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Created March 22, 2017 05:59
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strawman pair proposal
// pairs II
// for a lightweight IDE with F# syntax awareness and REPL try
/// generate all possible pairings given a list of candidatesf
let rec genPossiblePairs list =
match list with
| [] -> []
| me::rest -> [for otherPerson in rest -> me, otherPerson] @ genPossiblePairs rest
genPossiblePairs [1..3]
let congaPeople = ["adam"; "bailey"; "corey"; "jordan"; "josh";"kendric";"kevin";"mark";"ryan"]
genPossiblePairs congaPeople
let r = System.Random()
/// shuffle a list randomly
let shuffle cards = cards |> (fun card -> r.Next(),card) |> List.sort |> snd
congaPeople |> shuffle
genPossiblePairs congaPeople |> shuffle
/// deal proposed pairs from a list of all possible pairings
let rec dealPairs possiblePairs =
let nothingInCommon us them = fst them <> fst us && fst them <> snd us && snd them <> fst us && snd them <> snd us
match possiblePairs with
| [] -> []
| us::rest ->
let listWithoutMeOrMyBuddy = rest |> List.filter (fun them -> nothingInCommon us them)
us :: dealPairs listWithoutMeOrMyBuddy
[1..6] |> genPossiblePairs |> dealPairs
[1..6] |> genPossiblePairs |> shuffle |> dealPairs
congaPeople |> genPossiblePairs |> shuffle |> dealPairs //here
// done story
// x day 1 simple no history even pairs
// x day 1 odd man out
// x exclusions - teamate out of rotation today
// x day 2 exclude prior pairs
// x transpile to javascript (fable)
// x preferences: avoid novice-novice pairing in early days of sprint
// x latter days: if I've paired with everybody and solo'd, I prefer any repeat pair to another solo (rank hands)
// x pin pair(s) ("we like that") and re-pick
// pin pairs and story .. reroll 3-Feb.
// "who have I paired with" he asked 3-Feb. (that diagram!)
// simple swaps, e.g. "swap gp / sw"
// whole thing as a command line and history of picks in a file
// generate for pair picking time fast iteration
// way to say "I'm a story lead" and don't pair up two leads?
// query: when X last pair with Y?
// as slack bot so anybody could run
// express a preference to stay on a story
// "that who-paired-with-whom chart is hard to read" ... better presentation ? Generated from this history to a URL
// --or-- expose repl over a socket ... that updates... like /deal /accept /decline /pin ... /pref ... uService... agents.. hm.. azure function endpoint..
// maybe order that final proposed team list by the goodness of the pairs
// spot preferences, e.g. (pref GP (EF BK JZ)) // "pair me with masonites today, please""
// print in cannonical order so I can find my name
// meet the team
type Person = VG|BK|JZ|BM|EF|GP|ZP|AW|DB|SW|Solo
let allPeople = [VG;BK;JZ;BM;EF;GP;ZP;AW;DB;SW]
//let people = allPeople
let people = congaPeople
// naive pairing for an even team -- odd man out, if any, is silently omitted
people |> genPossiblePairs |> shuffle |> dealPairs
let contains (a,b) c = a=c || b=c
/// find the soloists
let findSoloists people pairs =
let isUnpaired person pairs =
let possiblyUnpaired = pairs |> Seq.tryFind (fun somePair -> contains somePair person)
match possiblyUnpaired with Some _ -> false | None -> true
people |> List.filter (fun person -> isUnpaired person pairs)
/// simple deal the people: no history no exclusions //here
let deal people =
let pairs = people |> shuffle |> genPossiblePairs |> shuffle |> dealPairs
let soloists = findSoloists people pairs |> (fun solo -> solo,solo)
deal people
deal [1..3]
let subset exclusions everybody = everybody |> List.filter (fun somebody -> exclusions |> Seq.contains somebody |> not)
let dealExcluding everybody exclusions = everybody |> subset exclusions |> shuffle |> deal
dealExcluding [1..8] [8]
dealExcluding people ["adam"] //here
/// filter out the excluded pairs from the list of all possible pairs
let excludePairs excludedPairs everybody =
let swap (a,b) = (b,a)
let contains list item = List.contains item list || List.contains (swap item) list
everybody |> List.filter (fun somebody -> contains excludedPairs somebody |> not)
[1..10] |> genPossiblePairs |> excludePairs [1,2] |> dealPairs
/// propose pairs excluding specific people (somebody OOO) and pairs (already paired in this sprint)
let dealExcludingPeoplePairs people excludedPeople excludedPairs =
let peopleAvailable = subset excludedPeople people
let pairs = peopleAvailable |> shuffle |> genPossiblePairs |>shuffle |> excludePairs excludedPairs |> dealPairs
let soloists = findSoloists peopleAvailable pairs |> (fun solo -> solo,solo)
dealExcludingPeoplePairs [1..10] [10;9] [1,2]
dealExcludingPeoplePairs [1..6] [5] []
let flatten listOfLists = List.fold (@) [] listOfLists
