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Created November 7, 2016 17:14
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  • Save Ratko-Solaja/67d4443a471b8ef8445b436000d0bf0d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Save or unsave the item.
* Save or unsave the item.
* @since 1.0.0
public function save_unsave_item() {
// Check the nonce, if ok, proceed.
if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_REQUEST['nonce'], 'toptal_save_nonce' ) ) {
// Get the item ID from AJAX
if ( isset( $_REQUEST['item_id'] ) ) {
$item_id = intval( $_REQUEST['item_id'] );
} else {
$item_id = 0;
$is_saved = false;
// Check if user is logged in
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
// Get all saved items for this user
$saved_items = get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'toptal_saved_items', true );
// Check if this user doesn't have any saved items
if ( empty( $saved_items ) ) {
$saved_items = array();
// Check if this item is saved or not, if it is - unsave it, if it's not - save it
if ( in_array( $item_id, $saved_items ) ) {
$is_saved = true;
// Remove the item
unset( $saved_items[array_search( $item_id, $saved_items )] );
} else {
$is_saved = false;
// Add the item
array_push( $saved_items, $item_id );
// Save the changes to the user meta field
update_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'toptal_saved_items', $saved_items );
} else {
// Get all saved items from the cookie
$saved_items = $this->toptal_get_cookie( $this->get_unique_cookie_name() );
// Check if this item is saved or not
if ( in_array( $item_id, $saved_items ) ) {
$is_saved = true;
// Remove the item
unset( $saved_items[array_search( $item_id, $saved_items )] );
} else {
$is_saved = false;
// Add the item
array_push( $saved_items, $item_id );
// Save the changes to the cookie
$this->toptal_set_cookie( $this->get_unique_cookie_name(), $saved_items );
// Create an array of data that we will return back to our AJAX
$return = array(
'is_saved' => $is_saved
// Return the data
return wp_send_json( $return );
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