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Created December 9, 2015 13:50
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Gannon Cannons - SVG Splatter Blocks

Gannon Cannons - SVG Splatter Blocks

Chris Gannon rocks at SVG animation. This is just me studying his stuff and a total buffoonery not to be taken seriously! Go look at Chris's original here: as this is just a decomposition for me to figure out what the dude's doing cuz "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" and all dat jazz :-)

A Pen by Rob Levin on CodePen.


<div class="container">
<svg version="1.1"
xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:a=""
x="0px" y="0px" width="600px" height="600px" viewBox="0 0 600 600" enable-background="new 0 0 600 600" xml:space="preserve">
<!-- The goo filter below is what makes all this interesting and is sort of a bite off lucas bebber's goo stuff ex -->
<filter id="goo">
<feGaussianBlur in="SourceGraphic" stdDeviation="8" result="blur" />
<feColorMatrix in="blur" mode="matrix" values="1 0.3 0 0 0 0 1 0.3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 25 -20" result="cm" />
<g id="rectGroup" filter="url(#goo)">
<rect x="202.3" y="472" fill="#69B29F" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="270" y="472" fill="#69B29F" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="337" y="472" fill="#69B29F" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="403.8" y="472" fill="#5194C1" width="58" height="58"/>
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<rect x="68" y="472" fill="#5194C1" width="58" height="58"/>
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<rect x="202.3" y="405" fill="#69B29F" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="270" y="405" fill="#69B29F" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="337" y="405" fill="#69B29F" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="403.8" y="405" fill="#5194C1" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="68" y="405" fill="#5194C1" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="135" y="405" fill="#5194C1" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="471" y="337" fill="#5194C1" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="202.3" y="337" fill="#69B29F" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="270" y="337" fill="#69B29F" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="337" y="337" fill="#69B29F" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="403.8" y="337" fill="#5194C1" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="68" y="337" fill="#5194C1" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="135" y="337" fill="#5194C1" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="471" y="270" fill="#5194C1" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="202.3" y="270" fill="#69B29F" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="270" y="270" fill="#69B29F" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="337" y="270" fill="#69B29F" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="403.8" y="270" fill="#5194C1" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="68" y="270" fill="#5194C1" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="135" y="270" fill="#5194C1" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="471" y="202" fill="#5194C1" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="202.3" y="202" fill="#69B29F" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="270" y="202" fill="#69B29F" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="337" y="202" fill="#69B29F" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="403.8" y="202" fill="#5194C1" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="68" y="202" fill="#5194C1" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="135" y="202" fill="#5194C1" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="471" y="135" fill="#5194C1" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="202.3" y="135" fill="#69B29F" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="270" y="135" fill="#69B29F" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="337" y="135" fill="#69B29F" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="403.8" y="135" fill="#5194C1" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="68" y="135" fill="#5194C1" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="135" y="135" fill="#5194C1" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="471" y="67" fill="#5194C1" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="202.3" y="67" fill="#69B29F" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="270" y="67" fill="#69B29F" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="337" y="67" fill="#69B29F" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="403.8" y="67" fill="#5194C1" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="68" y="67" fill="#5194C1" width="58" height="58"/>
<rect x="135" y="67" fill="#5194C1" width="58" height="58"/>
//Chris's original is here:
//Gannon Gannon decomposition see what the "unadultrated svg" looks like remove/comment out the filter in the <defs> ... it's just a bunch of's the goo filter and the animation of the hsl which makes this whole thing interesting.
var xmlns = "",
select = function(s) {
return document.querySelector(s);
selectAll = function(s) {
return document.querySelectorAll(s);
container = select('.container')
//center the container cos it's pretty an' that
TweenMax.set(container, {
position: 'absolute',
top: '50%',
left: '50%',
xPercent: -50,
yPercent: -50
TweenMax.set('svg', {
var tl = new TimelineMax();
tl.staggerTo('#rectGroup *',10 /*slowed way down*/, {
transformOrigin:'50% 50%',
repeat:-1, //forever and ever
fill:"hsl(+=360, +=360%, +=0%)" //hue, saturation, ligthness
//his original settings were +=360, +=60%, +=0% which looks better
<script src="//"></script>
body {
overflow: hidden;
html {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
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