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Last active September 22, 2020 20:47
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run length encoding with a fold
//remove consecutive duplicates
let uniq items =
let uniq accum item =
match accum with
| a::_ when a = item -> accum
| _ -> item::accum
items |> List.fold uniq [] |> List.rev
let uniq_tests =
uniq [] |> List.isEmpty
uniq ['a'] = ['a']
uniq ['a';'b'] = ['a';'b']
uniq ['a';'a'] = ['a']
//run length encoding
let rle items =
let rle accum item =
match accum with
| (count,a)::rest when a=item -> (count+1,item)::rest
| _ -> (1,item)::accum
items |> List.fold rle [] |> List.rev
let rle_tests =
rle [] = []
rle ['a'] = [(1,'a')]
rle ['a';'b'] = [(1,'a');(1,'b')]
rle ['a';'a'] = [(2,'a')]
rle ['a';'b';'b';'c'] = [(1, 'a'); (2, 'b'); (1, 'c')]
// if we sort, we have histogram
["hello";"world";"hello"] |> List.sort |> rle
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