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Last active July 6, 2019 10:49
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poetrade is down
name = "pypi"
url = ""
verify_ssl = true
ipython = "*"
pylint = "*"
vowpal-porpoise = "*"
requests = "*"
vowpalwabbit = "*"
python_version = "3.6"
allow_prereleases = true
import requests
import json
import re
import os
import gzip
from vowpalwabbit import pyvw
currency_label = {
"alch": 1,
"chaos": 2,
"exa": 3,
price_re = re.compile("""
[ ]
[ ]
""", re.X)
mod_re = re.compile("-?[0-9]+-?")
def featurize(item):
descs = {"name": {}, "requirement": {}, "properties": {}, "mod": {}}
for word in item["typeLine"].split(" "):
descs["name"][word] = 1
for property in item.get("properties", []) + item.get("additionalProperties", []):
for prop in property["name"].split(", "):
values = property.get("progress") or property.get("values")
if "StackSize" in prop: continue
# Limited to: 1 Historic
if prop == "Limited to": continue
if values:
value = values[0][0] if type(values) is list else values
if type(value) is str:
value = value.replace("%", "")
value = value.replace("+", "")
# cast time
if value == "Instant": value = "0.001"
value = value.replace(" sec", "")
value = value.replace(" of base", "")
value = re.sub("/[0-9]+", "", value)
value = re.sub(" [(].+", "", value)
# radius
if value == "Small": value = "1"
if value == "Medium": value = "2"
if value == "Large": value = "4"
# Genus: wolves ...
if not re.match("-?[0-9.-]+", value):
# print(f"ignoring {property}, value is {value}")
if "-" in value:
numbers = re.findall(mod_re, value)
if numbers:
value = 0
for num in numbers:
if num.endswith("-"): num = num[:-1]
num = float(num)
value += num / len(numbers)
value = float(value)
descs["properties"][prop] = value
descs["properties"][f"1/prop"] = 1/value if value != 0 else 999
descs["properties"][prop] = 1
if "sockets" in item:
# grab the size of the biggest group
sockets = item["sockets"]
descs["properties"]["_white sockets"] = sum(1 for s in sockets if s["sColour"] == "w")
descs["properties"]["_linked sockets"] = max(sum(1 for s in sockets if s["group"] == i) for i in range(6))
descs["properties"]["_identified"] = 1 if item.get("identified") else 0
descs["properties"]["_corrupted"] = 1 if item.get("corrupted") else 0
descs["properties"]["_vaal"] = 1 if "hybrid" in item and item["hybrid"].get("isVaalGem") else 0
descs["properties"]["_abyss"] = 1 if "abyssJewel" in item else 0
descs["properties"]["_elder"] = 1 if "elder" in item else 0
descs["properties"]["_shaper"] = 1 if "shaper" in item else 0
for requirement in item.get("requirements", []):
name = requirement["name"]
value = requirement["values"][0][0]
descs["requirement"][name] = float(value)
for mod in item.get("explicitMods", []) + item.get("implicitMods", []) + item.get("craftedMods", []):
numbers = re.findall(mod_re, mod)
if numbers:
value = 0
for num in numbers:
if num.endswith("-"): num = num[:-1]
num = float(num)
value += num / len(numbers)
value = 1
name = re.sub(mod_re, "", mod)
descs["mod"][name] = value
descs["mod"][f"1/name"] = 1/value if value != 0 else 9999
return descs
which_vw = pyvw.vw(quiet=True, loss_function='logistic', save_resume=True, i="which.vw")
alch_vw = pyvw.vw(quiet=True, save_resume=True, i="alch.vw")
chaos_vw = pyvw.vw(quiet=True, save_resume=True, i="chaos.vw")
exalt_vw = pyvw.vw(quiet=True, save_resume=True, i="exa.vw")
currency_vw = {
1: alch_vw,
2: chaos_vw,
3: exalt_vw,
accountName = "bp_"
league = "Legion"
stashes = range(1,14)
base_url = f"{league}&tabs=1&accountName={accountName}"
prices = {x: {} for x in currency_label}
for stash in stashes:
if os.path.isfile(f"stash_{stash}.json"):
with open(f"stash_{stash}.json", "r") as f:
data =
data = requests.get(f"{base_url}&tabIndex={stash}", cookies={"POESESSID": POESESSID}).text
with open(f"stash_{stash}.json", "w") as f:
contents = json.loads(data)
stash_name = contents["tabs"][stash]["n"]
for item in contents["items"]:
desc = featurize(item)
ex = which_vw.example()
for ns in desc:
#import pprint
#pprint.pprint({ns: list(desc[ns].items())})
ex.push_features(ns, list(desc[ns].items()))
currency = which_vw.predict(ex)
ex = currency_vw[currency].example()
for ns in desc:
ex.push_features(ns, list(desc[ns].items()))
amount = currency_vw[currency].predict(ex)
currency_english = {y:x for (x,y) in currency_label.items()}[currency]
prices[currency_english][f"{stash_name:20}\t {item['name']:>20} {item['typeLine']:20}\t{item.get('note') or stash_name:20}"] = amount
for currency in currency_label:
for item, worth in sorted(prices[currency].items(), key = lambda x: x[1]):
print(f"{item}\t{worth:.1f} {currency}")
import requests
import json
import re
import os
import gzip
from vowpalwabbit import pyvw
currency_label = {
"alch": 1,
"chaos": 2,
"exa": 3,
price_re = re.compile("""
[ ]
[ ]
""", re.X)
mod_re = re.compile("-?[0-9]+-?")
