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Created August 18, 2017 15:25
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Displaying different UI States nicely in Reason
/* Slaying a UI Anti Pattern in Reason */
type remoteData 'e 'a =
| Nothing
| Loading
| Failure 'e
| Success 'a;
type item = {
userId: int,
id: int,
title: string,
body: string
let parseListJson json :item => {
userId: Json.Decode.field "userId" json,
id: Json.Decode.field "id" json,
title: Json.Decode.field "title" Json.Decode.string json,
body: Json.Decode.field "body" Json.Decode.string json,
let parseListResponse json => Json.Decode.list parseListJson json;
let listUrl = "";
let fetchList () =>
Bs_fetch.fetch listUrl
|> Js.Promise.then_ Bs_fetch.Response.text
|> Js.Promise.then_ (fun jsonText =>
Js.Promise.resolve (parseListResponse(Js.Json.parseExn jsonText))
let se = ReasonReact.stringToElement;
let module RenderItems = {
let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent "RenderItems";
let make ::items _ => {
render: fun self =>
<div className="items">
( (fun item => <div
(se item.title)
) items)
type state = {
items: remoteData string (list item),
let handleListLoaded list _self => {
fetchList ()
|> Js.Promise.then_ (fun items => {
ReasonReact.Update {
items: Success list
Js.Promise.resolve ();
|> ignore;
let handleListOk state items _self => {
ReasonReact.Update {
items: Success items
let handleListError state e _self => {
ReasonReact.Update {
items: Failure e
let component = ReasonReact.statefulComponent "Data";
let make _ => {
initialState: fun () => {
items: Nothing
render: fun {state: {items}, update} => {
let view = switch (items) {
| Nothing => (se "Click to load data!")
| Loading => (se "Loading...")
| Failure e => (se e)
| Success items => <RenderItems items=items />
<div className="item">
<br />
onClick=(update (fun text {state, update} => {
fetchList ()
|> Js.Promise.then_ (fun items => {
(update (handleListOk state)) items;
Js.Promise.resolve ();
|> Js.Promise.catch (fun _ => {
(update (handleListError state)) "Something went wrong!";
ReasonReact.Update {
items: Loading
(se "click!")
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stereobooster commented Aug 26, 2017

How about?

type remoteData 'c 'e 'a =
  | Nothing
  | Loading 'c
  | Failure 'e
  | Success 'a;

Where 'c stands for cancel token, like in this example facebook/react#8883 (comment)

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