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Multi Linked List Implementation in Solidity
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
Multiple Linked List Storage
Dynamic Storage Contract for storing multiple linked lists each
uniquely identified by a key. Implementation allows for
inexpensive insertions and deletions. Implementation can be
expanded upon for additional guarantees.
Benjamin Zaporzan
- inexpensive insertion and deletion
- dynamic storage, similar to eternalDB
- can be adapted to work with other types besides address
- implementation is rather simple, and could be expanded on for
additional performance gains (DoublyLinked Nodes for fast
reverse iteration, storing count in mapping, etc)
- not indexed, but iterable alleviates performance costs.
- with iterable, it requires you to keep track of the iterable to
retrieve values in a performant manner.
// Initializing
MultiLinkedList mlist = new MultiLinkedList();
// Create keys for your linked lists
bytes ukey = keccak256("Users");
bytes jkey = keccak256("Jobs");
// Fill our linked list defined by the key
// Mock Data
mlist.push(ukey, 0xBEeFbeefbEefbeEFbeEfbEEfBEeFbeEfBeEfBeef);
// Get the length of each list
mlist.count(ukey) // 4
mlist.count(jkey) // 2
// Grab elements from the list
mlist.nth(ukey, 0) // 0xBEeFbeefbEefbeEFbeEfbEEfBEeFbeEfBeEfBeef
// Iterate over list elements
uint iter = mlist.iterStart(ukey);
while(iter != 0) {
user = mlist.value(iter);
// do stuff with user
// go to the next iteration
iter =;
// For Loop iteration
for(uint iter = mlist.iterStart(ukey); iter != 0; iter = {
user = mlist.value(iter);
//do stuff
// Remove List Elements
mlist.count(ukey); // 4
mlist.remove(ukey, 1);
mlist.count(ukey); // 3
mlist.nth(ukey, 1); // 0xBEeFbeefbEefbeEFbeEfbEEfBEeFbeEfBeEfBeef
mlist.nth(jkey, 2); // ERROR: Index out of bounds.
// Insert List Elements
mlist.count(ukey); // 4
/// @title Multiple Linked List Storage
/// @dev Useful for storing multiple collections of addresses defined
/// by a unique key.
contract MultiLinkedList {
// Main Node structure
struct Node {
address data; // The address data
uint next; // Next node pointer index
// Node Element representing null value
Node NULL = Node(0x0, 0);
// Main collection
Node[] private linked_list;
// Mappings to the beginning and end of our collection chains,
// where bytes is our 'key' pointing at the head and tail elements
// of each unique linked list.
mapping(bytes32 => uint) private head_node_mapping;
mapping(bytes32 => uint) private tail_node_mapping;
/// @dev MultiLinkedList constructor
constructor() public {
// We place a dummy value at the beginning of our linked_list
// This lets us treat index 0 as null.
if (linked_list.length <= 0) {
/// @dev Push a value onto the end of the the linked list defined by `bkey`
/// @param bkey The key representing a unique linked list.
/// @param _data The address we are storing in the linked list.
/// @return The array index where the data is stored.
function push(bytes32 bkey, address _data) public returns(uint) {
// Create the start of our linked_list chain
if (head_node_mapping[bkey] == 0) {
uint start_index = linked_list.length;
head_node_mapping[bkey] = start_index;
tail_node_mapping[bkey] = start_index;
linked_list.push(Node(_data, 0));
return start_index;
// Extend our linked_list, make sure the previous
// chain points at our inserted link.
else {
uint prev_index = tail_node_mapping[bkey];
uint next_index = linked_list.length;
linked_list[prev_index].next = next_index;
linked_list.push(Node(_data, 0));
tail_node_mapping[bkey] = next_index;
return next_index;
/// @dev Insert element at given location
/// @param bkey The key representing the unique linked list.
/// @param index The index to perform the insertion (start of slice)
/// @param _data The data to insert at the given location
/// @return The array index of the insertion
function insert(bytes32 bkey, uint index, address _data) public returns (uint) {
uint ncount = count(bkey);
uint new_index;
require(index >= ncount, "Index out of bounds.");
// We push if the insert is at the end of the index
if (ncount == index) {
return push(bkey, _data);
// Simpler insertion if it's at the beginning
else if (index == 0) {
uint current_head_index = head_node_mapping[bkey];
new_index = linked_list.length;
Node memory node = Node(_data, current_head_index);
head_node_mapping[bkey] = new_index;
return new_index;
// Standard Insertion, iterate till we get
// to element before the insertion
uint current_index = head_node_mapping[bkey];
uint icount = 0;
Node storage prev_node = linked_list[current_index];
while(icount != index - 1) {
prev_node = linked_list[];
// Create a new node, and point it at the next node
Node memory new_node = Node(_data,;
new_index = linked_list.length;
// Point our previous index at our new next index = new_index;
return new_index;
/// @dev Get the number of elements in a unique linked list.
