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Created June 8, 2014 21:15
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setup_common = """\
from math import sin, cos, radians
def sv_zip(*iterables):
# zip('ABCD', 'xy') --> Ax By
# like standard zip but list instead of tuple
sentinel = object()
iterators = [iter(it) for it in iterables]
while iterators:
result = []
for it in iterators:
elem = next(it, sentinel)
if elem is sentinel:
yield result
U, V, Radius = 40, 50, 3\
setup1 = setup_common + """\
def sphere_verts(U, V, Radius):
theta = 360/U
phi = 180/(V-1)
X = [0]
Y = [0]
Z = [Radius]
for i in range(1,V-1):
X.extend([round(Radius*cos(radians(theta*j))*sin(radians(phi*i)),8) for j in range(U)])
Y.extend([round(Radius*sin(radians(theta*j))*sin(radians(phi*i)),8) for j in range(U)])
Z.extend([round(Radius*cos(radians(phi*i)),8) for j in range(U)])
return list(sv_zip(X,Y,Z))
setup2 = setup_common + """\
def sphere_verts2(U, V, Radius):
theta = 360/U
phi = 180/(V-1)
X = [0]
Y = [0]
Z = [Radius]
add_X = X.append
add_Y = Y.append
extend_Z = Z.extend
for i in range(1, V-1):
rad_phi_i = radians(phi*i)
sin_rad_phi_i = sin(rad_phi_i)
cos_rad_phi_i = cos(rad_phi_i)
for j in range(U):
rad_theta_j = radians(theta*j)
add_X(round(Radius * cos(rad_theta_j) * sin_rad_phi_i, 8))
add_Y(round(Radius * sin(rad_theta_j) * sin_rad_phi_i, 8))
extend_Z([round(Radius * cos_rad_phi_i, 8) for j in range(U)])
return list(sv_zip(X,Y,Z))
setup4 = setup_common + """\
def sphere_verts4(U, V, Radius):
theta = 360/U
phi = 180/(V-1)
X = [0]
Y = [0]
Z = [Radius]
add_X = X.append
add_Y = Y.append
extend_Z = Z.extend
for i in range(1, V-1):
rad_phi_i = radians(phi*i)
sin_rad_phi_i = sin(rad_phi_i)
cos_rad_phi_i = cos(rad_phi_i)
for j in range(U):
rad_theta_j = radians(theta*j)
add_X(Radius * cos(rad_theta_j) * sin_rad_phi_i)
add_Y(Radius * sin(rad_theta_j) * sin_rad_phi_i)
extend_Z([Radius * cos_rad_phi_i for j in range(U)])
return list(sv_zip(X,Y,Z))
from timeit import Timer
# first argument is the code to be run, the second "setup" argument is only run once,
# and it not included in the execution time.
# t = Timer("""m = sphere_verts(U, V, Radius)""", setup=setup1) # 6.5 on 100
# print(t.timeit(100)) # repeat 100 times / 64.64094696392976
t = Timer("""m = sphere_verts2(U, V, Radius)""", setup=setup2) # 5.3 on 100
print(t.timeit(100)) # repeat 100 times / 53.44165117354301
t = Timer("""m = sphere_verts4(U, V, Radius)""", setup=setup4) # 5.3 on 100
print(t.timeit(100)) # repeat 100 times / 53.44165117354301
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