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Last active May 6, 2022 20:35
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Polybar module for Google Play Music Desktop Player

I've been making an effort for a while to hit like on songs I like, mainly so I can always fail over to a playlist of liked songs. I generally use GPMDP as my main player and Polybar as my taskbar. I control my media player using playerctl and a while back I wrote songliker to set up a shortcut to like my songs. I decided to put it all together into a neat little polybar module and thought others might enjoy this.

I'm including the necessary files to do this yourself, although this might not work for you 'as-is' since I have a pretty customized systemd service management set up. Easiest way would be to just ignore the systemd stuff and just add an exec now_playing, but I'm including it here in case you want to use it and just modify that.

This will display the currently playing song in your bar in the following format {artist} - {song} | {liked?}. It uses Nerd Font symbols for a prefixing musical note and a thumbs up outline if not liked, or full if liked. It will also truncate the song name to fit the whole message into MAX_LEN characters.

It has the following inteactions:

  • Left Click - Play/Pause
  • Right Click - Next Song
  • Double Click - Like Song

Here's what it looks like: image


  • Set up polybar to use some type of Nerd Fonts, or include those symbols, or adjust the symbols to your liking
  • Install playerctl
  • Install any missing python dependencies (might just be websockets
  • Run songliker once on the command line to register it against GPMDP. It'll prompt you for a code, but once you've set it up you won't have to worry about it again since the auth is saved.
// ~/.config/polybar/config
// only including relevant section
enable-ipc = true
type = custom/ipc
hook-0 = echo ""
hook-1 = cat "${HOME}/.now_playing"
format = <output>
format-prefix = " "
format-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground}
click-left = playerctl --player=google-play-music-desktop-player play-pause
click-right = playerctl --player=google-play-music-desktop-player next
double-click-left = songliker
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*_ coding: utf-8 -*-
# ~/.local/bin/now_playing
import json
import signal
import subprocess
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from time import sleep
import websocket
# TODO: change these to args?
MAX_LEN = 60
MODULE_NAME = "now_playing"
NOW_PLAYING_FILE = Path("~/.now_playing").expanduser()
now_playing_data = {}
def handle_message(ws, message):
global now_playing_data
if any(
'"channel":"{0}"'.format(channel) in message for channel in ["track", "rating"]
msg = json.loads(message)
# track messages always come in first, update once we get rating message
if now_playing_data["title"] and msg["channel"] == "rating":
def truncate_title_if_needed():
# 7 hardcoded chars
str_len = 7 + sum(
len(v) for k, v in now_playing_data.items() if k in ["artist", "title"]
if str_len > MAX_LEN:
# 3 chars for ellipsis
to_remove = MAX_LEN - str_len - 3
now_playing_data["title"] = now_playing_data["title"][:to_remove] + "..."
def send_curr_song():
now_playing_data["liked"] = "" if now_playing_data["liked"] else ""
msg = "{artist} - {title} | {liked}".format(**now_playing_data)
def clear_song():
def send_polybar(hook):["polybar-msg", "hook", MODULE_NAME, str(hook)])
def signal_handler(sig, frame):
def main():
while True:
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler)
ws = websocket.WebSocketApp("ws://localhost:5672", on_message=handle_message)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# ~/.local/share/systemd/user/now_playing.service
Description=watch for song changes and tell polybar
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c now_playing
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*_ coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import call
import websocket
config_location = Path("~/.config/gpmdp_api").expanduser()
def like_song(ws):
thumbs_up = {"namespace": "rating", "method": "setRating", "arguments": [5]}
call(["notify-send", "Liked song on GPMDP"])
except FileNotFoundError:
call(["terminal-notifier", "-message", "Liked song on GPMDP"])
def get_saved_code():
if config_location.exists():
return config_location.read_text()
def save_code(code):
with open(config_location, "w") as conf:
def get_code(ws):
code = get_saved_code()
if not code:
code = authenticate(ws)
return code
def authenticate(ws):
code = input("Please input code: ")
res = connect(ws, code)
return res
def connect(ws, code=None):
connect = {"namespace": "connect", "method": "connect", "arguments": ["Song Liker"]}
if code is not None:
# we only get a response while authenticating
if code is None or len(code) == 4:
return get_response(ws, "connect")["payload"]
def get_response(ws, channel):
for res in ws:
if '"channel":"{0}"'.format(channel) in res:
return json.loads(res)
def main():
ws = websocket.create_connection("ws://localhost:5672")
code = get_code(ws)
connect(ws, code)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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Added signal handler to clear song on exit (using SIGTERM which is the systemd default... not sure if this is the best overall signal tho)

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calops commented Jun 11, 2020

Seems like the function save_code is missing from songliker.

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@calops yep, you're right! I had updated this in my dotfiles ( but forgot this gist was out there haha. I've updated it with the latest.

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