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Forked from djKianoosh/gist:2648751
Created May 10, 2012 00:09
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Some Clojure functions to help read IIS log files into maps
(defn comment? [s]
(.startsWith s "#"))
(defn not-comment? [s]
(not (comment? s))) ; you could also do (-> s comment? not), just showing alternatives, but what you had originally is just fine.
(defn remove-comments [file-contents]
(filter not-comment? file-contents))
(defn nil-if-hyphen [s]
(if (not= s "-") s)) ; there is also if-not but I prefer the way you wrote it
(defn str->int
"Returns an int if the string parses as an int, otherwise returns input unaltered"
(if (re-matches (re-pattern "\\d+") str)
(read-string str) ; even with the regex match above, be careful, if a non-integer gets here you've got exploit heaven... :)
;; #Fields: date time s-ip cs-method cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query s-port cs-username c-ip cs(User-Agent) sc-status sc-substatus sc-win32-status time-taken
(defn is-format-line? [s]
(.startsWith s "#Fields:"))
(defn find-first-format-line [lines]
(first (filter is-format-line? lines))) ; the take 1 should be unnecessary because filter returns a lazy seq and you only need to get the first element once
(defn read-format-into-keywords [s]
(map keyword (filter not-comment? (.split s " "))))
(defn read-format-from-file [f]
(let [file-contents (line-seq ( f))]
(read-format-into-keywords (find-first-format-line file-contents) )))
(defn zipmap-line-data
"Returns a map with the keywords mapped to data from a log line."
[form line]
(let [line-data (map str->int (.split line " "))]
(zipmap form line-data))) ; I'd suggest calling form something more like column-names
(defn read-data-from-file [file]
(let [form (read-format-from-file file)
file-without-comments (remove-comments (line-seq ( file)))]
(map (partial zipmap-line-data form) file-without-comments))) ; partials work nicely when your arguments go on the end. Not sure if this is more or less readable...
; you are reading the file twice, once for the format line... if it is always early in the file that's fine...
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