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Last active January 22, 2018 16:25
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install & sync monero blockchain on multiple mac/linux machines

Syncing Monero blockchain on multiple machines

Download & extract build:

mkdir monero
cd monero
 ## mac download
curl -J -L -o monero.tar.bz2 
## for linux download, use
tar -vxjf monero.tar.bz2

Option 1 (network sync):

Sync from network, and export blockchain to thumbdrive

cd cli
./monerod # this will take hours...
./monero-blockchain-export # this will export the 25+GB file ~/.bitmonero/export/blockchain.raw

Then on other machines, import blockchain from a local file

./monero-blockchain-import --verify 0 --input-file ./blockchain.raw

Option 2 (download):

  • download the blockchain.raw file (~50GB) from a trusted source and import
./monero-blockchain-import --verify 0 --input-file ./blockchain.raw

Confirm all is work and then delete the export:

rm blockchain.raw

Other tips for testing

Easiest way to CPU mine on Mac

  • warning: do not mine on laptop for extended periods. You will fry it.
xcode-select --install
brew install cmake libuv
git clone
cd xmrig
mkdir build
cd build

start script

./xmrig/build/./xmrig -o -u WALLET_ADDR -k --donate-level=1%

to start process in background add -B to the command

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