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Created April 17, 2016 18:27
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ATP>debug display igmpproxy
Open file failed or igmpproxy process doesn't exist!
ATP>debug display dwmp
Command failed.
ATP>debug display sysuptime
up time: 243
ATP>debug display atpversion
ATPV100R003C02B077 CLI <libcliapi.a> V1.16.
ATPV100R003C02B077 MIC <libmicapi.a> V1.01.
ATPV100R003C02B077 CFM <libcfmcore.a> V1.08.
ATPV100R003C02B076 MSG <> V1.00.
ATPV100R003C02B077 CWMP <libcwmpstkapi.a> V1.04.
ATPV100R003C03B018 CWMP <libcwmpappapi.a> V1.06.
ATPV100R003C02B077 WEB <libwebapi.a> V1.10.
HG533V100R001C126B018 HTTP <libhttpcore.a> V1.01.
HG533V100R001C126B018 TELNET <telnetd> V1.00.
ATPV100R003C02B077 CORECMS <libcorecms.a> V1.04.
ATPV100R003C02B077 ATPUTIL <libatputilcore.a> V1.19.
HG533V100R001C126B018 SNTP <sntp> V1.00.
HG533V100R001C126B018 SNTP <libsntpapi.a> V1.00.
ATPV100R003C02B077 DNS <dns>V1.27.
ATPV100R003C02B077 DNS <libdnsapi.a>V1.20.
HG533V100R001C126B018 PPPC <pppc> V1.01.
HG533V100R001C126B018 PPPC <libpppcapi.a> V1.01.
HG533V100R001C126B018 IGMP <igmpproxy> V1.00.
HG533V100R001C126B018 IGMP <libigmpproxyapi.a> V1.00.
ATPV100R003C02B077 LOG <liblogapi.a> V1.03.
ATPV100R003C01B015 KLOG <klog> V1.00.
ATPV100R003C02B077 UPG <libupgapi.a> V1.01.
HG533V100R001C126B018 UPNP <libupnpapi.a> V1.02.
HG533V100R001C126B018 DHCP <dhcpc> V1.01.
HG533V100R001C126B018 DHCP <dhcps> V1.01.
ATPV100R003C02B076 DHCP <> V1.00.
ATPV100R003C02B076 DHCP <> V1.01.
HG533V100R001C126B018 IPCHECK <ipcheck> V1.00.
HG533V100R001C126B018 IPTABLES <iptables> V1.00.
Bad argument : atpv.
Object "atpv" is unknown, try "tc help".
ATPV100R003C02B076 IPROUTE2 <ip> V1.00.
ATPV100R003C01B015 ZEBRA <zebra> V1.00.
ATPV100R003C02B076 RIPD <ripd> V1.02.
ATPV100R003C02B077 SIPALG <siproxd> V1.01.
HG533V100R001C126B018 ATCMD <atcmd> V1.02.
ATPV100R003C02B077 USBMOUNT <usbmount> V1.02.
ATPV100R003C02B077 MLD <mldproxy> V1.02.
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