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Created November 15, 2009 01:27
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Idea for polyphonic scala actors
import scala.actors.Actor._
case class Put(x: Any)
case object Get
val buffer = actor {
loop {
pattern {
case Put(x) => join { case Get => action { lastSender ! x }}
import scala.actors.Actor._
val a = actor {
loop {
pattern {
case meat @ ("pork" | "chicken") => join {
case "tofu" => join {
case "noodles" => action { println(meat + " pad thai") }
case "broth" => action { println(meat + " laksa") }
case "chillis" => join {
case "coconut" => action { println(meat + " green curry") }
case "lettuce" => action { println(meat + " thai salad") }
case "chillis" => join {
case "coconut" => join { case "beef" => action { println("red beef curry") }}
"chillis" :: "pork" :: "chillis" :: "coconut" :: Nil foreach { a ! _ }
import scala.actors.Actor.self
import scala.actors.OutputChannel
import scala.collection.immutable.Set
* Augments the actors library with a form of join pattern similar in function
* to C omega chords or Haller and Van Cutsem scala join patterns but with a
* different notation.
* This is a brute force approach but it has the virtue of simplicity and it
* handles arbitrary message patterns with guards.
* .
* The module defines three operators: pattern, join and action. These are used
* to set out join patterns as nested partial functions forming a tree of cases.
* The patter operator:
* pattern { case pat1 => .... case pat2 => ... }
* introduces a tree of join patterns and causes the actor
* to dequeue messages until one branch of the join is matched completely. All
* events not participating in the successful join are requeued and the action
* clause is executed.
* The join operator:
* pattern { case pat1 => join { case pat2 => ... }}
* joins patterns pat1 and pat2. Each must be matched by a distinct message before
* the join is considered to match but the messages may arrive in any order.
* if pat1 and pat2 do not overlap, this simple join has the same behaviour as:
* react { case pat1 => react { case pat2 => ... }}
* If the patterns do overlap, or if the same pattern appears more than once in the
* tree of cases, then the behaviour of the nested react construct depends on the order
* of arrival of messages but the join construct does not.
* Here is the simplest branching join pattern:
* pattern { case pat1 => join { case pat2 => ... case pat3 => ...}}
* This defines two joins. pat1 is joined with pat2 and pat1 is joined with pat3.
* Once a join pattern is matched, an action can be taken:
* pattern { case pat1 => join { case pat2 => action { act1 }}}
* This defines an action, act1, to be executed when the join of pat1 and pat2 is matched.
* The action can trigger further pattern matching by invoking pattern {...} or
* (recursively) invoking the enclosing pattern. The loop operator can be used:
* loop { pattern { case pat1 => join { case pat2 => action { act1 }}}}
* This continuously matches pat1 joined with pat2.
* An action may also call react or receive directly and can respond to any messages other
* than those that matched the successfule join pattern.
* Here is the standard example for joins. It implements a queue:
* import scala.actors.Actor._
* import Joins._
* case class Put(x: Any)
* case object Get
* actor {
* loop {
* pattern {
* case Put(x) => join { case Get => action { lastSender ! x }}
* }
* }
* }
object Joins {
type Action = Function0[Unit] /// an action performed on a successful join
type Pattern = PartialFunction[Any,Either[SubPattern,Action]] /// a set of join patterns
case class SubPattern(pattern: Pattern) // a set of sub-patterns
* The sender for actions.
private val lastSenderBuf = new ThreadLocal[OutputChannel[Any]]
def lastSender = lastSenderBuf.get
* A message received by the actor
case class Event(index: Int, mesg: Any, sender: OutputChannel[Any])
* A partially matched join pattern and the sequence of events that lead to it.
case class PartialMatch(pattern: Pattern, accepted: Set[Int])
* Indicates that a match to a complete join pattern has been dispatched
case object Matched extends Exception
private def diff(a: List[Event], b: Set[Int]) = a filter { x => ! b.contains(x.index) }
* The combined partial function for a set of patially matched join patterns.
class State( matches: List[PartialMatch], history: List[Event], serial: Int) extends PartialFunction[Any,Unit] {
// println( "state: " + matches.mkString(", "))
// println( "history: " + history.mkString(", "))
* Applies one message to each partial match resulting in
* additional partial matches or at most one complete match.
* On a complete match, all of the events not used
* in that match are resubmitted to the actor.
def apply(mesg: Any) {
// println( "received: " + mesg )
val event = Event(serial, mesg, self.sender)
try {
val expanded = matches flatMap { expand(event, _) }
self.react(new State(expanded:::matches, event::history, serial+1))
catch {
case Matched =>
private def expand( event: Event, partial: PartialMatch): List[PartialMatch] = {
// println("considering: " + partial + " with " + event)
val PartialMatch(pattern, accepted) = partial
if( pattern isDefinedAt event.mesg ) {
val used = accepted + event.index
val unused = history filter { e => ! used.contains(e.index) }
pattern(event.mesg) match {
case Left(SubPattern(sub)) =>
val p = PartialMatch(sub, used )
p :: (unused flatMap {expand(_, p)})
case Right(action) =>
// println("fire!")
unused foreach { e => self.send(e.mesg, e.sender) }
try {
finally {
throw Matched
else Nil
* Indicates that the event will match at least one join pattern.
* Alternative would be to return true unconditionally and let the
* State.history queue up unmatched messages.
def isDefinedAt(mesg: Any) = true // matches exists { _.pattern isDefinedAt mesg }
def action(action: =>Unit) = Right(()=>action)
def join(pattern: Pattern) = Left(SubPattern(pattern))
def pattern(pattern: Pattern) = self.react(new State(List(PartialMatch(pattern, Set.empty)), Nil, 0))
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