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using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using OpenCL.Net;
namespace TinkerWorX.Simulation.MonoGame
public enum D3dDeviceSource : uint
D3D11_DEVICE = 0x4019,
D3D11_DXGI_ADAPTER = 0x401A,
public enum D3dDeviceSet : uint
public static class ContextExtensions
private static readonly FieldInfo ContextHandleField;
static ContextExtensions()
ContextHandleField = typeof(Context).GetField("_handle", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
public static IntPtr GetHandle(this Context context) => (IntPtr)ContextHandleField.GetValue(context);
public static class PlatformExtensions
private static readonly FieldInfo PlatformHandleField;
static PlatformExtensions()
PlatformHandleField = typeof(Platform).GetField("_handle", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
public static IntPtr GetHandle(this Platform platform) => (IntPtr)PlatformHandleField.GetValue(platform);
public static class CommandQueueExtensions
private static readonly FieldInfo CommandQueueHandleField;
static CommandQueueExtensions()
CommandQueueHandleField = typeof(CommandQueue).GetField("_handle", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
public static IntPtr GetHandle(this CommandQueue platform) => (IntPtr)CommandQueueHandleField.GetValue(platform);
public static class MemExtensions
private static readonly FieldInfo MemHandleField;
static MemExtensions()
MemHandleField = typeof(Mem).GetField("_handle", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
public static IntPtr GetHandle(this Mem platform) => (IntPtr)MemHandleField.GetValue(platform);
public static class MemHelper
private static readonly ConstructorInfo constructor;
static MemHelper()
constructor = typeof(Mem).GetConstructor(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new[] { typeof(IntPtr) }, null);
public static Mem Create(IntPtr handle) => (Mem)constructor.Invoke(new object[] { handle });
public static class ClNvidia
private delegate ErrorCode clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D11NV_fn(
IntPtr platform,
D3dDeviceSource deviceSource,
IntPtr d3dDevice,
D3dDeviceSet deviceSet,
uint numEntries,
[Out] [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] Device[] devices,
out uint numDevices);
private static clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D11NV_fn clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D11NV;
private delegate IntPtr clCreateFromD3D11Texture2DNV_fn(
IntPtr context,
MemFlags flags,
IntPtr resource,
uint subresource,
[Out] [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)] out ErrorCode errcodeRet);
private static readonly clCreateFromD3D11Texture2DNV_fn clCreateFromD3D11Texture2DNV;
private delegate ErrorCode clEnqueueAcquireD3D11ObjectsNV_fn(
IntPtr commandQueue,
uint num_objects,
[In] [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 1)] IntPtr[] mem_objects,
uint numEventsInWaitList,
[In] [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.SysUInt, SizeParamIndex = 3)] Event[] eventWaitList,
[Out] [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Struct)] out Event e);
private static readonly clEnqueueAcquireD3D11ObjectsNV_fn clEnqueueAcquireD3D11ObjectsNV;
private delegate ErrorCode clEnqueueReleaseD3D11ObjectsNV_fn(
IntPtr commandQueue,
uint num_objects,
[In] [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 1)] IntPtr[] mem_objects,
uint numEventsInWaitList,
[In] [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.SysUInt, SizeParamIndex = 3)] Event[] eventWaitList,
[Out] [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Struct)] out Event e);
private static readonly clEnqueueReleaseD3D11ObjectsNV_fn clEnqueueReleaseD3D11ObjectsNV;
static ClNvidia()
clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D11NV = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D11NV_fn>(Cl.GetExtensionFunctionAddress(nameof(clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D11NV)));
clCreateFromD3D11Texture2DNV = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<clCreateFromD3D11Texture2DNV_fn>(Cl.GetExtensionFunctionAddress(nameof(clCreateFromD3D11Texture2DNV)));
clEnqueueAcquireD3D11ObjectsNV = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<clEnqueueAcquireD3D11ObjectsNV_fn>(Cl.GetExtensionFunctionAddress(nameof(clEnqueueAcquireD3D11ObjectsNV)));
clEnqueueReleaseD3D11ObjectsNV = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<clEnqueueReleaseD3D11ObjectsNV_fn>(Cl.GetExtensionFunctionAddress(nameof(clEnqueueReleaseD3D11ObjectsNV)));
