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Created May 13, 2021 03:37
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implement recoil-like api via build-system abstraction
export type Fetch<K = unknown, V = unknown> = (key: K) => V
type Task<K = unknown, V = unknown> = (fetch: Fetch<K, V>) => V
type Tasks<K = unknown, V = unknown> = (key: K) => Task<K, V> | null
type Store<K, V> = Map<K, V>
type Build<K, V> = (tasks: Tasks<K, V>, key: K, store: Store<K, V>) => void
type Rebuilder<K, V, I> = (key: K, value: V, task: Task<K, V>, info: I) => Task<K, V>
type Scheduler<K, V, I> = (rebuilder: Rebuilder<K, V, I>) => Build<K, V>
type Chain<K> = K[]
type ExcelInfo<K> = {
isDirty: (key: K) => boolean
chain: Chain<K>
const dirtyBitRebuilder = <K, V>(key: K, value: V, task: Task<K, V>, info: ExcelInfo<K>): Task<K, V> => {
return (fetch) => {
if (info.isDirty(key)) {
return task(fetch)
return value
const restarting = <K, V>(rebuilder: Rebuilder<K, V, ExcelInfo<K>>) => (info: ExcelInfo<K>): Build<K, V> => {
return (tasks, target, store) => {
let go = (done: Set<K>, chain: Chain<K>): Chain<K> => {
if (chain.length === 0) {
return []
let [key, ...keys] = chain
let task = tasks(key)
if (task === null) {
return [key, ...go(done.add(key), keys)]
let value = store.get(key)
if (value === undefined) {
throw new Error(`${key} is not in store`)
let newTask = rebuilder(key, value, task, info)
let fetch = (key: K) => {
if (done.has(key)) {
let value = store.get(key)
if (value === undefined) {
throw new Error(`${key} is not in store`)
return value
throw {
__type: 'Dep',
try {
let result = newTask(fetch)
store.set(key, result)
return [key, ...go(done.add(key), keys)]
} catch (error) {
if (error?.__type === 'Dep') {
return go(done, [error.key, ...keys.filter((key) => key !== error.key).concat(key)])
throw error
let newChain = go(new Set(), [ Set(info.chain.concat(target))])
info.chain = newChain
const excel = restarting<string, number>(dirtyBitRebuilder)
const busy = <K, V>(tasks: Tasks<K, V>, key: K, store: Store<K, V>) => {
let cache: Store<K, V> = new Map()
let fetch: Fetch<K, V> = (key) => {
if (cache.has(key)) {
return cache.get(key)!
let task = tasks(key)
if (task === null) {
if (store.has(key)) {
let value = store.get(key)!
cache.set(key, value)
return value
throw new Error(`No value in store of key: ${key}`)
let value = task(fetch)
store.set(key, value)
cache.set(key, value)
return value
const sprsh1: Tasks<string, number> = (key) => {
if (key === 'B1') {
return (fetch) => {
return fetch('A1') + fetch('A2')
if (key === 'B2') {
return (fetch) => {
return fetch('B1') * 2
return null
const sprsh2: Tasks<string, number> = (key) => {
if (key === 'B1') {
return (fetch) => {
let c1 = fetch('C1')
if (c1 === 1) {
return fetch('B2')
return fetch('A2')
if (key === 'B2') {
return (fetch) => {
let c1 = fetch('C1')
if (c1 === 1) {
return fetch('A1')
return fetch('B1')
return null
const sprsh3: Tasks<string, number> = (key) => {
if (key === 'B1') {
return (fetch) => {
let c1 = fetch('C1')
return fetch(`A${c1}`)
return null
type Atom<T = unknown> = {
type: 'Atom'
key: string
default: T
const atom = <T>(options: Omit<Atom<T>, 'type'>): Atom<T> => {
return {
type: 'Atom',
type Selector = {
type: 'Selector'
key: string
get: ({ get }: { get: Fetch<Selector | Atom, number> }) => number
const selector = (options: Omit<Selector, 'type'>): Selector => {
return {
type: 'Selector',
type Rule = Atom | Selector
type Rules = Rule[]
const A1 = atom({
key: 'A1',
default: 10,
const A2 = atom({
key: 'A2',
default: 20,
const B1 = selector({
key: 'B1',
get: ({ get }) => {
let a1 = get(A1)
let a2 = get(A2)
return a1 + a2
const B2 = selector({
key: 'B2',
get: ({ get }) => {
let b1 = get(B1)
return b1 * 2
const busySprsh = (rules: Rules, input: Selector | Atom, store: Store<string, number>) => {
let tasks: Tasks<string, number> = (key) => {
let rule = rules.find((item) => item.key === key)
if (!rule) {
return null
if (rule.type === 'Atom') {
let value = rule.default as number
return () => value
let task = rule.get
return (fetch) => {
return task({ get: ({ key }) => fetch(key) })
return busy(tasks, input.key, store)
let store: Store<string, number> = new Map([
['A1', 10],
['A2', 20],
busy(sprsh1, 'B2', store)
console.log('B1', store.get('B1'))
console.log('B2', store.get('B2'))
store.set('A1', 20)
let excelInfo: ExcelInfo<string> = {
isDirty: (key) => {
return key === 'B2' || key === 'B1'
chain: [],
excel(excelInfo)(sprsh1, 'B2', store)
console.log('excelInfo', excelInfo)
console.log('B1', store.get('B1'))
console.log('B2', store.get('B2'))
const fibonacci: Tasks<number, number> = (n) => {
if (n < 2) return null
return (fetch) => {
return fetch(n - 1) + fetch(n - 2)
const fibonacciStore: Store<number, number> = new Map([
[0, 0],
[1, 1],
busy(fibonacci, 15, fibonacciStore)
console.log('fibonacci', JSON.stringify([...fibonacciStore.entries()]))
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