/// @param bkey The key representing a unique linked list.
/// @return The number of elements in the linked list defined by `bkey`.
function count(bytes32 bkey) public view returns (uint) {
uint current_index = head_node_mapping[bkey];
if (current_index == 0) {
return 0;
uint len = 1;
Node memory node = linked_list[current_index];
while( != 0) {
node = linked_list[];
return len;
/// @dev Get the 'nth' element of the unique linked list.
/// @param bkey The key representing a unique linked list.
/// @param index The 'nth' value to get.
/// @return The data at the 'nth' location.
function nth(bytes32 bkey, uint index) public view returns (address) {
require(index < count(bkey), "Index out of bounds.");
uint current_index = head_node_mapping[bkey];
uint icount = 0;
Node memory node = linked_list[current_index];
while(icount != index) {
node = linked_list[];
/// @dev Remove the element at `index`
/// @param bkey The key representing a unique linked list
/// @param index The element at the given index
function remove(bytes32 bkey, uint index) public {
uint ncount = count(bkey);
require(index < ncount, "Index out of bounds.");
uint current_index = head_node_mapping[bkey];
// Handle specific situation where we're removing from the
// beginning of a list.
if (index == 0) {
head_node_mapping[bkey] = linked_list[current_index].next;
uint icount = 0;
Node storage pnode = linked_list[current_index];
while(icount != index - 1) {
current_index =;
pnode = linked_list[current_index];
if (ncount == index + 1) {
tail_node_mapping[bkey] = current_index; = 0;
else {
Node memory inode = linked_list[];
Node memory nnode = linked_list[]; =;
/// @dev Start of iteration loop.
/// @param bkey The key representing a unique linked list.
/// @return The first element of the linked_list, or the NULL element.
function iterStart(bytes32 bkey) public view returns (uint) {
return head_node_mapping[bkey];
/// @dev End of iteration loop
function iterEnd(bytes32 bkey) public view returns (uint) {
return tail_node_mapping[bkey];
/// @dev Get the value from the current iteration
/// @param index The iterator index value supplied by either iterStart(), or
/// by iterEnd().
/// @return The value stored at the given iterator index.
function value(uint index) public view returns (address) {
return linked_list[index].data;
/// @dev Retrieves the next element in the linked list defined by
/// the next element pointer `index`.
/// @param index The index of the next element in the linked list.
/// @return The next iterator index of the linked_list, or the
/// NULL value (0) if it is the end of the list.
function next(uint index) public view returns(uint) {
return linked_list[index].next;
/// @dev Retrieves the first element in the linked list defined by
/// the next element pointer `index`.
/// @param index The index of the next element in the linked list.
/// @return The iterator index of the linked_list, or the
/// NULL value (0) if it is the end of the list.
function first(bytes32 bkey) public view returns(uint) {
return iterStart(bkey);
/// @dev Retrieves the second element in the linked list defined by
/// the next element pointer `index`.
/// @param index The index of the next element in the linked list.
/// @return The iterator index of the linked_list, or the
/// NULL value (0) if it is the end of the list.
function second(bytes32 bkey) public view returns(uint) {
return next(iterStart(bkey));
/// @dev Retrieves the last element in the linked list defined by
/// the next element pointer `index`.
/// @param index The index of the next element in the linked list.
/// @return The iterator index of the linked_list, or the
/// NULL value (0) if the list is empty.
function last(bytes32 bkey) public view returns(uint) {
return iterEnd(bkey);
/// @dev Get the first value, same as value(iter(bkey))
/// @param bkey The key representing a unique linked list.
/// @return The first element of the linked_list, or the NULL element.
function firstValue(bytes32 bkey) public view returns (address) {
return value(iterStart(bkey));
/// @dev Get the second value, same as value(next(iter(bkey)))
/// @param bkey The key representing a unique linked list.
/// @return The second element of the linked_list, or the NULL element.
function secondValue(bytes32 bkey) public view returns (address) {
return value(next(iterStart(bkey)));
/// @dev Get the last value
/// @param bkey The key representing a unique linked list.
/// @return The last element of the linked_list, or the NULL element.
function lastValue(bytes32 bkey) public view returns (address) {
return value(tail_node_mapping[bkey]);
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