List.concat [ [1..3]; [5..10]; [22;33]]
module explore =
flatten [ [1..3];[5..10];[22;33] ]
people |> genPossiblePairs |> shuffle |> dealPairs
[1..3] |> genPossiblePairs |> dealPairs |> findSoloists [1..3]
let soloToMeMe (a,b) = if b=Solo then a,a else a,b
let history' =
[(SW, EF); (BK, BM); (DB, JZ); (GP, ZP)] // d1 in 1
[(EF, BM); (SW, GP); (ZP, DB); (BK, JZ)] // d2 in 1
[DB,JZ; GP,SW; BM,ZP; BK,EF] // d3 in 2
[BM,SW; BK,ZP; GP,DB; EF,Solo] // d4 in 2 - swap soloist
[(BM, GP); (JZ, ZP); (DB, BK); (EF, SW)] // d5
] |> (fun day -> day |> soloToMeMe)
let pretty (a,b) = if a=b then a,Solo else a,b
// let history = //here
// [
// [("josh", "ryan"); ("corey", "kevin"); ("adam", "jordan");("bailey", "kendric")]
// ]
let isN0be'du who = [AW;DB;SW] |> List.contains who // discriminated union - compile time people
let isN0be's who = ["norm"] |> List.contains who // arbitrary strings naming people
let isN0be = isN0be's
/// score the goodness of the pair, disfavoing soloists and somewhat n0be,n0be
let scorePair (a,b) =
if a=b then 0
if isN0be a && isN0be b then 1 else 10
let scoreList candidates = candidates |> (scorePair) |> List.reduce (+)
/// return who paired with whom on what day from history
let whoPairedWithWhom h = h |> List.mapi (fun i item -> [for pair in item -> pair,i+1]) |> flatten
//whoPairedWithWhom history
/// generate many solutions, score them, return the best
let dealBest people excludedPeople excludedPairs =
let many = [1..100] |> (fun _ -> dealExcludingPeoplePairs people excludedPeople excludedPairs)
let ranked = many |> (fun l -> (scoreList l),l)
let best = ranked |> List.sortByDescending fst |> List.head |> snd
let eqv (a,b) (c,d) = (a=c && b=d) || (a=d && b=c)
let hasSoloed me h = h |> List.contains (me,me)
let havePairedWith us h = h |> List.tryFind (fun p -> p eqv us)
let meFirst me (a,b) = if (b=me) then (b,a) else (a,b)
meFirst (AW) (AW,BK) = (AW,BK)
meFirst (AW) (BK,AW) = (AW,BK)
let myHistory me h = h |> List.filter (fun p -> fst p = me || snd p = me)
[1..4] |> genPossiblePairs |> myHistory 2 = [(1, 2); (2, 3); (2, 4)]
//myHistory ZP (flatten history)
//myHistory AW (flatten history)
module advancedScoringWithHistory =
type PairGoodness<'a> = Master of 'a*'a | Apprentice of 'a*'a | Solo of 'a | RepeatPair of 'a*'a | RepeatSolo of 'a
/// classify pairs given a predicate for apprentice and the history of pairing
let classify isApprentice (a,b) h =
if a=b then
if (h |> List.contains (a,a)) then RepeatSolo a else Solo a
else if (h |> List.contains (a,b)) || (h |> List.contains (b,a)) then RepeatPair (a,b)
else if isApprentice a && isApprentice b then Apprentice(a,b)
else Master (a,b)
// let tests = [
// classify isN0be (BK,EF) [] = Master (BK,EF)
// classify isN0be (AW,DB) [] = Apprentice (AW,DB)
// classify isN0be (AW,BK) [] = Master (AW,BK)
// classify isN0be (AW,AW) [] = Solo AW
// classify isN0be (BK,DB) [(BK,DB)] = RepeatPair (BK,DB)
// classify isN0be (BK,DB) [(DB,BK)] = RepeatPair (BK,DB)
// classify isN0be (AW,AW) [(AW,AW)] = RepeatSolo AW
// ]
/// goodness of this pair
let benefit classification =
match classification with
| Master _ -> 10 // best
| Apprentice _ -> 2
| Solo _ -> 0
| RepeatPair _ -> 0
| RepeatSolo _ -> -5 // worst
//people |> genPossiblePairs |> (fun pair -> classify isN0be pair (flatten history)) |> List.sort
let scorePairHistory (a,b) h = classify isN0be (a,b) h |> benefit
//scorePairHistory (AW,BK) []
let scoreTeamHistory proposedTeam h = proposedTeam |> (fun pair -> scorePairHistory pair h) |> List.reduce (+)
let dealBest people excludedPeople history =
let many = [1..100] |> (fun _ -> dealExcludingPeoplePairs people excludedPeople [] )
let ranked = many |> (fun l -> (scoreTeamHistory l history),l)
let best = ranked |> List.sortByDescending fst |> List.head |> snd
//dealBest people [VG;ZP] (flatten history) //
let pinAndDeal people excludedPeople pinned h =
let x = advancedScoringWithHistory.dealBest people ([for a,b in pinned do yield a; yield b]@excludedPeople) h
x @ pinned
//let x = pinAndDeal people [VG;AW] [ ] (flatten history) |> pretty //here
let cHistory = //here
//[("josh", "mark"); ("jordan", "kevin"); ("adam", "corey"); ("kendric", "bailey"); ("ryan", "ryan")]
// demo scenarios. Day 1 no history; we have history; somebody out; pinned pair.
let x = pinAndDeal congaPeople [] [] (flatten cHistory) //herec
printfn "strawman proposal %A" x
//printfn """/poll "strawman proposal %A " "strongly agree":pear: "agree":banana: "disagree":lemon:"strongly disagree":tomato: "disagree:block":fist: """ x
//let meFirstHistory who history = myHistory who (flatten history) |> (fun us -> meFirst who us )
//meFirstHistory GP history'
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