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Created February 17, 2017 08:32
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# Manipulating the file system with Mojo::File
The Mojo framework has long had various utils for file manipulation, but
recently in version 7.15 they were collected in a new class, Mojo::File.
This class gives a very convenient and simple API for cross-platform file
manipulation. It's also used consistenly across the entire Mojo framework,
from Mojo::Home (now a Mojo::File subclass) to Mojo::Asset::File and
In addition to the regular ->new constructor, Mojo::File exports some neat
functions for creating new objects; path is equivalent to new, and you can
also use tempdir and tempfile to get a object representing a temporary file
or directory.
use Mojo::File qw/path tempfile/;
my $passwords=path('/etc/passwd')->slurp;
my $tmpfile=tempfile->spurt('OMG Look at her file')->move_to('/home/her/file');
Mojo::File is also supported by the ojo module, for simple oneliner usage.
(If you don't know ojo, it's a conveniently named class to allow perl to
take the -Mojo flag, and expose a bunch of single letter commands).
``` $ perl -Mojo -E 'say r j f("hello.json")->slurp'```
Mojo::File also has some useful methods for iterating over a directory or
even a full tree of files. The list method lets you get all the files,
and optionally directories and hidden files in a given directory, and
manipulate the results with all the power of Mojo::Collection, while
list_tree does the same recursively.
``` $ perl -Mojo -E'say for f('/tmp')->list_tree->map(sub { uc })->each'
Finally, Mojo::File supports some simple overloading. Just interpolate it
in a string, and it will do the right thing. Or let's say you want to
iterate over each path part of the current directory:
``` perl -Mojo -E'say $_ for f->@*' ```
So easy! I think you will have fun with this module. Check out [the
documentation]( to learn more.
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