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Last active March 5, 2021 01:22
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Toy 6502 CPU emulator
// A toy 6502 CPU emulator (WIP). Inspired by a series of lessons by Ben Eater:
// -
// -
package main
import (
func init() {
log.SetFlags(log.Lmicroseconds | log.LstdFlags)
func main() {
var (
cpuProfileFilePath = flag.String("cpuProfile", "", "write cpu profile to file")
memProfileFilePath = flag.String("memProfile", "", "write memory profile to file")
// CPU profile
if *cpuProfileFilePath != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*cpuProfileFilePath)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("could not create CPU profile: ", err)
defer func() { _ = f.Close() }() // error handling omitted intentionally
if err := pprof.StartCPUProfile(f); err != nil {
log.Fatal("could not start CPU profile: ", err)
defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
// Memory profile
if *memProfileFilePath != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*memProfileFilePath)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("could not create memory profile: ", err)
defer func() {
defer func() { _ = f.Close() }() // error handling omitted intentionally
runtime.GC() // get up-to-date statistics
if err := pprof.WriteHeapProfile(f); err != nil {
log.Fatal("could not write memory profile: ", err)
// Start of the program
var cpu CPU
AddressSpace := make(Memory, MaxMemorySize) // Allocate addressable memory space
// Load reset vector
AddressSpace[0xfffc] = 0x00 // lo byte address
AddressSpace[0xfffd] = 0x02 // hi byte address
// ROM program
prg := [...]Byte{
NOP.code, // No operation (pause 2 cycles)
// Test flag set/clear commands
SEC.code, // Set Carry flag
SEI.code, // Set InterruptDisabled flag
CLI.code, // Clear InterruptDisabled flag
CLC.code, // Clear Carry flag
// Test load into Accumulator
LDA.code, 0x42, // Load 0x42 -> A register (immediate mode)
// Test logical AND command
AND.code, 0x0, // AND value in A with 0x0 (side effect: set Zero flag)
// Pauses via NOP operations
NOP.code, // No operation (pause 2 cycles)
NOP.code, // No operation (pause 2 cycles)
NOP.code, // No operation (pause 2 cycles)
HLT.code, // Halt CPU
// Load program at addr 0x0200
copy(AddressSpace[0x0200:], prg[:])
// Reset processor
// Start Fetch/Execute loop
type Byte uint8
type Word uint16
const (
MaxMemorySize = 1 << 16 // Memory size: 64K 8-bit bytes
CycleTick = 250 * time.Millisecond // CPU frequency: 4Hz
// CycleTick = 1 * time.Microsecond // CPU frequency: 1MHz
type Memory = []Byte
type CPU struct {
cycleCounter uint64
// Control registers set
PC Word // Program counter
SP Word // Stack pointer
Flags Word // Status flags
// User register set
RegA Byte // Accumulator
RegX Byte // Index
RegY Byte // Output
func (cpu *CPU) FetchAndExecuteLoop(mem Memory) {
// Use fetch addr of the ROM program
lo := cpu.FetchNextInstruction(mem)
hi := cpu.FetchNextInstruction(mem)
// Start executing ROM program
cpu.PC = (Word(hi) << 8) | Word(lo)
log.Printf("Set PC to ROM address: 0x%04X", cpu.PC)
// Execute forever
for {
mCode := cpu.FetchNextInstruction(mem) // Get machine code
cmd := cpu.Decode(mCode) // Decode machine code instruction
cpu.Eval(cmd, mem) // Evaluate decoded instruction
cpu.DumpState() // Display CPU state
func (cpu *CPU) fetchByte(mem Memory, addr Word) Byte {
// Increment cycle count
time.Sleep(1 * CycleTick)
val := mem[int(addr)]
log.Printf("Fetched 0x%02X from 0x%04X [1 cycle]", val, addr)
return val
func (cpu *CPU) FetchNextInstruction(mem Memory) Byte {
instr := cpu.fetchByte(mem, cpu.PC)
return instr
func (cpu *CPU) Decode(instr Byte) OpCode {
// Use look-up table to figure out OpCode based on the instruction
if op, ok := ISATable[instr]; ok {
log.Printf("Decoded instruction 0x%02X as %v", instr, op.mnemonic)
return op
log.Printf("Failed to decode instruction: 0x%02X", instr)
return HLT
func (cpu *CPU) Eval(op OpCode, mem Memory) {
// Load and execute microcode
op.microcode(cpu, mem, op)
func (cpu *CPU) Reset() {
// Clear flags first
cpu.Flags = 0
// Set all general purpose registers to Zero (0)
cpu.RegX, cpu.RegY = 0, 0
// Set stack pointer
cpu.SP = 0x01ff
// Set address for the reset vecor
cpu.PC = 0xfffc
func (cpu *CPU) setRegA(val Byte) {
cpu.RegA = val
if cpu.RegA == 0 {
} else {
//goland:noinspection GoUnhandledErrorResult
func (cpu CPU) DumpState() {
//fmt.Print("\033[H\033[2J") // clear screen
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "===============================\n")