public static ErrorCode GetDeviceIDs(Platform platform, D3dDeviceSource deviceSource, IntPtr d3dDevice, D3dDeviceSet deviceSet, uint numEntries, Device[] devices, out uint numDevices)
return clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D11NV(platform.GetHandle(), deviceSource, d3dDevice, deviceSet, numEntries, devices, out numDevices);
public static Device[] GetDeviceIDs(Platform platform, D3dDeviceSource deviceSource, IntPtr d3dDevice, D3dDeviceSet deviceSet, out ErrorCode error)
error = GetDeviceIDs(platform, deviceSource, d3dDevice, deviceSet, 0, null, out var deviceCount);
if (error != ErrorCode.Success)
return new Device[0];
var deviceIds = new Device[deviceCount];
error = GetDeviceIDs(platform, deviceSource, d3dDevice, deviceSet, deviceCount, deviceIds, out _);
if (error != ErrorCode.Success)
return new Device[0];
return deviceIds;
public static Mem CreateFromD3D11Texture2D(Context context, MemFlags flags, IntPtr resource, uint subresource, out ErrorCode errcodeRet)
return MemHelper.Create(clCreateFromD3D11Texture2DNV.Invoke(context.GetHandle(), flags, resource, subresource, out errcodeRet));
public static ErrorCode EnqueueAcquireD3D11Objects(CommandQueue commandQueue, Mem image, uint numEventsInWaitList, Event[] eventWaitList, out Event e)
return clEnqueueAcquireD3D11ObjectsNV(commandQueue.GetHandle(), 1, new IntPtr[] { image.GetHandle() }, numEventsInWaitList, eventWaitList, out e);
public static ErrorCode EnqueueReleaseD3D11Objects(CommandQueue commandQueue, Mem image, uint numEventsInWaitList, Event[] eventWaitList, out Event e)
return clEnqueueReleaseD3D11ObjectsNV(commandQueue.GetHandle(), 1, new IntPtr[] { image.GetHandle() }, numEventsInWaitList, eventWaitList, out e);
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using OpenCL.Net;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using TinkerWorX.Simulation.MonoGame;
namespace TinkerWorX.Simulation.Thermal
public class OpenClDirectXHeatmap2d : IHeatmap2d, IDisposable
private const int ARG_U0 = 0;
private const int ARG_U1 = 1;
private const int ARG_IMAGE = 2;
private const int ARG_WIDTH = 3;
private const int ARG_HEIGHT = 4;
private const int ARG_DELTA_TIME = 5;
private readonly float[] data;
private readonly Program program;
private readonly Kernel kernel;
private readonly CommandQueue commandQueue;
private bool isSynced;
private int width;
private int height;
private IMem<float> u0;
private IMem<float> u1;
private Mem image;
public OpenClDirectXHeatmap2d(int width, int height, IntPtr d3dImagePtr, Device device, Context context)
{ = new float[width * height];
this.program = Cl.CreateProgramWithSource(context, 1, new string[] { File.ReadAllText($"Thermal/{nameof(OpenClDirectXHeatmap2d)}.cl") }, null, out var error);
if (error != ErrorCode.Success)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cl.CreateProgramWithSource failed: {error}");
error = Cl.BuildProgram(this.program, 1, new[] { device }, string.Empty, null, IntPtr.Zero);
if (error != ErrorCode.Success)
if (error == ErrorCode.BuildProgramFailure)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cl.BuildProgram failed: {Cl.GetProgramBuildInfo(this.program, device, ProgramBuildInfo.Log, out error)}");
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cl.BuildProgram failed: {error}");
this.kernel = Cl.CreateKernel(this.program, "heatmap", out error);
if (error != ErrorCode.Success)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cl.CreateKernel failed: {error}");
this.U0 = Cl.CreateBuffer(context, MemFlags.ReadWrite | MemFlags.CopyHostPtr,, out error);
if (error != ErrorCode.Success)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cl.CreateBuffer({nameof(this.U0)}) failed: {error}");
this.U1 = Cl.CreateBuffer(context, MemFlags.ReadWrite | MemFlags.CopyHostPtr,, out error);
if (error != ErrorCode.Success)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cl.CreateBuffer({nameof(this.U1)}) failed: {error}");
this.Image = ClNvidia.CreateFromD3D11Texture2D(context, MemFlags.WriteOnly, d3dImagePtr, 0, out error);
if (error != ErrorCode.Success)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"ClD3d11.CreateFromD3D11Texture2DKHR({nameof(this.U1)}) failed: {error}");
this.Width = width;
this.Height = height;
this.DeltaTime = 1.00f;
this.commandQueue = Cl.CreateCommandQueue(context, device, CommandQueueProperties.None, out error);
if (error != ErrorCode.Success)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cl.CreateCommandQueue failed: {error}");
public float this[int x, int y]
