds = f["wide-bold"].getLayer("bounds").bounds
# get the bounds
xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax = ntBounds
narrowX = xMax-xMin
narrowY = yMax-yMin
xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax = wtBounds
wideX = xMax-xMin
wideY = yMax-yMin
f = CurrentFont()
names = ["narrow-thin", "wide-thin", "narrow-bold", "wide-bold"]
# what width and height are we aiming for
wantWidth = page[0]-2*margin
wantHeight = page[1]-2*margin
wantRatio = wantWidth / wantHeight
wantScale = wantHeight / narrowY
# have a responsive lettering ufo open as current font
# make sure we have the names we need for this to work
for n in names:
assert n in f
# this is how to find the widthFactor from the known parameters:
# ---
#wantRatio = (narrowX + widthFactor*(wideX-narrowX)) / narrowY
#wantRatio * narrowY = narrowX + widthFactor*(wideX-narrowX)
#(wantRatio * narrowY) - narrowX = widthFactor*(wideX-narrowX)
#((wantRatio * narrowY) - narrowX) / (wideX-narrowX) = widthFactor
# ---
widthFactor = ((wantRatio * narrowY) - narrowX) / (wideX-narrowX)
# these are the fitted thin and bold masters
w1 = ip(nt, wt, widthFactor)
w2 = ip(nb, wb, widthFactor)
weightFactor = 0.4
steps = 10
for s in range(steps+1):
weightFactor = s/steps
# draw the steps
with savedState():
translate(margin, margin)
# this is how to calculate the weightfactor
w3 = ip(w1, w2, weightFactor)
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