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Created June 7, 2013 07:02
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A quick example of some text handling techniques for Clojure
(defn to-float [x]
(when x (Float/parseFloat x)))
(defn to-int [x]
(when x (Integer/parseInt x)))
(defn process-data [data]
(let [field-format (array-map :id to-int
:name identity
:score to-float)]
(->> data
(map (fn [fields] ;; Create record
(->> fields
(map #(get {"-" nil "" nil} % %)) ;; Normalize field values, handle nil
(map #(%1 %2) (vals field-format)) ;; Convert fields into proper types
(zipmap (keys field-format)) ;; Convert record into map
(process-data [["1" "one" "0.1"]
["2" "two" "0.2"]
["3" "three" "0.3"]
["4" "four" "-"]])
;; returns
({:score 0.1, :name "one", :id 1}
{:score 0.2, :name "two", :id 2}
{:score 0.3, :name "three", :id 3}
{:score nil, :name "four", :id 4})
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