get => this.Get(x, y);
set => this.Set(x, y, value);
private IMem<float> U0
get => this.u0;
if (value == this.u0)
this.u0 = value;
var error = Cl.SetKernelArg(this.kernel, ARG_U0, this.u0);
if (error != ErrorCode.Success)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cl.SetKernelArg({ARG_U0}:{nameof(this.U0)}) failed: {error}");
private IMem<float> U1
get => this.u1;
if (value == this.u1)
this.u1 = value;
var error = Cl.SetKernelArg(this.kernel, ARG_U1, this.u1);
if (error != ErrorCode.Success)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cl.SetKernelArg({ARG_U0}:{nameof(this.U1)}) failed: {error}");
private Mem Image
get => this.image;
this.image = value;
var error = Cl.SetKernelArg(this.kernel, ARG_IMAGE, this.image);
if (error != ErrorCode.Success)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cl.SetKernelArg({ARG_IMAGE}:{nameof(this.Image)}) failed: {error}");
public int Width
get => this.width;
if (value == this.width)
this.width = value;
var error = Cl.SetKernelArg(this.kernel, ARG_WIDTH, this.width);
if (error != ErrorCode.Success)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cl.SetKernelArg({ARG_WIDTH}:{nameof(this.Width)}) failed: {error}");
public int Height
get => this.height;
if (value == this.height)
this.height = value;
var error = Cl.SetKernelArg(this.kernel, ARG_HEIGHT, this.height);
if (error != ErrorCode.Success)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cl.SetKernelArg({ARG_HEIGHT}:{nameof(this.Height)}) failed: {error}");
private float DeltaTime
var error = Cl.SetKernelArg(this.kernel, ARG_DELTA_TIME, value);
if (error != ErrorCode.Success)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cl.SetKernelArg({ARG_DELTA_TIME}:{nameof(this.DeltaTime)}) failed: {error}");
public float Get(int x, int y) =>[x + this.Width * y];
public void Set(int x, int y, float value)
{[x + this.Width * y] = value;
this.isSynced = false;
private void SwapBuffers()
var temp = this.U0;
this.U0 = this.U1;
this.U1 = temp;
public void Update(float deltaTime)
ErrorCode clError;
Event clEvent;
this.DeltaTime = deltaTime;
// check if anything has changed
if (!this.isSynced)
// write our new data
clError = Cl.EnqueueWriteBuffer(this.commandQueue, this.u0, Bool.False, 0,,, 0, null, out clEvent);
if (clError != ErrorCode.Success)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cl.EnqueueWriteBuffer failed: {clError}");
this.isSynced = true;
// acquires a lock on the texture, ensuring it's not in use by anything else
clError = ClNvidia.EnqueueAcquireD3D11Objects(this.commandQueue, this.image, 0, null, out clEvent);
if (clError != ErrorCode.Success)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cl.EnqueueAcquireD3D11Objects failed: {clError}");
// run the kernel
clError = Cl.EnqueueNDRangeKernel(this.commandQueue, this.kernel, 2, new[] { (IntPtr)1, (IntPtr)1 }, new[] { (IntPtr)this.Width - 2, (IntPtr)this.Height - 2 }, null, 0, null, out clEvent);
if (clError != ErrorCode.Success)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cl.EnqueueNDRangeKernel failed: {clError}");
// releases the lock on the texture, letting everything else use it again
clError = ClNvidia.EnqueueReleaseD3D11Objects(this.commandQueue, this.image, 0, null, out clEvent);
if (clError != ErrorCode.Success)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cl.EnqueueAcquireD3D11Objects failed: {clError}");
// read back our output data
clError = Cl.EnqueueReadBuffer(this.commandQueue, this.u1, Bool.False, 0,,, 0, null, out clEvent);
if (clError != ErrorCode.Success)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cl.EnqueueReadBuffer failed: {clError}");
// wait for things to finish
clError = Cl.Finish(this.commandQueue);
if (clError != ErrorCode.Success)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cl.Finish failed: {clError}");
public void Dispose()
__kernel void heatmap(global float* u0, global float* u1, int width, int height, float dt)
// find where we are in the kernel
int x = get_global_id(0); // [1 .. width - 1]
int y = get_global_id(1); // [1 .. height - 1]
int id = x + width * y;
// look up the different values needed (row major 1d array)
float t = u0[id - width]; // top (x, y - 1)
float l = u0[id - 1]; // left (x - 1, y)
float v = u0[id]; // center (x, y)
float r = u0[id + 1]; // right (x + 1, y)
float b = u0[id + width]; // bottom (x, y + 1)
// do some math
float a = 4.00;
float dx2 = l - 2 * v + r;
float dy2 = t - 2 * v + b;
u1[id] = v + a * dt * (dx2 + dy2);
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