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Created November 3, 2009 15:02
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var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
STRING_STATENAME = 'yui_dt_state',
CLASS_EXPANDED = 'yui-dt-expanded',
CLASS_COLLAPSED = 'yui-dt-collapsed',
CLASS_EXPANSION = 'yui-dt-expansion',
CLASS_LINER = 'yui-dt-liner',
//From YUI 3
indexOf = function(a, val) {
for (var i=0; i<a.length; i=i+1) {
if (a[i] === val) {
return i;
return -1;
YAHOO.widget.ExpandableDataTable = function()
YAHOO.lang.extend(YAHOO.widget.ExpandableDataTable, YAHOO.widget.DataTable, {
// Private members
* Gets state object for a specific record associated with the DataTable.
* @method _getRecordState
* @param {Mixed} record_id Record / Row / or Index id
* @param {String} key Key to return within the state object. Default is to
* return all as a map
* @return {Object} State data object
* @type mixed
* @private
_getRecordState : function( record_id, key ){
var row_data = this.getRecord( record_id ),
row_state = row_data.getData( STRING_STATENAME ),
state_data = ( row_state && key ) ? row_state[ key ] : row_state;
return state_data || {};
* Sets a value to a state object with a unique id for a record which
* is associated with the DataTable
* @method _setRecordState
* @param {Mixed} record_id Record / Row / or Index id
* @param {String} key Key to use in map
* @param {Mixed} value Value to assign to the key
* @return {Object} State data object
* @type mixed
* @private
_setRecordState : function( record_id, key, value ){
var row_data = this.getRecord( record_id ).getData(),
merged_data = row_data[ STRING_STATENAME ] || {};
merged_data[ key ] = value;
this.getRecord( record_id ).setData( STRING_STATENAME, merged_data );
return merged_data;
// Public methods
* Over-ridden initAttributes method from DataTable
* @method initAttributes
* @param {Mixed} record_id Record / Row / or Index id
* @param {String} key Key to use in map
* @param {Mixed} value Value to assign to the key
* @return {Object} State data object
* @type mixed
initAttributes : function( oConfigs ) {
oConfigs = oConfigs || {};, oConfigs);
* @attribute rowExpansionTemplate
* @description Value for the rowExpansionTemplate attribute.
* @type {Mixed}
* @default ""
this.setAttributeConfig("rowExpansionTemplate", {
value: "",
validator: function( template ){
return (
YAHOO.lang.isString( template ) ||
YAHOO.lang.isFunction( template )
method: this.initRowExpansion
* Initializes row expansion on the DataTable instance
* @method initRowExpansion
* @param {Mixed} template a string template or function to be called when
* Row is expanded
* @type mixed
initRowExpansion : function( template ){
//Set subscribe restore method
this.subscribe( 'postRenderEvent', this.onEventRestoreRowExpansion );
//Setup template
this.rowExpansionTemplate = template;
//Set table level state
this.a_rowExpansions = [];
* Toggles the expansion state of a row
* @method toggleRowExpansion
* @param {Mixed} record_id Record / Row / or Index id
* @type mixed
toggleRowExpansion : function( record_id ){
var state = this._getRecordState( record_id );
if( state && state.expanded ){
this.collapseRow( record_id );
} else {
this.expandRow( record_id );
* Sets the expansion state of a row to expanded
* @method expandRow
* @param {Mixed} record_id Record / Row / or Index id
* @param {Boolean} restore will restore an exisiting state for a
* row that has been collapsed by a non user action
* @return {Boolean} successful
* @type mixed
expandRow : function( record_id, restore ){
var state = this._getRecordState( record_id );
if( !state.expanded || restore ){
var row_data = this.getRecord( record_id ),
row = this.getRow( row_data ),
new_row = document.createElement('tr'),
column_length = this.getFirstTrEl().childNodes.length,
