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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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hiredis blocking scenario
perf stat ./client
Error: Read timed out
Performance counter stats for './client':
0.963859 task-clock (msec) # 0.081 CPUs utilized
3 context-switches # 0.003 M/sec
0 cpu-migrations # 0.000 K/sec
236 page-faults # 0.245 M/sec
<not supported> cycles
<not supported> stalled-cycles-frontend
<not supported> stalled-cycles-backend
<not supported> instructions
<not supported> branches
<not supported> branch-misses
0.011916365 seconds time elapsed
~/src/opensource/hiredis $ time ./client
Reply: foo
5.065 secs
#include <stdio.h>
#include <hiredis/hiredis.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
redisContext *c = redisConnect("localhost", 6379);
redisReply *reply = redisCommand(c, "GET");
if (reply->type != REDIS_REPLY_NIL) {
printf("Reply: %s\n", reply->str);
return 0;
int redisBufferRead(redisContext *c) {
char buf[1024*16];
int nread;
/* Return early when the context has seen an error. */
if (c->err)
return REDIS_ERR;
fd_set read_fds;
FD_SET(c->fd, &read_fds);
struct timeval timeout;
timeout.tv_sec = 0;
timeout.tv_usec = 10 * 1000;
if (select(c->fd + 1, &read_fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout) == 1) {
nread = read(c->fd,buf,sizeof(buf));
if (nread == -1) {
if ((errno == EAGAIN && !(c->flags & REDIS_BLOCK)) || (errno == EINTR)) {
/* Try again later */
} else {
return REDIS_ERR; }
} else if (nread == 0) {
__redisSetError(c,REDIS_ERR_EOF,"Server closed the connection");
return REDIS_ERR;
} else {
if (redisReaderFeed(c->reader,buf,nread) != REDIS_OK) {
return REDIS_ERR;
} else {
/* timeout reached */
__redisSetError(c,REDIS_ERR_IO,"Read timed out");
return REDIS_ERR;
return REDIS_OK;
#This simply fakes Redis and causes a slow request. Using this to simulate a Redis CPU spike or other anomaly.
require 'socket'
server =
loop do
client = server.accept
5.times do
p client.gets
client.print "$3\r\nfoo\r\n"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#define SECONDS_TO_NANOS(x) x * 1000000000
#define MILLIS_TO_NANOS(x) x * 1000000
#define TIMEOUT -1
long current_nanos() {
struct timespec current;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &current);
return current.tv_nsec + SECONDS_TO_NANOS(current.tv_sec);
int try(int milliseconds) {
struct timespec start, end;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start);
end = start;
start.tv_nsec += SECONDS_TO_NANOS(start.tv_sec);
end.tv_nsec = start.tv_nsec + MILLIS_TO_NANOS(milliseconds);
while (end.tv_nsec > current_nanos()) {
// Do stuff
return -1;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int result = try(strtol(argv[1], 0, 10));
if (result == TIMEOUT) {
printf("Operation timed out\n");
return 0;
perf stat ./timeout 10
Operation timed out
Performance counter stats for './timeout 10':
10.335301 task-clock (msec) # 0.940 CPUs utilized
4 context-switches # 0.387 K/sec
0 cpu-migrations # 0.000 K/sec
127 page-faults # 0.012 M/sec
<not supported> cycles
0 stalled-cycles-frontend # 0.00% frontend cycles idle
0 stalled-cycles-backend # 0.00% backend cycles idle
<not supported> instructions
<not supported> branches
<not supported> branch-misses
0.010992224 seconds time elapsed
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