def featurize(item):
descs = {"name": {}, "requirement": {}, "properties": {}, "mod": {}}
for word in item["typeLine"].split(" "):
descs["name"][word] = 1
for property in item.get("properties", []) + item.get("additionalProperties", []):
for prop in property["name"].split(", "):
values = property.get("progress") or property.get("values")
if "StackSize" in prop: continue
# Limited to: 1 Historic
if prop == "Limited to": continue
if values:
value = values[0][0] if type(values) is list else values
if type(value) is str:
value = value.replace("%", "")
value = value.replace("+", "")
# cast time
if value == "Instant": value = "0.001"
value = value.replace(" sec", "")
value = value.replace(" of base", "")
value = re.sub("/[0-9]+", "", value)
value = re.sub(" [(].+", "", value)
# radius
if value == "Small": value = "1"
if value == "Medium": value = "2"
if value == "Large": value = "4"
# Genus: wolves ...
if not re.match("-?[0-9.-]+", value):
# print(f"ignoring {property}, value is {value}")
if "-" in value:
numbers = re.findall(mod_re, value)
if numbers:
value = 0
for num in numbers:
if num.endswith("-"): num = num[:-1]
num = float(num)
value += num / len(numbers)
value = float(value)
descs["properties"][prop] = value
descs["properties"][f"1/prop"] = 1/value if value != 0 else 999
descs["properties"][prop] = 1
if "sockets" in item:
# grab the size of the biggest group
sockets = item["sockets"]
descs["properties"]["_white sockets"] = sum(1 for s in sockets if s["sColour"] == "w")
descs["properties"]["_linked sockets"] = max(sum(1 for s in sockets if s["group"] == i) for i in range(6))
descs["properties"]["_identified"] = 1 if item.get("identified") else 0
descs["properties"]["_corrupted"] = 1 if item.get("corrupted") else 0
descs["properties"]["_vaal"] = 1 if "hybrid" in item and item["hybrid"].get("isVaalGem") else 0
descs["properties"]["_abyss"] = 1 if "abyssJewel" in item else 0
descs["properties"]["_elder"] = 1 if "elder" in item else 0
descs["properties"]["_shaper"] = 1 if "shaper" in item else 0
for requirement in item.get("requirements", []):
name = requirement["name"]
value = requirement["values"][0][0]
descs["requirement"][name] = float(value)
for mod in item.get("explicitMods", []) + item.get("implicitMods", []) + item.get("craftedMods", []):
numbers = re.findall(mod_re, mod)
if numbers:
value = 0
for num in numbers:
if num.endswith("-"): num = num[:-1]
num = float(num)
value += num / len(numbers)
value = 1
name = re.sub(mod_re, "", mod)
descs["mod"][name] = value
descs["mod"][f"1/name"] = 1/value if value != 0 else 9999
return descs
i = 0
changeid = 0
from collections import Counter
counters = {"curr": Counter(), "league": Counter(), "skip": Counter()}
if not os.path.isfile("which.wv"):
# train from scratch
which_vw = pyvw.vw(loss_function='logistic', oaa=3, save_resume=True, progress=2, final_regressor="which.vw")
alch_vw = pyvw.vw(quiet=True, save_resume=True, final_regressor="alch.vw")
chaos_vw = pyvw.vw(quiet=True, save_resume=True, final_regressor="chaos.vw")
exalt_vw = pyvw.vw(quiet=True, save_resume=True, final_regressor="exa.vw")
# do a new epoch
which_vw = pyvw.vw(loss_function='logistic', oaa=3, save_resume=True, progress=2, i="which.vw", final_regressor="which.vw")
alch_vw = pyvw.vw(quiet=True, save_resume=True, i="alch.vw", final_regressor="alch.vw")
chaos_vw = pyvw.vw(quiet=True, save_resume=True, i="chaos.vw", final_regressor="chaos.vw")
exalt_vw = pyvw.vw(quiet=True, save_resume=True, i="exa.vw", final_regressor="exa.vw")
currency_vw = {
"alch": alch_vw,
"chaos": chaos_vw,
"exa": exalt_vw,
while True:
if os.path.isfile(f"cache/{changeid}.json"):
with open(f"cache/{changeid}.json", "rb") as f:
with open(f"cache/{changeid}.json.gz", "wb") as g:
elif not os.path.isfile(f"cache/{changeid}.json.gz"):
response = requests.get(f"{changeid}")
data = response.json()
with open(f"cache/{changeid}.json.gz", "wb") as f:
with open(f"cache/{changeid}.json.gz", "rb") as f:
r = gzip.decompress(
data = json.loads(r)
for stash in data["stashes"]:
if stash["league"] not in ("Legion",):
for item in stash["items"]:
price = item.get("note", stash["stash"])
if not price: counters["skip"].update([0]); continue
match =
if not match: counters["skip"].update([1]); continue
amount, currency = match.groups()
desc = featurize(item)
ex = which_vw.example()
for ns in desc:
#import pprint
#pprint.pprint({ns: list(desc[ns].items())})
ex.push_features(ns, list(desc[ns].items()))
ex = currency_vw[currency].example()
for ns in desc:
ex.push_features(ns, list(desc[ns].items()))
print(counters, end="\r")"which.vw")
counters["w"] = which_vw.get_sum_loss()"alch.vw")"chaos.vw")"exa.vw")
changeid = data["next_change_id"]
#do not cache the final response so we can see newer items in newer runs
raise "Nope"
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