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Alexander Berl albe

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albe / Output
Last active August 23, 2020 12:20
Benchmark nodejs Array vs UInt32Array
> node --version
> node bench-array
2 tests completed.
entry read x 1,180,097 ops/sec ±1.49% (92 runs sampled)
entryview read x 198,301 ops/sec ±1.00% (90 runs sampled)
> WHY?!
namespace Vendor\Site\DataSource;
use Neos\Flow\Annotations as Flow;
use Neos\Flow\Persistence\PersistenceManagerInterface;
use Neos\Neos\Domain\Service\UserService;
use Neos\Neos\Service\DataSource\AbstractDataSource;
use Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Model\NodeInterface;
class MyDataSource extends AbstractDataSource
Jicofo 2020-03-26 14:27:47.591 INFO: [44] org.jitsi.jicofo.JvbDoctor.log() Scheduled health-check task for:
Jicofo 2020-03-26 14:27:52.578 INFO: [89] org.jitsi.jicofo.xmpp.FocusComponent.handleConferenceIq().401 Focus request for room:
Jicofo 2020-03-26 14:27:52.646 INFO: [29] org.jitsi.jicofo.ChatRoomRoleAndPresence.log() Chat room event ChatRoomMemberPresenceChangeEvent[type=MemberJoined sourceRoom=org.jitsi.impl.protocol.xmpp.ChatRoomImpl@360cd264 member=ChatMember[, jid: null]@1156020899]
Jicofo 2020-03-26 14:27:52.646 INFO: [29] org.jitsi.jicofo.JitsiMeetConferenceImpl.log() Member joined.
Jicofo 2020-03-26 14:27:52.647 INFO: [29] org.jitsi.impl.protocol.xmpp.colibri.OperationSetColibriConferenceImpl.log() Conference created: org.jitsi.impl.protocol.xmpp.colibri.ColibriConferenceImpl@7d03ac4a
Jicofo 2020-03-26 14:27:52.647 INFO: [29] org.jitsi.jicofo.JitsiMeetConferenceImpl.log() A
albe / gist:c7d71b949399308b48c6d25c14cd9925
Created March 26, 2020 11:02
JS Console jitsi failure after second person joins
Test:19 (TIME) index.html loaded: 214.33500002603978
VM226 lib-jitsi-meet.min.js:6 2020-03-26T10:26:04.508Z [modules/browser/BrowserCapabilities.js] <new t>: This appears to be chrome, ver: 80.0
VM227 app.bundle.min.js:117 2020-03-26T10:26:05.484Z [index.web] <HTMLDocument.<anonymous>>: (TIME) document ready: 1430.4649999830872
VM227 app.bundle.min.js:117 2020-03-26T10:26:05.573Z [modules/UI/videolayout/VideoLayout.js] <Object.changeUserAvatar>: Missed avatar update - no small video yet for undefined
o @ VM227 app.bundle.min.js:117
VM227 app.bundle.min.js:117 2020-03-26T10:26:05.585Z [features/base/media] Start muted:
VM227 app.bundle.min.js:117 2020-03-26T10:26:05.591Z [features/base/media] Start audio only set to false
VM227 app.bundle.min.js:117 2020-03-26T10:26:05.596Z [features/analytics] Error creating analytics handler: Error: Failed to initialize Amplitude handler, no APP key
o @ VM227 app.bundle.min.js:117
VM227 app.bundle.min.js:117 2020-03-26T10:26:05.679Z [modules/UI/videolayout/SmallVideo.j
albe / input.txt
Created December 1, 2018 12:29
Advent of Code 2018 - Day 1
albe / ndjson.js
Created July 3, 2018 15:21
ndjson fetch API transformer
const parseLine = (line) => {
try {
return JSON.parse(line);
} catch (e) {
const ucasefirst = (str) => str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
albe / update.php
Created August 8, 2017 11:07
pimcore update cli
echo "\n";
try {
$opts = new \Zend_Console_Getopt(array(
albe / AbstractRestController.php
Created May 30, 2017 08:28
Automagic RESTful API for Framework Aggregates (incomplete)
namespace Acme\Api\Controller;
use Acme\Api\Domain\Repository\ResourceRepository;
use Acme\Api\Utility\AggregateReflectionHelper;
use Acme\Api\Utility\ResourceTypeHelper;
use Acme\Api\Utility\ViewConfigurationHelper;
use Doctrine\Common\Inflector\Inflector;
albe / DetectLanguageComponent.php
Created March 1, 2017 10:18
A Flow HTTP component for multilanguage
namespace Acme\Foo\Http;
use TYPO3\Flow\Annotations as Flow;
use TYPO3\Flow\Http\Component\ComponentContext;
use TYPO3\Flow\Http\Component\ComponentInterface;
use TYPO3\Flow\I18n\Detector;
use TYPO3\Flow\I18n\Locale;
* @test
public function resourceCanBeUpdatedViaRestCall()
$arguments = array(
'resource' => array(
'title' => 'Foo'