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Last active December 8, 2020 09:56
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Picture comparing Covid fatalities to large battle deaths in the US
df<-read.csv("daily-covid-deaths-7-day.csv", header=TRUE)
#Look at US
df <- df %>%
filter(Entity == 'United States')
#Fix long column
df<- df %>%
deaths =,
#make dates easy to manipulate
df$doy<- lubridate::yday(df$Date)
#check particular dates
#first while is empyty
df <- df %>%
filter(doy > 76)
#start legend
df$War<- "None"
#Elsenborn Ridge
df$War[146-76]<- "WW2"
df$War[147-76]<- "WW2"
df$War[148-76]<- "WW2"
df$War[149-76]<- "WW2"
df$War[150-76]<- "WW2"
df$War[207-76]<- "Other"
df$War[208-76]<- "Other"
df$War[209-76]<- "Other"
df$War[210-76]<- "Other"
df$War[211-76]<- "Other"
df$War[156-76]<- "Civil"
df$War[157-76]<- "Civil"
df$War[158-76]<- "Civil"
df$War[159-76]<- "Civil"
df$War[160-76]<- "WW2"
df$War[161-76]<- "WW2"
df$War[162-76]<- "WW2"
df$War[163-76]<- "WW2"
# Spotsylvania
df$War[217-76]<- "Civil"
df$War[218-76]<- "Civil"
df$War[219-76]<- "Civil"
#df$col[167-76]<- 4
df$War[245-76]<- "WW2"
df$War[246-76]<- "WW2"
df$War[247-76]<- "WW2"
#df$col[171-76]<- 2
#Pearl Harbor
df$War[172-76]<- "WW2"
df$War[173-76]<- "WW2"
df$War[174-76]<- "WW2"
df$War[175-76]<- "WW2"
df$War[114-76]<- "Civil"
df$War[103-76]<- "Civil"
# "Aachen
df$War[101-76]<- "Civil"
##Cold Harbor 2020-11-06 1838.429 338
df$War[311-76]<- "Civil"
df$War[312-76]<- "Civil"
#Tarawa 1,759 2020-05-10 1725.571 131
df$War[131-76]<- "WW2"
#Shiloh2020-05-09 1754.571 130
df$War[130-76]<- "Civil"
# 2020-11-02 2nd bull run
df$War[307-76]<- "Civil"
df$War[308-76]<- "Civil"
#7 days
df$War[238-76]<- "Civil"
df$War[239-76]<- "Civil"
#86 oklahoma
#df$War[86-76]<- "Other"
#tet 2020-11-12
df$War[317-76]<- "Other"
df$War[318-76]<- "Other"
df$War[319-76]<- "Other"
#Iwo Jima 6,821 killed 2020-12-01 4 days
df$War[336-76]<- "WW2"
df$War[337-76]<- "WW2"
df$War[338-76]<- "WW2"
df$War[339-76]<- "WW2"
#326 9/11
df$War[326-76]<- "Other"
df$War[327-76]<- "Other"
r<-ggplot(df, aes(x=as.Date(Date), y=deaths, fill = War)) + geom_bar(stat="identity", width=1, position = position_dodge(width = 0))+
labs(title="Covid Deaths in the US",
subtitle="Covid fatalities in U.S. and equivalent battle loses", # Change this if you update the data
caption="data: and wikipedia",
War = "War")+
theme(legend.position='bottom',plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5,size=22))+
#Elsenborn Ridge 5,000 people date 2020-11-16
annotate("text", x = as.Date(157, origin = "2020-01-01"), y = 1000, label = "Elsenborn Ridge",size = 4)+#,angle = 90
#Saint-Mihiel 4,500 2020-05-30
annotate("text", x = as.Date(207, origin = "2020-01-01"), y = 1200, label = "Saint-Mihiel",size = 4)+#,angle = 90
#Gettysburg 3,155 2020-06-04
annotate("text", x = as.Date(176, origin = "2020-01-01"), y = 1100, label = "Gettysburg",size = 4)+
#2020-06-08 Leyte Gulf 2,800
annotate("text", x = as.Date(172, origin = "2020-01-01"), y =880, label = "Leyte Gulf",size = 4)+
#Spotsylvania 2020-06-12 2,725
annotate("text", x = as.Date(210, origin = "2020-01-01"), y = 1300, label = "Spotsylvania",size =4)+
#dday 2,500 2020-06-16
annotate("text", x = as.Date(245, origin = "2020-01-01"), y = 1000, label = "D-Day",size = 4)+
#pearl harbor 2,500 2020-06-16
annotate("text", x = as.Date(178, origin = "2020-01-01"), y = 722, label = "Pearl\nHarbor",size = 4)+
#Wilderness 2,246 2020-04-23
annotate("text", x = as.Date(114, origin = "2020-01-01"), y = 2300, label = "Wilderness",size = 4)+#,angle = 90
#Antietam 2,108 2020-04-12 2126.429 103
annotate("text", x = as.Date(93, origin = "2020-01-01"), y = 2200, label = "Antietam",size = 4)+
#Aachen 2020-04-10 2007.857 101
annotate("text", x = as.Date(90, origin = "2020-01-01"), y = 2000, label = "Aachen",size = 4)+
#Cold Harbor 2020-12-03 1838.429 338
annotate("text", x = as.Date(298, origin = "2020-01-01"), y = 1020, label = "Cold Harbor",size = 4)+
#Tarawa 1,759 2020-05-10 1725.571 131
annotate("text", x = as.Date(141, origin = "2020-01-01"), y = 1800, label = "Tarawa",size = 4)+
#Shiloh 1,754 2020-05-09 1754.571 130
annotate("text", x = as.Date(135, origin = "2020-01-01"), y = 1900, label = "Shiloh",size = 4)+
#1,747 Second Battle of Bull Run
annotate("text", x = as.Date(290, origin = "2020-01-01"), y = 920, label = "2nd Bull Run",size = 4)+
#1,734 Seven Days Battles 2020-08-23
annotate("text", x = as.Date(238, origin = "2020-01-01"), y = 1120, label = "7 Days",size = 4)+
#Tet Offensive 3,178 Killed 2020-11-12
annotate("text", x = as.Date(305, origin = "2020-01-01"), y = 1150, label = "Tet Offensive",size = 4)+
#Iwo Jima 6,821 killed 2020-12-01 4 days
annotate("text", x = as.Date(330, origin = "2020-01-01"), y = 2120, label = "Iwo Jima",size = 4)+
#9/11 2,977 2020-11-21
annotate("text", x = as.Date(321, origin = "2020-01-01"), y = 1550, label = "9/11",size = 4)+
#Oklahoma City bombing 168
#annotate("text", x = as.Date(75, origin = "2020-01-01"), y = 200, label = "Okl City\n Bomb",size = 4)+
# scale_x_date()
#scale_fill_manual(values=c("#CC6666", "#9999CC", "#66CC99","yellow"))#
ggsave("US-deaths.png", height=9, width=12, dpi=120)
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cavedave commented Dec 8, 2020


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