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Created October 9, 2020 03:09
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from ghidra.program.model.address import Address
from ghidra.program.model.mem import MemoryAccessException
from ghidra.program.flatapi import FlatProgramAPI
from ghidra.util.task import TaskMonitor
import math
import json
from os.path import isfile, join, dirname
import struct as st
import string
import sys
cp = currentProgram
fp = FlatProgramAPI(cp)
mem = cp.memory
word_size = cp.getDefaultPointerSize()
word_mask = (1 << (word_size * 8)) - 1
is_big_endian = cp.getLanguage().isBigEndian()
endy_str = ['<', '>'][is_big_endian]
word_str = ['B', 'H', 'I', 'Q'][int(math.log(word_size, 2))]
word_fmt = endy_str + word_str
def read_string(addr, maxlen=200):
s = ''
ptr = addr
while len(s) < maxlen:
char = bytes(bytearray([getByte(ptr)]))
if char == '\x00' or char not in string.printable:
return s
s += char
ptr = ptr.add(1)
return s
def get_class_info(class_ptr):
#data_ptr = r.cmdj('pxwj 4 @ %d' % (class_ptr+0x10))[0]
data_ptr = toAddr(st.unpack(word_fmt, getBytes(class_ptr.add(4 * word_size), word_size))[0])
if data_ptr.offset % 2 != 0:
data_ptr = data_ptr.subtract(1)
#name_ptr = r.cmdj('pxwj 5 @ %d' % (data_ptr+0x10))[0]
name_ptr = toAddr(st.unpack(word_fmt, getBytes(data_ptr.add(16 + word_size), word_size))[0])
#classname = r.cmd('ps @ %d' % name_ptr)
classname = read_string(name_ptr)
if classname is None:
return None
classname = classname.strip('\n')
#methodlist_ptr = r.cmdj('pxwj 4 @ %d' % (data_ptr+0x14))[0]
methodlist_ptr = toAddr(st.unpack(word_fmt, getBytes(data_ptr.add(16 + 2 * word_size), word_size))[0])
#nmethods = r.cmdj('pxwj 4 @ %d' % (methodlist_ptr+4))[0]
nmethods = 0
if methodlist_ptr.offset > 0:
nmethods = st.unpack(endy_str + 'I', getBytes(methodlist_ptr.add(4), 4))[0]
#ivars_ptr = r.cmdj('pxwj 4 @ %d' % (data_ptr+0x1c))[0]
ivars_ptr = toAddr(st.unpack(word_fmt, getBytes(data_ptr.add(16 + 3 * word_size), word_size))[0])
#nivars = r.cmdj('pxwj 4 @ %d' % (ivars_ptr+4))[0]
nivars = 0
if ivars_ptr.offset > 0:
nivars = st.unpack(endy_str + 'I', getBytes(ivars_ptr.add(4), 4))[0]
return classname, methodlist_ptr.add(8), nmethods, ivars_ptr.add(8), nivars
def get_classlist(fname):
classlist_sect = None
for block in currentProgram.memory.blocks:
if '__objc_classlist' in
classlist_sect = block
if classlist_sect is None:
printerr('Couldn\'t find classlist section')
classlist_start = classlist_sect.start
classlist_end = classlist_sect.start.add(classlist_sect.size)
nclasses = classlist_sect.size // word_size
print('%d classes' % nclasses)
classes = {}
for i in range(nclasses):
class_ptr = toAddr(st.unpack(word_fmt, getBytes(classlist_start.add(i * word_size), word_size))[0])
class_info = get_class_info(class_ptr)
if class_info is None:
classname, methodlist_ptr, nmethods, ivars_ptr, nivars = class_info
classes[classname] = {}
classes[classname]['methods'] = {}
classes[classname]['ivars'] = {}
for i in range(nmethods):
selname_ptr, _, impptr = st.unpack(endy_str + word_str * 3, getBytes(methodlist_ptr.add(i * word_size * 3), word_size * 3))
selname = read_string(toAddr(selname_ptr))
classes[classname]['methods'][selname.strip('\n')] = impptr
for i in range(nivars):
_, ivarname_ptr, ivartype, _, _ = st.unpack(endy_str + word_str * 5, getBytes(ivarlist_ptr.add(i * word_size * 5), word_size * 5))
ivarname = read_string(toAddr(ivarname_ptr))
ivartype = read_string(toAddr(ivartype_ptr))
classes[classname]['ivars'][ivarname.strip('\n')] = ivartype.strip('@"<>\n')
with open(fname, 'w') as f:
json.dump(classes, f, indent=True)
return classes
if __name__ == '__main__':
fname = 'classes.json'
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
fname = sys.argv[1]
fname = join(dirname(sourceFile.absolutePath), fname)
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