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "== CPU STATE ==\n")
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "== (0x%08X cycles) ==\n", cpu.cycleCounter)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "===============================\n")
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "== Flags: C|Z|I|D|B|O|N ==\n")
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "== %c|%c|%c|%c|%c|%c|%c ==\n",
cpu.checkFlag(Carry), cpu.checkFlag(Zero), cpu.checkFlag(InterruptDisabled),
cpu.checkFlag(DecimalMode), cpu.checkFlag(BreakCommand), cpu.checkFlag(Overflow),
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "== PC: 0x%04X ==\n", cpu.PC)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "== SP: 0x%04X ==\n", cpu.SP)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "== A: 0x%04X ==\n", cpu.RegA)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "== X: 0x%04X ==\n", cpu.RegX)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "== Y: 0x%04X ==\n", cpu.RegY)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "===============================\n")
func (cpu CPU) checkFlag(flag Word) rune {
if (flag & cpu.Flags) > 0 {
return '◉'
return '○'
func (cpu *CPU) SetFlag(flag Word) {
cpu.Flags |= flag
func (cpu *CPU) ClearFlag(flag Word) {
cpu.Flags &^= flag
const (
Carry = 1 << iota
type OpCode struct {
code Byte
mode AddrMode
size Byte
cycles uint64
mnemonic string
microcode func(*CPU, Memory, OpCode)
type AddrMode int
const (
Implied AddrMode = iota
// Known instructions
var (
HLT = OpCode{code: 0x00, mode: Implied, size: 1, cycles: 0, mnemonic: "HLT", microcode: func(_ *CPU, _ Memory, _ OpCode) {
log.Fatal("Halting CPU")
NOP = OpCode{code: 0xea, mode: Implied, size: 1, cycles: 2, mnemonic: "NOP", microcode: func(cpu *CPU, mem Memory, op OpCode) {
cpu.cycleCounter += op.cycles
time.Sleep(time.Duration(op.cycles) * CycleTick)
log.Printf("Executed %v [%s]", op.mnemonic, plural(int(op.cycles), "cycle"))
// Carry flag ops
CLC = OpCode{code: 0x18, mode: Implied, size: 1, cycles: 2, mnemonic: "CLC", microcode: func(cpu *CPU, memory Memory, op OpCode) {
cpu.cycleCounter += op.cycles
time.Sleep(time.Duration(op.cycles) * CycleTick)
log.Printf("Executed %v [%s]", op.mnemonic, plural(int(op.cycles), "cycle"))
SEC = OpCode{code: 0x38, mode: Implied, size: 1, cycles: 2, mnemonic: "SEC", microcode: func(cpu *CPU, memory Memory, op OpCode) {
cpu.cycleCounter += op.cycles
time.Sleep(time.Duration(op.cycles) * CycleTick)
log.Printf("Executed %v [%s]", op.mnemonic, plural(int(op.cycles), "cycle"))
// Interrupt Disable flag ops
CLI = OpCode{code: 0x58, mode: Implied, size: 1, cycles: 2, mnemonic: "CLI", microcode: func(cpu *CPU, memory Memory, op OpCode) {
cpu.cycleCounter += op.cycles
time.Sleep(time.Duration(op.cycles) * CycleTick)
log.Printf("Executed %v [%s]", op.mnemonic, plural(int(op.cycles), "cycle"))
SEI = OpCode{code: 0x78, mode: Implied, size: 1, cycles: 2, mnemonic: "SEI", microcode: func(cpu *CPU, memory Memory, op OpCode) {
cpu.cycleCounter += op.cycles
time.Sleep(time.Duration(op.cycles) * CycleTick)
log.Printf("Executed %v [%s]", op.mnemonic, plural(int(op.cycles), "cycle"))
// LDA -- Immediate
LDA = OpCode{code: 0xa9, mode: Immediate, size: 2, cycles: 2, mnemonic: "LDA", microcode: func(cpu *CPU, memory Memory, op OpCode) {
// Load immediate value into A
// Account for the rest of the cycles
delta := op.cycles - 1 // compensate for the memory fetch operation
cpu.cycleCounter += delta
time.Sleep(time.Duration(delta) * CycleTick)
log.Printf("Executed %v [%s]", op.mnemonic, plural(int(op.cycles), "cycle"))
// AND -- Immediate
AND = OpCode{code: 0x29, mode: Immediate, size: 2, cycles: 2, mnemonic: "AND", microcode: func(cpu *CPU, memory Memory, op OpCode) {
// AND immediate operand with content of A
cpu.setRegA(cpu.RegA & cpu.FetchNextInstruction(memory))
// Account for the rest of the cycles
delta := op.cycles - 1 // compensate for the memory fetch operation
cpu.cycleCounter += delta
time.Sleep(time.Duration(delta) * CycleTick)
log.Printf("Executed %v [%s]", op.mnemonic, plural(int(op.cycles), "cycle"))
// Instruction Set Architecture lookup table
var ISATable = map[Byte]OpCode{
HLT.code: HLT,
NOP.code: NOP,
CLC.code: CLC,
SEC.code: SEC,
CLI.code: CLI,
SEI.code: SEI,
// LDA
LDA.code: LDA,
// AND
AND.code: AND,
func plural(n int, name string) string {
suf := ""
if n != 1 {
suf = "s"
return fmt.Sprintf("%d %s%s", n, name, suf)
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caelifer commented Mar 5, 2021

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