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Created November 27, 2018 14:14
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declare lower;
declare once_per_bar;
input n = 14;
def gd_88 = high - high[1];
def gd_96 = low[1] - low;
def gda_104;
def gda_108;
# If price differences are equal or 0, set 104/108 to 0
if ((gd_88 < 0 and gd_96 < 0) or gd_88 == gd_96) then {
gda_104 = 0;
gda_108 = 0;
# Otherwise set 104 to the highs differentiation,
# and 108 to the lows differentiation
else {
gda_104 = if gd_88 > gd_96 then gd_88 else 0;
gda_108 = if gd_88 < gd_96 then gd_96 else 0;
# Calculations
# High differentation modification
def gda_112;
gda_112 = gda_112[1] * (n - 1.0) / n + gda_104 / n;
# Low differentation modification
def gda_116;
gda_116 = gda_116[1] * (n - 1.0) / n + gda_108 / n;
# Do some crazy calculations.
def gda_120;
gda_120 = Max(
Max(AbsValue(high - low), AbsValue(high - close[1])),
AbsValue(close[1] - low)
# No idea what this does.
def gda_124 = gda_124[1] * (n - 1.0) / n + gda_120 / n;
# Conditional work of some sort..?
def gda_128;
def gda_132;
def gda_136;
if (gda_124 > 0) then {
# Low and high %?
gda_128 = 100.0 * (gda_112 / gda_124);
gda_132 = 100.0 * (gda_116 / gda_124);
# Crazy calculations again...
gda_136 = if (gda_128 + gda_132) > 0 then 100.0 * (AbsValue(gda_128 - gda_132) / (gda_128 + gda_132)) else double.nan;
# Set to null if not applicable.
else {
gda_128 = double.nan;
gda_132 = double.nan;
gda_136 = double.nan;
def res = res[1] * (n - 1.0) / n + gda_136 / n;
def last = res[1];
# Plot it all
input high_point = 35;
input low_point = 20;
plot dx = res;
dx.assignValueColor(if dx <= high_point then color.dark_gray else color.yellow);
addLabel(No, "ADX="+dx);
def uhook = !(uhook[1] within n bars) and dx > high_point and dx < dx[1];
plot u_hook = if uhook then dx[-1] else double.nan;
#AssignPriceColor(if uhook then else color.current);
plot h = high_point;
plot m = 20;
plot l = low_point;
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