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Last active November 10, 2019 12:23
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React Conf 2019 Summary

tl;dr for React Conf 2019 ## (Only for videos I viewed)

  1. React-dom is just a wrapper for implementing native methods.
  2. One can write it themselves and implement for any host.
  1. Instead of governing how a component looks via props, implement multiple variants of it. Ex. Buttn --> PrimaryButton, SecondaryButton, etc.
  2. When a component props are boolean only - one can prefer to have multiple variants instead since whenever we’re calling we already know which one we want.

Tools for dependecy visualisations

  1. npx arkit
  2. Dependency-cruiser
  3. Madge
  4. Python pyan
  5. Persper/js-callgraph
  1. Instead of using imports from index.js, use specific imports to make sure bundle sizes are automatically less.
  1. Render as you fetch - Use Suspense, etc. via React - A new paradigm on how to render data with loading state
  2. Fetch minimal stuff to render accordingly. Do not wait for un-necessary data to be fetched to show what can already be shown
  1. A brief history of many Facebook libraries and how React came into being alongwith a brief history of the web as we know it.
  1. Introducing Fast Refresh - Alternate to Hot Module replacement, built in react stuff
  2. Many useful React devtools enhancements to make it more robust and useful
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