expanded_data = row_data.getData(),
expanded_content = null,
template = this.rowExpansionTemplate,
next_sibling = Dom.getNextSibling( row );
//Construct expanded row body
new_row.className = CLASS_EXPANSION;
var new_column = document.createElement( 'td' );
new_column.colSpan = column_length;
new_column.innerHTML = '<div class="'+ CLASS_LINER +'"></div>';
new_row.appendChild( new_column );
var liner_element = new_row.firstChild.firstChild;
if( YAHOO.lang.isString( template ) ){
liner_element.innerHTML = YAHOO.lang.substitute(
} else if( YAHOO.lang.isFunction( template ) ) {
template( {
row_element : new_row,
liner_element : liner_element,
data : row_data,
state : state
} );
} else {
return false;
//Insert new row
newRow = Dom.insertAfter( new_row, row );
if (newRow.innerHTML.length) {
this._setRecordState( record_id, 'expanded', true );
if( !restore ){
this.a_rowExpansions.push( this.getRecord( record_id ).getId() );
Dom.removeClass( row, CLASS_COLLAPSED );
Dom.addClass( row, CLASS_EXPANDED );
//Fire custom event
this.fireEvent( "rowExpandEvent", { record_id : row_data.getId() } );
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Sets the expansion state of a row to collapsed
* @method collapseRow
* @param {Mixed} record_id Record / Row / or Index id
* @return {Boolean} successful
* @type mixed
collapseRow : function( record_id ){
var row_data = this.getRecord( record_id ),
row = Dom.get( row_data.getId() ),
state = row_data.getData( STRING_STATENAME );
if( state && state.expanded ){
var next_sibling = Dom.getNextSibling( row ),
hash_index = indexOf( this.a_rowExpansions, record_id );
if( Dom.hasClass( next_sibling, CLASS_EXPANSION ) ) {
next_sibling.parentNode.removeChild( next_sibling );
this.a_rowExpansions.splice( hash_index, 1 );
this._setRecordState( record_id, 'expanded', false );
Dom.addClass( row, CLASS_COLLAPSED );
Dom.removeClass( row, CLASS_EXPANDED );
//Fire custom event
this.fireEvent("rowCollapseEvent", { record_id : row_data.getId() } );
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Collapses all expanded rows. This should be called before any action where
* the row expansion markup would interfear with normal DataTable markup handling.
* This method does not remove exents attached during implementation. All event
* handlers should be removed separately.
* @method collapseAllRows
* @type mixed
collapseAllRows : function(){
var rows = this.a_rowExpansions;
for( var i = 0, l = rows.length; l > i; i++ ){
//Always pass 0 since collapseRow removes item from the a_rowExpansions array
this.collapseRow( rows[ 0 ] );
a_rowExpansions = [];
* Restores rows which have an expanded state but no markup. This
* is to be called to restore row expansions after the DataTable
* renders or the collapseAllRows is called.
* @method collapseAllRows
* @type mixed
restoreExpandedRows : function(){
var expanded_rows = this.a_rowExpansions;
if( !expanded_rows.length ){
if( this.a_rowExpansions.length ){
for( var i = 0, l = expanded_rows.length; l > i; i++ ){
this.expandRow( expanded_rows[ i ] , true );
* Abstract method which restores row expansion for subscribing to the
* DataTable postRenderEvent.
* @method onEventRestoreRowExpansion
* @param {Object} oArgs context of a subscribed event
* @type mixed
onEventRestoreRowExpansion : function( oArgs ){
* Abstract method which toggles row expansion for subscribing to the
* DataTable postRenderEvent.
* @method onEventToggleRowExpansion
* @param {Object} oArgs context of a subscribed event
* @type mixed
onEventToggleRowExpansion : function( oArgs ){
//if( YAHOO.util.Dom.hasClass(, 'yui-dt-expandablerow-trigger' ) ){
this.toggleRowExpansion( );
}, true //This boolean is needed to override members of the original object
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