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Created September 25, 2017 15:12
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\usepackage[usenames, dvipsnames]{xcolor}
\usetikzlibrary{calc,patterns,decorations.pathmorphing, decorations.markings}
%% Motion sensor
\draw (2.3, 0) -- (2.3, 0.7) -- (3.7, 0.7) -- (3.7, 0) -- cycle;
\draw (2.4, 0.7) -- (2.5, 0.8) -- (3.5, 0.8) -- (3.6, 0.7) -- cycle;
\draw (2.3, 0) -- (2.3, 0.15) -- (3.7, 0.15) -- (3.7, 0) -- cycle;
\draw (3.7, 0.05) -- (3.7, 0.25) -- (3.75, 0.25) -- (3.75, 0.05) -- cycle;
%% ground
\fill[black!20, pattern=north east lines] (0, 0) -- (6, 0) -- (6, -0.125) -- (0, -0.125) -- cycle;
\draw[thick] (0, 0) -- (6, 0);
%% Spring
pre length=0.5mm,
post length=0.5mm,
segment length=1mm,
(3, 5.25) -- (3, 7.7);
%$ Force sensor
\draw (2.4, 8) -- (2.4, 9.6) -- (3.6, 9.6) -- (3.6, 8) -- cycle;
\draw (2.4, 8) -- (2.4, 8.1) -- (3.6, 8.1) -- (3.6, 8) -- cycle;
\draw (3, 9) circle (0.2);
\draw (2.9, 9.6) -- (2.9, 12) -- (3.1, 12) -- (3.1, 9.6) -- cycle;
\draw (2.9, 8) -- (2.9, 7.9) -- (3.1, 7.9) -- (3.1, 8) -- cycle;
\draw (2.98, 8) -- (2.98, 7.7) -- (3.02, 7.7) -- (3.02, 8) -- cycle;
%% Force sensor top-bottom bars
\draw (2.7, 8) -- (3.3, 8) -- (3.3, 7.95) -- (2.7, 7.95) -- cycle;
\draw (2.7, 9.6) -- (3.3, 9.6) -- (3.3, 9.65) -- (2.7, 9.65) -- cycle;
%% cord connector
\draw (3.6, 9.5) -- (3.65, 9.5) -- (3.65, 9.3) -- (3.6, 9.3) -- cycle;
%% Paper
\draw[line width = 0.05cm] (1.5, 4) -- (4.5, 4);
%% weight base
\draw (2.7, 4) -- (3.3, 4) -- (3.3, 3.9) -- (2.7, 3.9) -- cycle;
%% weights
\draw (2.75, 4.0) -- (2.75, 4.2) -- (3.25, 4.2) -- (3.25, 4) -- cycle;
\draw (2.75, 4.2) -- (2.75, 4.4) -- (3.25, 4.4) -- (3.25, 4.2) -- cycle;
\draw (2.75, 4.4) -- (2.75, 4.6) -- (3.25, 4.6) -- (3.25, 4.4) -- cycle;
\draw (2.75, 4.6) -- (2.75, 4.8) -- (3.25, 4.8) -- (3.25, 4.6) -- cycle;
\draw (2.98, 4.8) -- (2.98, 5.25) -- (3.02, 5.25) -- (3.02, 4.8) -- cycle;
%% Table
\draw (6.2, 2) -- (8, 2);
\fill[black!20, pattern=north east lines]
(6.2, 2) -- (8, 2) -- (8, 1.9) -- (6.2, 1.9) -- cycle;
%% Logger Pro
\draw (6.5, 2) -- (6.5, 2.4) -- (7.7, 2.4) -- (7.7, 2) -- cycle;
%% connectors
\draw (6.5, 2.05) -- (6.5, 2.15) -- (6.45, 2.15) -- (6.45, 2.05) -- cycle;
\draw (6.5, 2.25) -- (6.5, 2.35) -- (6.45, 2.35) -- (6.45, 2.25) -- cycle;
\draw (7.7, 2.05) -- (7.7, 2.35) -- (7.75, 2.35) -- (7.75, 2.05) -- cycle;
%% Sensor connections
(3.625, 9.4) .. controls (5.0, 9.6) and (3.5, 2.2) .. (6.45, 2.3)
(3.75, 0.15) .. controls (5.0, 0.0) and (3.5, 2.2) .. (6.45, 2.1)
(7.75, 2.20) .. controls (8, 2.2) and (7.8, 2) .. (8.2, 2);
%% laptop
(8.25, 2.15) -- (8.05, 1.5) -- (9.75, 1.5) -- (9.55, 2.15) -- cycle
(8.1, 1.4) -- (8.05, 1.5) -- (9.75, 1.5) -- (9.7, 1.4) -- cycle;
%% screen
\draw (8.25, 2.15) -- (8.2, 3.05) -- (9.6, 3.05) -- (9.55, 2.15) -- cycle;
\draw[very thin] (8.3, 2.2) -- (8.25, 3.0) -- (9.55, 3.0) -- (9.5, 2.2) -- cycle;
%% keyboard
\draw[black!50, very thin] (8.3, 2.1) -- (9.5, 2.1) -- (9.6, 1.75) -- (8.2, 1.75) -- cycle;
\node[left] at (2, 9) {\small 1};
\draw[<-, thick, black!75] (2, 9) -- (2.4, 9);
\node[left] at (2, 7) {\small 2};
\draw[<-, thick, black!75] (2, 7) -- (2.8, 7);
\node[left] at (2, 5) {\small 3};
\draw[<-, thick, black!75] (2, 5) -- (2.2, 5) -- (2.7, 4.5);
\node[left] at (2, 3) {\small 4};
\draw[<-, thick, black!75] (2, 3) -- (3, 3) -- (4, 3.9);
\node[left] at (2, 1) {\small 5};
\draw[<-, thick, black!75] (2, 1) -- (2.1, 1) -- (2.3, 0.8);
\draw[<-, thick, black!75] (7, 1) -- (7, 1.8);
\node[below] at (7, 1) {\small 6};
\draw[<-, thick, black!75] (9, 1) -- (9, 1.3);
\node[below] at (9, 1) {\small 7};
\node[right] at (9.5, 11) {\small \textsc{legend}};
\node[left] at (10, 10.5) {\footnotesize\bfseries\color{black!80} 1};
\node[right] at (10, 10.5) {\footnotesize\itshape\color{black!80} Force sensor on stand};
\node[left] at (10, 10.0) {\footnotesize\bfseries\color{black!80} 2};
\node[right] at (10, 10.0) {\footnotesize\itshape\color{black!80} Spring};
\node[left] at (10, 9.50) {\footnotesize\bfseries\color{black!80} 3};
\node[right] at (10, 9.50) {\footnotesize\itshape\color{black!80} Weights with weight holder};
\node[left] at (10, 9.00) {\footnotesize\bfseries\color{black!80} 4};
\node[right] at (10, 9.00) {\footnotesize\itshape\color{black!80} Stiff sheet of paper};
\node[left] at (10, 8.50) {\footnotesize\bfseries\color{black!80} 5};
\node[right] at (10, 8.50) {\footnotesize\itshape\color{black!80} Motion sensor};
\node[left] at (10, 8.00) {\footnotesize\bfseries\color{black!80} 6};
\node[right] at (10, 8.00) {\footnotesize\itshape\color{black!80} \emph{LoggerPro} Interface};
\node[left] at (10, 7.50) {\footnotesize\bfseries\color{black!80} 7};
\node[right] at (10, 7.50) {\footnotesize\itshape\color{black!80} Laptop with \emph{LoggerPro} installed};
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