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Created May 27, 2022 17:04
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palindrome world
module Tests
problem statement:
a palindrome is a string that reads same forward and backward,
e.g. 121 or tacocat.
A substring is a contiguous subset of characters in a string.
Given a string s, how many distinct substrings of s are palindromes?
for example: (initial test list)
x zero "" -> 0 (not possible)
x one "a" -> 1
x many "aa" -> 2
aabaa -> 5 // de-dup
abcddcbabcdcdaadcdcbabcdddcb -> 27
red. write just enough of a test to get a fail, where fail to compile is a fail.
green. make it pass, quickly: hacker gene on.
refactor. clean up the mess above.
DoD. all tests pass? reveals intention? no duplication? fewest elements?
open FsUnit.Xunit
open Xunit
let allSubstringsOf (big:string) =
let ofLength n = [for i in 0..big.Length-n -> big[i..i+n-1]]
let rec allSubstringsOf n =
match n with
| 0 -> []
| n -> allSubstringsOf (n-1) |> List.append (ofLength n)
allSubstringsOf big.Length
let rec isPalindrome (s:string) =
match s.Length with
| 0 -> true
| n -> s.[0] = s.[n-1] && isPalindrome s[1..n-2]
let palindrome' s =
let distinct x = Set.ofSeq x |> Set.toList
allSubstringsOf s |> Seq.filter isPalindrome |> distinct
let palindrome s = palindrome' s |> Seq.length
module palindromes =
let ``0 empty string`` () =
let result = palindrome ""
result |> should equal 0
let ``1 letter string`` () =
let result = palindrome "a"
result |> should equal 1
let ``2 letter string`` () =
let result = palindrome "ab"
result |> should equal 2
let ``2 letter string, distinct `` () =
let result = palindrome "aa"
result |> should equal 2
let ``distinct substrings`` () =
let result = palindrome "aabaa"
result |> should equal 5
let ``pretty big string`` () =
let result = palindrome "abcddcbabcdcdaadcdcbabcdddcb"
result |> should equal 27
module ``all substrings of`` =
let ``empty`` () =
let result = allSubstringsOf ""
result |> should be Empty
let ``one `` () =
let result = allSubstringsOf "a"
result |> should equal ["a"]
let ``two `` () =
let result = allSubstringsOf "ab"
result |> should matchList ["a";"ab";"b"]
let ``three `` () =
let result = allSubstringsOf "abc"
result |> should matchList ["a";"b";"c";"ab";"bc";"abc"]
module ``is palindrome?`` =
let ``zero`` () =
let result = isPalindrome ""
result |> should be True
let ``one`` () =
let result = isPalindrome "a"
result |> should be True
let ``two when not`` () =
let result = isPalindrome "ab"
result |> should be False
let ``two`` () =
let result = isPalindrome "aa"
result |> should be True
let ``many`` () =
let result = isPalindrome "aba"
result |> should be True
let ``many when not`` () =
let result = isPalindrome "abza"
result |> should be False
let ``many, five`` () =
let result = isPalindrome "abcba"
result |> should be True
let ``many, tacocat`` () =
let result = isPalindrome "tacocat"
result |> should be True
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