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Last active May 16, 2020 22:07
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// strip-units required by spread mixin
@function strip-units($number)
@return $number / ($number * 0 + 1)
// pow and sqrt required by ease function
// adapted from
@function pow($base, $exponent)
$value: $base
@if $exponent > 1
@for $i from 2 through $exponent
$value: $value * $base
@if $exponent < 1
@for $i from 0 through -$exponent
$value: $value / $base
@return $value
@function sqrt($number)
$root: 4
@for $i from 1 through 50
$root: $root - (pow($root, 2) - $number) / (2 * $root)
@return $root
// adapted from
@function ease($iteration, $start-value, $change, $total-iterations, $ease)
$progress: $iteration / $total-iterations
// value increases evenly
@if $ease == linear
@return $change * $progress + $start-value
// value increases on a curve, accelerating
@if $ease == in-quad
@return $change * $progress * $progress + $start-value
// value increases on a curve, decelerating
@if $ease == out-quad
@return -$change * $progress * ($progress - 2) + $start-value
// value accelerates sharply
@if $ease == in-cubic
@return $change * pow($progress, 3) + $start-value
// value decelerates sharply
@if $ease == out-cubic
@return $change * (pow($progress - 1, 3) + 1) + $start-value
// value accelerates more sharply
@if $ease == in-quart
@return $change * pow($progress, 4) + $start-value
// value decelerates more sharply
@if $ease == out-quart
@return -$change * (pow($progress - 1, 4) - 1) + $start-value
// value accelerates very sharply
@if $ease == in-quint
@return $change * pow($progress, 5) + $start-value
// value decelerates very sharply
@if $ease == out-quint
@return $change * (pow($progress - 1, 5) + 1) + $start-value
// spreads a property value from min to max across media queries
// $property: CSS property to set
// $property-min: min value of the property
// $property-max: max value of the property
// $dimension: media query dimension - min-width, min-height, max-width, max-height
// $dimension-min: first media query of the chosen dimension
// $dimension-max: final media query of the chosen dimension
// $default-value: true/false (defaults to true).
// Should a default value (min for min-width/height,
// max for max-width/height) be included outside the query?
// $precision: how many pixels each media query should cover
// $ease: easing function to use when calculating value
// helpful for fine-tuning some widths in the mid-range
=spread($property, $property-min, $property-max, $dimension: min-width, $dimension-min: 400px, $dimension-max: 1400px, $default-value: true, $precision: 50px, $ease: linear)
$total-iterations: abs(strip-units(ceil(($dimension-max - $dimension-min) / $precision))) - 1
$max-dimension: $dimension == max-width or $dimension == max-height
@if $default-value
#{$property}: if($max-dimension, $property-max, $property-min)
@for $iteration from 0 through $total-iterations
$iteration: if($max-dimension, $total-iterations - $iteration, $iteration)
@media (#{$dimension}: $dimension-min + ($iteration * $precision))
#{$property}: ease($iteration, $property-min, $property-max - $property-min, $total-iterations, $ease)
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ezekg commented Jan 14, 2015

Just in case anybody needs the mixin in scss.

// strip-units required by spread mixin
@function strip-units($number) {
  @return $number / ($number * 0 + 1);

// pow and sqrt required by ease function
// adapted from
@function pow($base, $exponent) {
  $value: $base;

  @if $exponent > 1 {
    @for $i from 2 through $exponent {
      $value: $value * $base;

  @if $exponent < 1 {
    @for $i from 0 through -$exponent {
      $value: $value / $base;

  @return $value;

@function sqrt($number) {
  $root: 4;

  @for $i from 1 through 50 {
    $root: $root - (pow($root, 2) - $number) / (2 * $root);

  @return $root;

// adapted from
@function ease($iteration, $start-value, $change, $total-iterations, $ease) {
  $progress: $iteration / $total-iterations;

  // value increases evenly
  @if $ease == linear {
    @return $change * $progress + $start-value;

  // value increases on a curve, accelerating
  @if $ease == in-quad {
    @return $change * $progress * $progress + $start-value;

  // value increases on a curve, decelerating
  @if $ease == out-quad {
    @return -$change * $progress * ($progress - 2) + $start-value;

  // value accelerates sharply
  @if $ease == in-cubic {
    @return $change * pow($progress, 3) + $start-value;

  // value decelerates sharply
  @if $ease == out-cubic {
    @return $change * (pow($progress - 1, 3) + 1) + $start-value;

  // value accelerates more sharply
  @if $ease == in-quart {
    @return $change * pow($progress, 4) + $start-value;

  // value decelerates more sharply
  @if $ease == out-quart {
    @return -$change * (pow($progress - 1, 4) - 1) + $start-value;

  // value accelerates very sharply
  @if $ease == in-quint {
    @return $change * pow($progress, 5) + $start-value;

  // value decelerates very sharply
  @if $ease == out-quint {
    @return $change * (pow($progress - 1, 5) + 1) + $start-value;

// spreads a property value from min to max across media queries
//   $property:      CSS property to set
//   $property-min:  min value of the property
//   $property-max:  max value of the property
//   $dimension:     media query dimension - min-width, min-height, max-width, max-height
//   $dimension-min: first media query of the chosen dimension
//   $dimension-max: final media query of the chosen dimension
//   $default-value: true/false (defaults to true).
//                   Should a default value (min for min-width/height,
//                   max for max-width/height) be included outside the query?
//   $precision:     how many pixels each media query should cover
//   $ease:          easing function to use when calculating value
//                   helpful for fine-tuning some widths in the mid-range
@mixin spread($property, $property-min, $property-max, $dimension: min-width, $dimension-min: 400px, $dimension-max: 1400px, $default-value: true, $precision: 50px, $ease: linear) {
  $total-iterations: abs(strip-units(ceil(($dimension-max - $dimension-min) / $precision))) - 1;
  $max-dimension: $dimension == max-width or $dimension == max-height;

  @if $default-value {
    #{$property}: if($max-dimension, $property-max, $property-min);

  @for $iteration from 0 through $total-iterations {
    $iteration: if($max-dimension, $total-iterations - $iteration, $iteration);

    @media (#{$dimension}: $dimension-min + $iteration * $precision) {
      #{$property}: ease($iteration, $property-min, $property-max - $property-min, $total-iterations, $ease);

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